
Kingfisher has recognized at this time, the Lin su'er is the girl who was stopped downstairs by sun mengrui and did not let herself in.

Jincuihua had a dull loss in Lin su'er's hand last time. She had always been complaining. Today, she saw Lin suer again. She was willing to let her go easily. She immediately rushed to Lin suer without saying anything.

"You little bitch, I will teach you this time!"

She said that she waved her claws to catch Lin suer's face.

But Lin su'er just dexteriously slightly crossed the body, and escaped the attack of Kingfisher.

Kingfisher saw that she couldn't play Lin suer, and his mind was moving now. She simply pretended to stumble in front of her.

"Oh, my mother, my old leg!"

Yes, kingcui flower, seeing that she can't play Lin suer, simply changed her policy, and intended to pretend to be pushed to the ground directly, and put poor wipe in front of the lens to smear Lin suer.

But Lin su'er seems to have guessed the action of Kingfisher again. She picked up her hand dexteriously and grabbed her arm. The flower could not fall immediately.

Jin Cuihua gas wants to break away from Lin su'er's hand, but as last time, I don't know how Lin Su is really exerting. Such a small girl is just so easy to catch, so that kingfisher, a still strong rural woman, can not move at all.

"Mrs. sun." Lin su'er smiled at the golden Cuihua, who could not move in front of her, "you are careful. You are old. I ran here and again. I accidentally broke my leg. How can I tell your daughter."

Lin su'er said politeness in his mouth, but the movements in his hand were not relaxed at all, and the painful golden Cuihua face was almost white.

"You You mean girl... " Jin Cuihua's hate can not be scolded, but she still has a sense of survival, know that there are so many live cameras around her are shooting themselves.

She is here today, but she is poor in this suit. If she scolds Lin suer now, she is not in violation of her original intention?

So kingcui flower is not good at Lin suer, can only bite teeth, with only their two people can hear the voice, squeeze out the words from the teeth: "you stinky girl, your last thing I will not account for you, today you can not bad my good, or I will not let you go!"

Facing the threat of kingfisher, Lin suer just looked like he had never heard.

She just grabbed kingfisher and blocked herself from all directions. She lowered her head and approached her ear and whispered, "kingfisher, I just want to ask you a question now. Sun Haiqiang is your son, and that sun mengrui is your daughter. Why can you be so partial in your heart? "

"You know a fart!" Kingfisher heard Lin su'er's question, and broke a spit hard, and said coldly, "keep your children and prevent old people! raise children to provide against old age! When did you hear that raising a daughter can prevent old people? I have a son and can give me the old age and die for me. But what about my daughter? The daughter will always marry, the water that the daughter who married out splashes out, she will be the family of others. Why should I be so good to a person in another's house! "

Lin suer heard the upright words of kingfisher, and was almost to be laughed at.

She can't believe that in this era, someone would hold the old-fashioned idea that after her daughter married, she would be like the water that she spilled out. There is no relationship with yourself.

Just raising children and preventing old

Lin suer suddenly thought of those words sun Haiqiang had just said to King paparazzi. The arc of the mouth did not bring a little ironic flavor.

"The golden flowers." Lin suer has slowly formed a plan in her heart. She looks at the old lady with a grim face in front of her and says, "do you really think you have the son of sunhaiqiang, can you support your old age and die?"

"What do you mean!" Kingfisher looked at Lin su'er's smiling face, and saw the red blood pot mouth and the numbness of his face. Somehow, she had a terrible smell.

"I don't mean much." Lin Sul smiled, "I just want you to see the true face of your baby son."

The voice just fell, Lin su'er even gave Kingfisher no chance to respond, but quickly lifted his hand.

The sun was shining on Lin Sul's thin fingers, illuminating the faint gold needle between her fingers.

Next second Lin su'er "crackled" the palm of his hand on the shoulder of Kingfisher.

"What are you doing! You...... "

Kingfisher saw Lin suer's action, was frightened, just wanted to shout out the voice of the resistance, but did not expect to speak the words, feel a strange sense of crispy from the shoulder upload, suddenly back body seems to be fixed, fundamentally unable to move.

She could only watch Lin suer slightly lower, and put it on her ear, and lowered her voice so that she could speak softly with the sound that only two of them could hear."Jincuihua, I'll let you see clearly whether your baby son will support you or not."

"You..." Jin Cuihua's trembling lips just wanted to say something, but before she could spit out her voice, she felt that her eyes were dark and her whole body was soft, and she fell down completely.

"Mrs. sun!" At the same time, Lin su'er let out a cry of surprise. She held the golden green flower which suddenly fell in front of her. She pretended to be excited and cried, "what's the matter with you? Are you ok? Don't scare me first!"

The reporters around, originally because of the appearance of sun Haiqiang, were temporarily distracted. They were busy interviewing sun Haiqiang. Some of them were calling sun mengrui downstairs, but they didn't want to hear Lin su'er's exclamation.

Everyone was stunned and turned to find that Jin Cuihua did not know when she had fallen to the ground, her eyes closed and her face pale as paper.

In a flash, everyone panicked.

"My God, what's the matter? The old lady was still shouting just now. Why did she suddenly faint?"

"Come on, get the old lady to the hospital!"

"What to send to the hospital, call 120 as soon as possible."

We were all in a mess and were preparing to call for an ambulance and a car. But we didn't expect that at this time, the reporter who first picked up Jin Cuihua suddenly let out an urgent cry --

"wait, this old lady The old lady is out of breath , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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