Hearing sun mengrui's cold voice sounded, the reporters around were stunned, and then they heard sun mengrui continue to speak.

"Do you know that I never had a full meal when I was a child. My brother can play everywhere after school, but I have to take on all the housework and farm work in my family.

Do you know that in order to enable my brother to go to a good school, I had to drop out of school to work.

Do you know that because my brother started to owe money to gamble, they wanted to sell me to the village fool! "

In the past, sun mengrui has not mentioned it for many years.

She never told anyone about her past. On the one hand, she didn't want the sympathy of others. More importantly, she also wanted to put all the dark past in the dust and never want to recall it again.

But at this moment, when she said these things one by one again, she found that even if the wound in her heart was healed, you would still feel pain and bleed every time you touched it!

Thinking of this, sun mengrui's eyes cold down, looking at the reporters around without expression.

"I'll forgive you for not going through it."

To forgive these two words is easy to say, but it is for those who have not experienced the darkness. Only those who have experienced it can understand that forgiveness is not an easy thing.

The reporters all around were still full of tongue. They did not want sun mengrui's series of rhetorical questions, which made them speechless.

Jincuihua seems to have never thought that sun mengrui would say such words, and looked at sun mengrui in front of her.

But sun mengrui has no mood to talk to them.

She just turned her head, coldly opened her mouth to jincuihua and said, "jincuihua, since your body is all right, go quickly. No matter how much you make trouble downstairs, I will not care about you. "

After that, he looked around her more coldly.

"As for all the reporters here, you can publish any news you want, but don't blame me for not reminding you." A chill flashed in sun mengrui's eyes, "my sun mengrui's personality has always been a fish in a net. If you really forced me one day, I don't blame me for being rude!"

When sun mengrui said this, the tone was not high, but I don't know why. When her beautiful Danfeng eyes swept around the reporters, these reporters who thought they had experienced big waves still felt a shiver.

But sun mengrui was lazy to pay attention to them, just looked at Lin su'er beside her and said faintly, "is Miss Lin coming to see my leg today?"

At this time, Lin su'er has already seen a big play. When she hears sun mengrui asking herself, she immediately nods, "yes, I'm here to show you my legs."

"Come up then." Sun mengrui light way, with Lin su'er into the apartment building inside.

As sun mengrui turns to leave the moment, jincuihua just fiercely returns to the mind and yells with her voice.

"Wait for sun mengrui, who allowed you to go! Who allows you to leave me dead or alive! No matter what I say, I'm your mother. Come back to me

She called heartrending, but sun mengrui has not paid attention to her meaning, has disappeared with Lin su'er in the door of the unit building.

Jin Cuihua was anxious and angry at this time, but she couldn't get in without a key. She could only grab a reporter nearby and anxiously said, "help me quickly! Help me to go online exposure, sun mengrui does not want to take care of my business! She can't stand the pressure of public opinion and come to support me

Golden flowers are really flustered now.

She didn't have any savings. She sold all her money and her hometown's house and land in order to repay sun Haiqiang's gambling debts.

She originally meant that she could support her old man after forgetting her son, but now her son can't count on her, and her daughter doesn't care about her. What can she do in the future!

The reporter nearby was also very interested in the gossip about sun mengrui's family background, but the threat of sun mengrui was fresh in my eyes just now, which made them lose their courage.

At this time, hearing jincuihua say so to themselves, they seem to have encountered some hot potato, and they are busy pushing jincuihua away.

"Jincuihua, I'll tell you, I'll stop chasing you! You can do what you like, I can't control it! "

Other journalists also echoed.

"It's not bad. I don't want to pursue this news. Is there anything to pursue? It's a family affair!"

"That's right. I don't want to offend sun mengrui. You know, the backstage of this woman is very hard. If you don't mind what offends big people, we can't bear it!"

With that, the reporters all around couldn't catch up with the news and left with their cameras.

"You wait! Stop for me Jin Cuihua stomped her feet and yelled at the spot, but no one paid attention to her.……

At the same time.

Lin su'er soon followed sun mengrui to the apartment upstairs.

Sun mengrui walked into the room, without saying a word, he asked, "Lin su'er, Jin Cuihua's shock just now, is it related to you?"

Sun mengrui is not a fool. Jin Cuihua's shock just now happened too suddenly. It didn't seem like a coincidence.

Not only that, she knew very well in her heart that Jin Cuihua's body was always in good health, and it was absolutely impossible for her to suddenly shock and lose her breath.

What's more, when Jin Cuihua loses her breath in shock, she can still consciously hear the movement around her, which makes people feel strange.

Sun mengrui remembered that what those reporters said was that Jin Cuihua had a dispute with Lin su'er just before she fell into a coma.

So she couldn't help wondering whether all this was Lin su'er's fault.

"Not bad." Lin su'er knows very well that sun mengrui's intelligence quotient will come up with one sooner or later. Therefore, she has no intention to cover it up at all. She just admits that "it is indeed I who let Jin Cuihua feign death."

It can make people temporarily lose their breath and feign death, but can still retain consciousness. This strange thing, from Lin su'er's mouth, seems to be a normal thing.

Sun mengrui had seen that Lin su'er could judge the health of her body with her naked eyes, so she was not surprised. She just frowned and asked, "why do you do this?"

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