Next, Lin su'er lives her winter vacation as usual. She and Xia Xiaonan go to the laboratory to observe the growth of bacteria, and come back home to have a live broadcast. But now there is another thing.

That is to watch the video sent back by Bo QinGang's watchmen every day. You can see Qin Yuhan in the video. After watching it for many days, Lin su'er finds something wrong. Qin Yuhan's body is really strange, and almost every three days there will be a scene of weak walking.

It seems that the whole person is so weak that he is on the verge of death. However, on the fourth day after three days, he will come back to life with full blood and recover as if he were all right.

After seven or eight days of observation, Lin su'er can finally come to the conclusion that Qin Yuhan is not ill, but poisoned!

This kind of poison is a kind of chronic poison. You need to get the antidote regularly to keep your body healthy. If you don't get the antidote once, he will be weak and die. After all, the poison does great harm to the body. Even if you get the known medicine regularly, it will hurt your body. If you don't untie the poison completely in time, his life will be longer than ordinary people A lot less.

Lin su'er looks at the video taken by the pinhole camera. Qin Yuhan walks weakly against the wall, and then thinks about the cute and cute man in the society of traditional Chinese medicine. His heart is more and more miserable.

After watching for a long time, Lin su'er finally decides not to wait for Katherina to show up. She needs to help her younger brother detoxify first. Anyway, Qin Haishan also appears. If she catches Qin Haishan, she can force her to find out her present position. She can't wait any longer!

"Bo QinGang! Take me to find Qin Yuhan and qinhaishan. " Lin su'er, I went to my study to find Bo QinGang. I found that Bo QinGang was watching this video. Her eyebrows were locked. When she saw Lin su'er break in, she asked her to come and watch it together.

Lin su'er sits next to him and finds that this video is taken by Bo QinGang, who sneaks into the pharmaceutical company of qinhaishan. In the picture, Qin Yuhan is making drugs. He looks extremely reluctant, as if he was forced. Lin su'er can't help but feel a little heartache when he wants to look like this.

The next second's picture makes Lin su'er want to get into the computer and tear Qin Haishan's hand directly. Because she sees that Qin Yuhan may have made a mistake in which link in the picture, and the medicine has not been made, Qin Haishan actually goes forward and kicks him directly, followed by a punch and kick.

Lin su'er covered her chest and felt a burst of pain in her heart. She thought Qin Haishan really treated her brother as her own son. She didn't expect to torture him so secretly.

However, she still wanted to take into account the reason why he was her brother's adoptive father. She was really stupid to the extreme. It turned out that her brother had lived such a miserable life for so many years.

She tightly grasped Bo QinGang's hand and said, "take me to them. Go and find them right away. I'm going to help my brother detoxify."

"Well, we'll be there now." Bo QinGang takes Lin su'er to the place where the watchman is.

In fact, Qin Haishan is very alert. He has changed his residence, but he is still found out by the net set up by Bo QinGang. When Lin su'er and Bo QinGang arrive at their residence, Qin Haishan is in a car ready to leave.

Several bodyguards in the car behind Bo QinGang immediately stopped Qin Haishan's car and dragged him out of the car. Qin Haishan was supposed to leave China today, but he didn't expect to be suddenly found out. He was even more frightened when he was towed to see that the people in front of him were Bo QinGang and Lin su'er.

Last time, he ran to other continents in order to escape from his subordinates. This time he came back and hid carefully. When he was found, he didn't know that now both of them came to the door, and he would never have a good ending.

Qin Haishan took a deep swallow of saliva, and immediately knelt down on the ground and began to beg for mercy, "I'm wrong, I really am No, I know what you came to me for, for her mother's sake, right? "

"But it's all the fault of the woman Katherine. It's none of my business. Let me alone. I can provide you with the information you want. As long as you leave me alone, you can do whatever you want."

He didn't care to be afraid of Katherine now. His life was very important. He knelt on the ground, and his fat was shaking. He looked at Bo QinGang as if he had seen death.

Lin su'er narrowed her eyes and approached him step by step. She thought that it was this man who caused her mother to die. Although the human body experiment was conducted by Katherina, he was also an accomplice. He was one of the killers who killed his mother, and left his younger brother to torture him. Each and every one of them should be ended today.

He has been hiding for such a long time, and has not found him for a whole semester. Now he has found him, he should start liquidation.

Lin su'er walked up to him and slapped him without saying a word.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!" The slap on his face made Qin Haishan dizzy. His swollen face immediately swelled up, and his five finger prints appeared on his cheek.

Qin Haishan was beaten directly lying on the ground, shivering to escape, but was kicked and sitting on the ground by the bodyguard. His whole person was afraid, and fear had occupied his whole heart. He could only keep begging for mercy, "let me go, what do you want to know? I can tell you, you let me go.""What poison did you give my brother? Where is the antidote? Bring it out to me at once Lin su'er asked in a loud voice.

Hearing what he said, Qin Haishan immediately took out a medicine bottle from his bag and handed it to Lin su'er. "It's here. The antidote is here. It's Katherine who poisoned him. I don't know what it is. I'm just responsible for giving him the antidote regularly. Even if you kill me, I can't help it. It's all the woman Katherine."

Lin su'er took the medicine bottle and put it on the side of her nose to smell it. This antidote, which is a short-term antidote, can not completely solve Qin Yuhan's poisoning. However, with this antidote, she can develop a real antidote.

"Dong!" Lin su'er kicks Qin Haishan fiercely again, one foot is more vicious than the other. She would like to kill Qin Haishan directly now, but before that time, she has to ask about Katherina from him.

Since we can't kill him, we should treat him in the same way. Lin su'er takes out the poison that has been prepared for a long time and puts it into Qin Haishan's mouth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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