Hearing this sudden voice, Lin su'er was slightly stunned. Turning her head, she saw a slender figure standing at the bottom of the girls' dormitory.

In the dazzling sun, the young man's posture is as tall and slender as pine and cypress, and the cuff of his white shirt is slightly rolled up a little, revealing his strong but white arm.

Fragmentary hair seems to be a little shorter than the memory, but it is against the memory of the beautiful eyebrows and eyes more youthful.

He just to the other side of the light and clever one stop, has attracted around to come and often do not know how many girls blush excited eyes.

Lin su'er looks at the young man who suddenly appears in front of her eyes, and is stunned slightly.



At this time, it was Chi si'ang, whom Lin su'er had not seen for a long time, who suddenly appeared at the bottom of Lin su'er's dormitory and called in Lin su'er.

Lin su'er's colorful face showed a little surprised eyes and walked over.

"Cision, where have you been recently?"

After Lin su'er entered school, she only met Chi si'ang in military training. Later, she didn't know what happened. Chi si'ang seemed to have evaporated from the world. It was almost a semester since the beginning of school. Lin su'er didn't see him any more.

"some time ago, I had something at home, so I went abroad." "How is it that you are so tired that you look so tired?"

Chi si'ang did not come to school for a while, but he did not expect that he could not easily return to school. He knew about Lin su'er and Bo QinGang at the sports meeting.

Later, he heard that Lin su'er had been abandoned by Bo QinGang. He could not help but come to ask Lin su'er.

Lin su'er didn't expect that Chi si'ang could hardly see herself. The first thing she wanted to ask was about herself and Bo QinGang. She couldn't help but wonder, "what's the relationship between me and Bo QinGang?"

Chi si'ang looks at Lin su'er with more complicated eyes.

"Forget it, it's nothing." Chi Si angchui opened his eyes and looked more tired. "I just want to tell you that Bo QinGang is not the right person for you."

When Lin su'er saw the Chi si'ang in front of her eyes, she could not help wrinkling her brows even tighter.

Is it her delusion?

She always felt that after Chi si'ang came back from abroad, the whole person seemed to have changed. There was no carelessness and sunshine in his eyes, on the contrary, there was a kind of gloomy atmosphere.

"Cision." Lin su'er finally couldn't help asking, "what happened to you during this period of time?"

When Chi si'ang heard Lin su'er's question, he teased himself.

"Nothing happened," he whispered. "It's just that I found myself stupid and cheated by my relatives for so many years."

Lin su'er was more puzzled when she heard Chi si'ang's words. However, Chi si'ang didn't want to continue with Lin su'er, but turned around slightly.

"Lin su'er, remember what I said. Bo QinGang is not suitable for you."

Hearing this, Lin su'er frowned again.

To tell the truth, Lin su'er and Bo QinGang are not the kind of relationship that everyone misunderstood. However, she has to admit that she seems to be different from other people. Therefore, when she hears Chi si'ang saying this, she can't help feeling a little concerned.

"CHISON, why do you say that?"

"No why," said CHISON, his eyes more dim, "because you shouldn't be someone else's shadow.

Lin su'er was more puzzled when she heard this.


What shadow?

Chi si'ang saw Lin su'er's tight frown, and her mouth curled up a more ironic arc.

"You'll soon understand."

Leaving this sentence, Chi si'ang did not intend to go on talking with Lin su'er, but turned away without looking back.

Lin su'er looks at Chi si'ang's back and frowns.

What does CHISON mean by these words?

And what happened to him during this time? Why is he so hostile to Bo QinGang?

Lin su'er was full of questions, but Chi si'ang walked so neatly that she didn't know where to ask. So she could only put aside her doubts and continue to walk towards the school.

Come to the classroom, Lin su'er just sat down, Xia Xiaonan came over in a hurry.

"Su'er, su'er, you told me on wechat last night that you got the latest movie resources of sun mengrui's" love in a dream ". Is that true? Show me, show me

Because Xia Xiaonan was not in the dormitory last night, Lin su'er couldn't copy the movie to her, but she still told Xia Xiaonan the news on wechat.

This can make Xia Xiaonan excited, she almost did not sleep a night, this morning, she rushed to school to find Lin su'er for a movie.Xia Xiaonan doesn't say that "love in a dream" is OK. As soon as she says it, Lin su'er can't help showing an extremely complicated light.

"Xia Xiaonan." Lin su'er gnawed her teeth and opened her mouth. She looked at her friend who was looking forward to, "explain. How could the movie you're looking forward to seeing be such a thing? "

"Such a thing?" Xia Xiaonan was asked by Lin su'er, "what thing?"

"What are you talking about?"

Lin su'er thought of the scene that she was forced to kiss on the table by Bo QinGang last night. Her face was even more ugly, and her ears were irresistibly red,

"Xia Xiaonan, why don't I know you like watching this kind of thing

Xia Xiaonan at this time only after the hindsight of the reaction, Lin su'er said what can't help but "ah".

"This is what literary and artistic films are like these days. I'm not trying to see these large-scale scenes." Xia Xiaonan said, "but of course, if you can have a look at it, after all, the man in the movie is song Hancheng! He's so handsome. It's bloody to see his large-scale drama! "

Lin su'er looks at Xia Xiaonan's expectant face, and the black line on her face becomes deeper.

What else do you say you don't expect? I think you're looking forward to it, OK.

heart although want to vomit trough, but Lin su er also not good what more make complaints about, just discus the U dish to Xia Xiaonan.

At this time, Lin su'er tidied up her desk and looked up to see that it was not their teacher who came into the classroom, but Tian Zhonghan.

Lin su'er didn't deal with Tian Zhonghan for a long time. Seeing him suddenly come in, Lin su'er frowned and looked at Xia Xiaonan, "isn't teacher Zhang in class today? What did he come in for? "

"I don't know." Xia Xiaonan can't help frowning when she sees Tian Zhonghan, but before she can finish her words, she suddenly sees a slender figure behind Tian Zhonghan.

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