"Cough! Cough

Ouyang Luo finally did not hold back, was choked by his own saliva and coughed violently.

"What are you talking about?" Ouyang Luo raised his head and frowned, "I'm not chasing her."

"Come on, Ouyang Luo, you don't have to pretend in front of others. I don't know what you're going to put on in front of me." Tang light language disdains from nose inside snort, "I saw before! You see, you obviously like that girl. What else do you refuse to admit? "


Ouyang Luo's first reaction was to deny, but he didn't know why. When the denial came to his mouth, he couldn't say it.

"Isn't it? You don't really realize that you like that girl, do you? " Tang Qingyu raised her eyebrows slightly and was more surprised in her eyes. "Don't pull it. You don't even look at it yourself. You are worried about the girl. Not only are you willing to help her out with the cost of jewelry polishing, but also pay special attention not to tell her. Ouyang Luo, Ouyang Luo, don't tell me, you didn't see it. You must have moved your heart this time! "


Tang Qingyu at the beginning of the shop to see Ouyang Luo help Xia Xiaonan shopping, has not taken seriously.

After all, Tang Qingyu knows Ouyang Luo too well. He uses the same method to help girls buy jewelry, cosmetics and clothes, which she has experienced.

Of course, she also understood that Ouyang Luo did not necessarily mean that he was sincere.

Tang Qingyu realizes that Ouyang Luo is different from Xia Xiaonan because Ouyang Luo secretly helped Xia Xiaonan out the money for diamond polishing just now.

Ouyang Luo to help girls spend money is not uncommon, strange is that he spent money, but also specially did not tell people.

What does that mean?

It means that he is sincere in considering Xia Xiaonan. He is sincere. He is not the most like Tang Qingyu and other female models. He is just chasing after and playing with her.

To understand this, Tang Qingyu couldn't help laughing and looked at Ouyang Luo narrowly.

"I didn't expect, Ouyang Luo, that you Playboy should still have such a day."

Before Ouyang Luo had time to react, Tang Qingyu had already stood up.

"Well, I won't talk to you anymore. You can cheer on yourself, but don't blame me for not reminding you." She gloated at Ouyang Luo, "in my eyes, Xia Xiaonan is not so easy to be cheated by you as we are. Come on."

Say, Tang light language turns to leave.

But Ouyang Luo is the whole person stands in the same place, for a long time did not return to God.

He likes Xia Xiaonan?

Or the one with a real heart?

How could it be!

His first reaction was to deny it in his heart, but then he felt the smell of orange shampoo on Xia Xiaonan's hair.

For no reason he felt his heart beat a little faster.

Damn it.

Ouyang Luo couldn't help but hold on to his hair, and a chagrin flashed through his eyes.

This time, I will not really be a failure.


Xia Xiaonan's jewelry design was finally completed after two hours.

Xia Xiaonan and Ouyang Luo leave kafeina's jewelry store together, and then contact Lin su'er and Bo QinGang, who are also busy on the other side.

Because their tasks have been completed and they don't need to be as low-key as before, they decided to go to the restaurant for dinner.

while they were walking through the corridor at the entrance of the restaurant, they didn't know. Meanwhile, in the corner of the corridor of the restaurant, Qu Si Si Si was on the phone with her boyfriend.

"Honey, listen to my explanation. I didn't mean to spend so much money on you. I really have a hard time I No no no! Beg you! Please don't get angry! Don't freeze my card! I really mean it or not! I promise I won't do it again! "

Yes, Qu Sisi failed to fight Xia Xiaonan on this side. She was met by her boyfriend's hoarse questions.

This old boyfriend of Tris is very rich. Because she is older, she can even be said to be the richest boyfriend she has ever had. Otherwise, it would be impossible to give her a credit card with the amount of 50 million yuan.

But no matter how rich the boy friend is, he can't stand being casually wiped off so much money.

So the boy friend, after receiving the text message from the credit card company, immediately called Trish, which was a curse.

"Trish, you cunt! You don't have to explain it to me anymore! I don't want to hear your nonsense Inside the phone, the man said maliciously, "it's just a whore who comes out to sell. I really think I'm something white and rich! I tell you, you go and return those jewels to me now, and don't show up in front of me again

"Honey, you wait, you wait"Doodle! Doodle!

Before Qu Si's request was finished, her boyfriend hung up viciously.

Qu Sisi held the mobile phone in his hand and listened to the short beep inside. The whole person felt lost.

It's over.

It's really over this time.

She had a hard time getting close to a gold owner, so she was gone.

What should her life do next?

Qu Sisi was full of despair, but more still unwilling.

By what!

Why can Lin su'er and Xia Xiaonan, these hateful cheap women, fly up to the branches and become Phoenix one by one, but she still wants to be here, just for the sake of tens of millions of yuan, bow and bow to an old man like this!

The more he thought about it, the more he hated it. He almost wanted to pinch off his mobile phone.

She stepped on high-heeled shoes and wanted to go to the bar for a drink to get rid of the fire. But as soon as she turned to walk through the corridor, she suddenly saw several familiar figures passing by at the end of the corridor.

At the moment of recognizing those figures from afar, Qu Sisi's step can't help but thump.

She stepped back quickly and hid behind the post, carefully sticking her head out.

See Xia Xiaonan and Ouyang Luo are chatting and laughing through the corridor, and walking behind them, are the other two figures.

Qu Si Si immediately recognized one of them as Bo QinGang.

A little surprise flashed through her eyes.

Unexpectedly, not only young master Ouyang, but also Bo Shao were on the Versailles cruise ship

before Qu Sisi was surprised, his eyes inadvertently swept over the girl standing beside Bo Qing.

The girl was wearing a long pink and white skirt, which outlined her exquisite figure. Her long hair was slightly coiled up, revealing her beautiful jaw line. Her white face was only lightly made-up, but the makeup was to outline the delicacy of her facial features to the extreme, and the whole person was gorgeous.

There was a boom in his head and his eyes were shocked!

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