Lin su'er can only say, "then take me to see him. As for Bai Qingyue, let her calm down for a while, and I'll give you some tranquilizing medicine. Then you can give her to eat, and she will be better after a while."

"Yes, Miss Lin, this way, please." The housekeeper takes Lin su'er into the villa, which is familiar again. Lin su'er walks to the old woman's room on the second floor. The old lady has recovered a lot in recent months. She still takes the medicine that Lin su'er prescribed for her, and uses various tonics to recuperate. The whole person looks radiant and has a lot of spirit.

It's just that I'm worried about my granddaughter and grandchildren today.

Lin su'er stepped into the room with a smile, "godmother, I've come to see you."

Hearing Lin su'er's voice, the old lady's eyes brightened and turned to take her hand. "Su'er, you're finally here. You're all in a hurry. Go and see Qin Hao."

"I don't know what's wrong with that child. It's been a little strange for half a month. He goes out early and comes back late. One day before he came back, he still yelled at Qingyue and didn't get angry at me. He has always been filial and has never been like this. Go and have a look."

She seemed to be really worried. The old lady, who was usually dignified and dignified, was now a little anxious.

"Godmother, don't worry. I think you have been anxious for several days. Calm down, or you will affect your health. Come on, I'll give you a massage first, and then I'll see Bai QinHao. "

Lin su'er helped the old lady to lie on the bed. After massaging her whole body, the old lady lay quietly on the bed and fell asleep. The fragrance in the room was very fragrant, which made me feel a little drowsy.

It was the fragrance that Lin su'er specially brought to calm her mind and help her sleep. She knew that the old lady would definitely worry about her two grandchildren. The old lady was also a person with strong self-esteem. She must have reached the point where she could not solve the problem, so she would come to Lin su'er.

The housekeeper took Lin su'er to Bai QinHao's room, but he didn't dare to knock on the door. Instead, he said respectfully, "Miss Lin, the young master is in it. I'm not easy to go in with you. The young master's mood is not very good these days. Especially since yesterday, he has been very angry with us. You can go in yourself, but you need to be careful. I'll wait at the door."

"Good." Lin su'er smiles and nods at him, and knocks on Bai QinHao's door. There comes a furious roar.

"I'm so tired! If I don't bother me, do you want to quit? "

Hearing this, the housekeeper, who has always been steady, frowned. It seems that Bai QinHao has been scolded by Bai QinHao these days. No wonder even the door is unwilling to enter.

Lin su'er said faintly, "big nephew, my aunt has come to see you. Are you sure you can't see me? Then I'll just break through the door and go in. "

There was a silence inside the door for a long time. After a long time, the voice of someone coming to the door was heard. The next second the door opened. Lin su'er saw a black faced Bai QinHao. He felt really depressed and his two dark circles were hanging under his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Bai QinHao's tone toward Lin su'er is still much better. After all, he remembers that Lin su'er helped him.

"I've come to see you and give you something." Lin su'er took out a bottle from her bag and handed it to Bai QinHao.

He took it with an inexplicable face. There was no word written on the bottle. It was so white that he was even more surprised. He took the bottle and asked Lin su'er, "what is this?"

"What else can it be? It is an ordinary bottle of medicine, so that you can be quiet, do not have to think about the medicine, take it He shrugged his sofa and walked into the room.

Bai QinHao heard her say it was a bottle of medicine and threw it to her directly. "I don't want it. What do I take medicine for? Is there anything wrong with you? Go out if you have nothing to do

Although he remembered that Lin su'er had helped him, he also remembered that Lin su'er was the one who destroyed LAN Ning'er, so his patience was not good enough, and his face could not hang for a few minutes.

"Of course, I'm going to treat you. I'll see what you can't think of. What can't be done if you're such a big person to worry about?"

Lin su'er looks at him with a cold face. This young master of the white family is also very strange. In the past, so many girlfriends changed one after another every day, more often than others, and fell on LAN Ning'er. Now that he is such a woman, shouldn't we wake up? Why can't you think about it?

Didn't you come to her last time to get Pro blood Dan and say that someone was pregnant with his child? That means that there is never a lack of women around him. Can't you find a woman who really likes him? I don't believe that all the women in the world come for their white family's money.

These childe's brain is not very easy to use, for their family money, he thought it was true love, really like him but thought it was just playing with him.

Bai QinHao frowned at Lin su'er's words, looked at her tone and said, "what do you mean? Lin su'er, don't think you helped me. My grandmother thinks you are a daughter, so you can be so arrogant. "He now looks at Lin su'er's eyes, which are full of examination. Before that, he always saw that she was wearing ugly makeup. But before that, it suddenly burst out on the Internet. His thin girlfriend was a beautiful woman. He still didn't believe it. As soon as the pictures on the Internet were found out, he almost surprised him.

He didn't understand why such a beautiful girl dressed herself up so ugly? Is there something wrong with aesthetics? Or do you think it would be too much trouble to show her true colors and chase her too many people?

Anyway, he thinks that Lin su'er is absolutely not simple. How can an ordinary girl attract the attention of Bo Shao and be so skillful in medicine? The most important thing is that she exposed what LAN Ning'er did behind her, which made Bai QinHao dislike her.

"I'm not arrogant. I just don't come to see you. I don't think you need to be so tangled about some things. Is Lan Ning'er so good? Even if she did something so wrong, you still miss her? Young master Bai, you can subvert my understanding of you

Lin su'er stands up from the sofa and looks at Bai QinHao. Bai QinHao is much higher than her. However, in front of her, there is no sense of condescending at all. Instead, Lin su'er's aura is strong enough to make her feel domineering.

Bai QinHao has been staring at Lin su'er's eyes, but he unconsciously feels guilty. He immediately moves his eyes and asks Lin su'er, "what do you really want to do?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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