"You little girl, you really don't know the height of heaven and earth!" After laughing, Gu pointed to Lin su'er's nose, which was both irritating and ridiculous. "How can you cure the old lady's illness in three days! Do you know that both of us have shown the old lady so fast that they haven't been cured in a year. Since you say that you can cure it in three days, you are really stupid and fearless! "

Lin su'er didn't care about the distrust of Lu and Gu.

She knows that in this world, because of the decline of traditional Chinese medicine, many people already feel that traditional Chinese medicine is a slow process.

But in fact, this is not the case. In the mainland where Lin su'er lived before, traditional Chinese medicine can achieve immediate results as long as you can find the right way.

What's more, in Lin su'er's opinion, the old lady's illness is not serious at all. It's just because there were problems with the treatment plan of Gu and Lu, which made the old lady's symptoms drag on for so long.

But Lin su'er is too lazy to talk to Mr. Lu and Mr. Gu.

She didn't even bother to look at them more. She just turned to look at the old lady on the bed and said, "old lady, would you like to believe me once?"

Lin su'er has seen that although the old lady is old, she is a very independent person.

Therefore, Lin su'er is not in the mood to say anything more to Gu and Lu. She just needs the patient's consent! She will see the patient, do her best, and help the patient to solve the physical pain.

The old lady didn't expect that the girl would come to ask herself so suddenly. First, she was stunned, but then she turned to Lin su'er's clear eyes.

Lin su'er looked straight at the old lady sitting on the bed and said, "old lady, do you believe me?"

The old lady looked at the girl in front of her, and suddenly she was in a trance for a moment.

The girl in front of her is absolutely not beautiful. To be more precise, the heavy make-up on her face has always been the old lady's most disliked appearance.

also did not know why, when she was on the girl's heavy eye shadow, what was the flash of her eyes?

She seems to have seen the shadow of that man.

The man also looked at her straight and said in a calm voice, "Madam white, do you believe me?"

"I believe it!" Mrs. white suddenly did not know what was wrong with her, but blurted out.

This word a, Bai Qin Hao and the housekeeper's facial expression is completely changed.

"Old lady, think twice before you act."

"Yes! Old lady, this medicine is three parts poisonous. If you take this medicine, you can't change it any more! " Even the old man beside him was a little anxious, "old lady, you have been recuperating for so long. Although you have not improved, you have not deteriorated at all. You are also very old, but you really can't stand a lot of trouble!"

Bai QinHao was just watching Lin Su argue with the two old doctors. But when she heard that Lin su'er was going to prescribe medicine for her grandmother, she was a little flustered. She couldn't help but say, "never mind taking the medicine. It's three parts poisonous. What if I eat my grandmother's body?"

Yes, Bai QinHao agreed to let Lin su'er come to see his grandmother, although he said he was fascinated by color.

But seeing a doctor belongs to seeing a doctor. Taking medicine is another two things.

In case the old lady's body ate anything wrong, Bai Qin Hao it can be really big unfilial!

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