Hearing Xia Xiaonan's words, Lin su'er couldn't help but feel a little stunned. She raised her head and once again set her eyes on the beautiful girl beside the platform.

Although she is sure that she has never seen this beautiful girl, but the girl's eyebrows are indeed inexplicably familiar.

Recalling the girl's expression just now, does she really see this goddess?

She did not have interest, see next to Xia Xiaonan, "have you seen her before?"

"Of course I haven't seen it," Xia Xiaonan frowned, obviously confused. But suddenly she thought of something. Her eyes lit up and she couldn't help slapping her hands. "Ah, I remember! Su'er, she looks like! "

Hearing this, Lin su'er was stunned at first, and then she couldn't help laughing.

"She looks like me. Are you kidding me?" Lin su'er pointed to her face, which was painted beyond recognition and colorful. It was as if she was telling a joke. She looked at Xia Xiaonan, "you don't have a look. What is it like?"

"Of course I'm not talking about you as you are now." Xia Xiaonan is anxious again. She grabs Lin su'er's arm, lowers her voice and says, "I mean she looks like you didn't make up."

When Lin su'er heard this, she couldn't help but look up at Xiao mengqiu.

Xia Xiaonan said this, she realized that Xiao mengqiu and her appearance without makeup and plain face are really similar.

This kind of similarity is more of a kind of similarity between eyebrows and eyes and facial features, but because Xiao mengqiu's dressing, dressing style and temperament are very different from Lin su'er's temperament and style, Lin su'er didn't react at first sight.

"Really, the more I look at it, the more I feel like it!" Xia Xiaonan beside her couldn't help getting excited and shaking Lin su'er's arm. "God, it's almost as if there is blood relationship. Lin su'er, are you really related to Xiao mengqiu?"

Lin su'er was also a little surprised at the beginning, but she soon came back to her senses and couldn't help laughing.

"No way. I don't know her at all."

Although she said so, she still couldn't help looking at Xiao mengqiu next to her.

Is it really a coincidence that Xiao mengqiu looks so similar to himself?

Tian Zhonghan introduced Xiao mengqiu to everyone and left soon. Before leaving, he went to Xiao mengqiu with a dogleg face and said, "Miss Xiao, you should have class first. If you have any questions, you can contact me immediately."

For Tanaka Han's enthusiasm, Xiao mengqiu is still a light look nodding.

Tian Zhonghan didn't care. He just said a few words and then left the classroom.

After Tian Zhonghan left, the teacher, Professor Zhang, soon came in and began to teach everyone.

But because of Xiao mengqiu's appearance, everyone has already lost interest in the class. All the people in the whole class are absent-minded and can't help but secretly go to see Xiao mengqiu next to him.

Xiao mengqiu seems to have been used to the gaze and discussion of others from childhood to adulthood. The whole person is just sitting in the classroom, and at last, he doesn't mean to pay more attention to these curious eyes around him.

This class soon passed in the discussion.

After class, Xiao mengqiu is cleaning up the table to leave, but at this time a few girls are suddenly come.

The first girl is Qu Sisi.

Her heavily made-up face was filled with flattering smiles. She pretended to be affectionate and sat beside Xiao mengqiu. She handed over the books in her hand, and she was full of smiles.

"Meng Qiu, these are my notes for this course this semester. If you transfer to our school in the middle of the semester, there will be some problems that you can't keep up with. I'll lend you my notes. You can have a look!"

Xiao Mengqiu felt the strong perfume of his body, wrinkled his brows slightly, and made a backward step in his voice. He said, "no, these lessons I have been abroad before."

Qu Sisi's reason for taking the initiative to talk to Xiao mengqiu this time is very simple.

Qu Sisi was originally a vain person. She not only wanted to catch a golden tortoise, but also liked to flatter girls with power, status and status.

Xiao mengqiu can't bear to please her now.

After all, we should know that Xiao Su behind Xiao mengqiu is a famous figure in the global medical field. If she can become Xiao mengqiu's best friend, her future will be developed.

But Xiao mengqiu did not expect to be so shameless. Her face was green and white.

The people around saw Qu Si's blatant flattery, but they could not help lowering their voices and laughing.

"It's really ungrateful to think about this song. She even wants to lend her notes to Xiao mengqiu. She doesn't look at her academic record. How can Xiao mengqiu look up to her notes?"

"Yes, that is, Xiao mengqiu has already got his doctorate in foreign medicine. He must come to our school to study for fun. What notes do you need to read?""Qu Si Si is really flattering. He accidentally slapped him on his feet and lost his face and lost his hair."

Next to him, Qu Sisi heard the voices around him, and his face became more ugly.

Xiao mengqiu didn't want to pay attention to her and was ready to leave, but when her light fell on Lin su'er and Xia Xiaonan, who were sorting things out at the door and preparing to go to the next class, she suddenly narrowed her eyes slightly.

Xiao mengqiu turned his head and looked at Qu Sisi beside him. He said in a cold voice, "what's your name just now?"

Qu Sisi had been brushed face by Xiao mengqiu. She felt very ashamed. But she didn't expect Xiao mengqiu to take the initiative to talk to herself. Her eyes lit up again. She raised her head and said, "my name is Qu Sisi. I'm your classmate."

"Qu Si Si." Xiao mengqiu light way, "I want to ask a person in your class with you."

"You ask, I know all the people in the class. Who do you want to ask?"

Xiao mengqiu quietly lowered his voice and spoke in a low voice with the voice only she and Qu Sisi could hear.

"I want to ask you about Lin su'er in your class."

Hearing Xiao mengqiu's words, Qu Sisi was stunned.

Xiao mengqiu even asked Lin su'er?

What's going on?

Did Xiao mengqiu know Lin su'er before that?

Qu Si Si did not have time to feel surprised, but did not expect that just at this time, a commotion broke out outside the door.

Then, I heard a cry from someone outside the door --

"Bo Shao! It's Bo Shao

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