When the students in the class saw that Bo QinGang was looking for Xiao mengqiu, she was not Lin su'er's, and they all secretly felt relieved.

Great! Lin su'er didn't want to make up with Bo Shao, so that they would not have to worry about Lin su'er coming back to avenge them!

After a sigh of relief, they couldn't help but sneer at Lin su'er one after another.

When Lin su'er heard the taunts of the people around her, she didn't care. She just looked at Bo QinGang in front of her. It turned out that Bo QinGang was not looking for her, but Xiao mengqiu.

Lin su'er was surprised that she didn't have time to think about it. Xiao mengqiu, who was next to her, stepped closer to Bo QinGang and said with a smile, "OK, it's not early. The master is still waiting for us. We'd better hurry over."

Bo QinGang nodded his head slightly, and then his eyes fell on Lin su'er beside him again.

"Lin su'er, I'll go first."

Lin su'er, as a whole, came back to her senses and nodded.


Bo QinGang takes the lead in leaving, while Xiao mengqiu turns her head and takes a look at Lin su'er.

Lin su'er also looked up at her.

At this time, the distance between the two people was so close that Lin su'er was more sure. She clearly saw that Xiao mengqiu's eyes seemed to be indifferent. At this time, she was full of hostility.

"You are Lin su'er." Only heard Xiao mengqiu light mouth way, the voice with a natural cold.

This kind of coldness is quite different from the arrogance of Bai Qingyue. The arrogance of Bai Qingyue is the arrogance of a young lady.

Xiao mengqiu is different.

She seems to be a flower standing aloof from the world on the cliff, and other people seem to be dirty and disgusting.

It's a real pride from the bottom of my bones.

She slowly swept her eyes past Lin su'er in front of her, and finally lowered her head and gave a light smile.

"Although the make-up, but look carefully still have a bit similar."

Hearing this, Lin su'er's pupil shrinks violently.

"What do you say?" She asked, but Xiao mengqiu didn't pay attention to her meaning. She just turned around and caught up with Bo QinGang's back without hesitation.

Lin su'er looks at Xiao mengqiu's back and frowns.

What do you mean by what Xiao mengqiu just said to her?

What's really like her?

Is she Lin su'er similar to her Xiao mengqiu?

However, with such a strong makeup effect on her face, how can Xiao mengqiu see that she looks similar to her?

And why did she say "sure enough"?

Did she know that she was similar to her and knew her before?

What the hell is going on here?

Lin su'er was a little surprised, but she felt her shoulder was hit hard.

When she looked up, she saw that it was Trish, holding her chest and toes, looking up at herself.

When Lin su'er saw Qu Sisi, her eyes suddenly became cold.

"Qu Si Si." "Do you want to die?" she said without expression

Qu Sisi originally wanted to make a mockery of Lin su'er, but she was afraid of Shanglin su'er's cold eyes.

However, she was still upright and said: "Lin su'er, what else can you be arrogant about now? Didn't you see that Bo shaodu is already with Xiao mengqiu. That's the real fiancee of someone else. She looks so beautiful. How can people look at you again?"

Lin su'er is indifferent to Qu Sisi's scorn on the hot wind. In fact, she is keen to catch the words she uses.

"Fiancee?" Lin su'er frowned, "what fiancee?"

Looking at Lin su'er's puzzled look, Qu Si Si immediately responds that Lin su'er doesn't know anything.

All of a sudden, she was even more proud, and could hardly wish to laugh.

"Lin su'er, Lin su'er, you are really a poor man. Don't you know the truth yet?" After Qu Sisi laughed wildly, he looked at Lin Su with sarcasm and said, "in this case, I'll tell you with mercy!

The Xiao family and the Bo family are not only acquaintances, but also have agreed with the Bo family many years ago that they will marry their apprentices to Bo Shao! It's a long-standing engagement between the two families, so Xiao mengqiu is the real fiancee of Bo Shao! "

As soon as Qu Sisi said this, all the people in the classroom suddenly exploded.

"My mother, what's the situation? I said just now that these two people are really well matched! I didn't expect to be a serious fiancee now! "

"My God, I used to think that no matter what kind of girl I found, I would not be worthy of it. But if it was Miss Xiao mengqiu, I could not even be jealous! It can only be sincere and sincere! ""No! They are a perfect match for each other

"Since Bo QinGang has already had a serious fiancee, how can Lin su'er still pester Bo Shao? It's shameless."

"No! And today, Bo Shao is looking for Xiao mengqiu. It's ridiculous that she thought she was looking for her. I really don't know who gave her face! "

Around the people more and more ridicule more loud, Xia Xiaonan immediately angry bad, Teng stand up.

"Don't talk nonsense! Bo Shao just likes su'er '

hearing Xia Xiaonan's refutation, everyone just laughed more loudly.

"Like Lin su'er? Come on, people just like to eat stinky tofu. They just taste fresh food for a while. Now that the real fiancee is back, how can bo Shao look at Lin su'er again? "

"No! Lin su'er and Miss Xiao mengqiu can see who they should choose. Bo Shao is not really blind! "

"Xia Xiaonan, I advise you to stay away from Lin su'er. You are so ugly. Now you don't have the support of Bo Shao. You can't tell how many troubles will happen in the future. Don't make trouble for yourself!"

The sarcasm of the people around him became louder and louder. Xia Xiaonan tried to refute but couldn't put in a word. At last, she was so anxious that she couldn't help pulling Lin su'er. She said in a soothing voice: "su'er, don't listen to their nonsense. I believe that Bo Shao is not that kind of person!"

For Xia Xiaonan's words, Lin su'er did not have too much reaction.

To be exact, Lin su'er only felt that her ears were covered with something. All the people around her seemed to be separated from each other.

She couldn't listen to anything. She just kept recalling the sentence just now in her mind www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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