Qin Yuhan has never heard of such a disease. No matter how talented he is and how many medical books he has read, he does not know what is going on. Qin Yuhan turns to look at Lin su'er and asks her in a low voice whether she knows what is going on.

But she saw Lin su'er frowning, looking at Li Tiezhu in the wheelchair with an incredible look. It's impossible, how can I see such a situation here!

Qin Yuhan looked at her abnormal appearance, gently pulled her sleeve with his hand, and asked in a low voice, "sister, what's going on? Do you see something? Have you ever seen this strange disease? "

"No, it's not a disease. He's not sick at all." Lin su'er answers in a low voice, but at this time, the camera has turned to their side, and the host has come to the front of the three contestants. Lin su'er can't say any more

"three players, do you have any views on this strange symptom? Let's talk about your opinions first, and then go for a pulse check. "

The host handed the microphone to the three of them. The Chinese medicine doctor took the microphone and said solemnly and sincerely, "to tell you the truth, I have been a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for so many years, and I have seen all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but I have never met such a person as him. I have only experienced a lot of sweating situations."

"But he has never seen him like running water, so he has to take a closer look at his pulse before he can know what is going on."

The host took the microphone and praised, "our players are very sincere. What do you think of su'er player?"

Lin su'er took over the microphone handed over by the host and said plainly, "he is not ill, he is poisoned."

As soon as she said this, Cai Shufen was a little excited. She asked loudly on the stage, "what poisoning did he get?"

Lin su'er went to Li Tiezhu and looked at him in a wheelchair. He asked in a low voice, "have you come into contact with any traditional Chinese medicine recently? Or have you ever been to any strange place and done something you wouldn't normally do? "

Li Tiezhu listens to her words, does not have the strength to shake his head, as if only shakes one's head, such a simple movement will consume his physical strength.

Cai Shufen answered anxiously for him, "he hasn't done anything strange. He goes to work every day. Where can anyone poison him? And it's not a TV show. Are you wrong? "

Lin su'er answered his question directly, didn't he help me? Or are we going to wait for the other two players to come and have a look? "

The host immediately said, "of course, we have to wait for the other two contestants to check the pulse one by one, and then tell the solutions of the three of you, and then ask the two judges to check the pulse."

"All right." Lin su'er is obedient and retreats to one side, but she has been observing Li Tiezhu. How can this person feel that he is so ordinary that he can't be more ordinary. How could someone poison him so fiercely?

This kind of poison, at the beginning, is just a lot of sweating, which will not affect his life. But with the aggravation of the day by day, the situation will appear on the third day. Every pore of the whole body is exuding water from the outside. Most of the body is composed of water. If the water is lost too much, people will collapse.

What's more, in the case of him, the action power of a person who is poisoned by such poison will be blocked, and the person will be weak day by day, and finally, he will die like a dried flower. This kind of poison is more cruel than a poison that can't stop dying. It makes people feel the coming of death day by day, but he can't do anything about it.

Lin su'er stood aside and waited for the old Chinese medicine doctor and Qin Yuhan to go up for examination. After the examination, both of them were inconceivable and helpless. They had no way to deal with the disease. They had never seen the disease. Moreover, through the examination, his viscera were normal. He was still in the water. He looked very weak, just like a man who was exhausted and dehydrated The same.

Ouyang and Xiao Shuo finally went up. After checking, Xiao Shuo directly said, "su'er player is right. He is really poisoned. As for the solution, please ask su'er player to detoxify him first. If you can't, I'll come back."

After Xiao Shuo finished this, he succeeded in arousing many people's comments on the stage, some of whom said excitedly.

"Look, I'll tell you. In the end, Lin su'er is definitely the champion. Now it's obvious that the other two people can't even tell what's going on. She knows it's poisoning at a glance."

"Oh, I'll go. It's boring! I thought the whole thing would turn upside down. "

"What's the reversal? You didn't find that Lin su'er's medical skills are the most powerful on the stage all the way up to now, and don't talk about any script without script any more. Anyway, I still believe that she has the strength to see now. "

Lin su'er stepped forward in the eyes of everyone's discussion and expectation. She took the bag that she told the staff of the program group to take from the backstage. From the bag, she found her gold needle and a bottle of medicine.

She poured the medicine on a piece of black cloth and covered it directly in front of Li Tiezhu's eyes. Then she quickly grasped the Three Acupoints on his head with three gold needles and deepened them gradually.This is the first time that she has given acupuncture and detoxification on the stage. In the past, she has been talking about some theories. This is also the first time that the audience has seen this program and started to treat people practically. All of them hold their breath to see if Lin su'er will succeed.

After Lin su'er finished all this, she asked the staff to take another basin and put it in front of Li Tiezhu. The thumbs of both hands pressed on the two acupoints behind him, and started the massage with a special technique. Finally, with a slight force, Li Tiezhu suddenly felt nausea in his throat and vomited violently in front of him.

"Ouch..." He vomited violently. There was vomit in the basin in front of him. There was a red bead inside, which was the size of a child's glass ball.

After spitting out the bead, he leaned back on the wheelchair and gasped violently. Lin su'er saw this scene and took down three gold needles on his head and the black cloth covered in front of him.

Seeing this, Cai Shaofen ran forward and yelled, "are you ok? Are you all set? What's that little red bead you spit out? You're not really poisoned, are you? "

Li Tiezhu frowned as if he wanted to say something, but the last words made people cry and laugh. He looked at his wife and said, "Shufen, I'm a little hungry."

There was silence on the field, and the next second burst out a roar of laughter. In the laughter, Cai Shufen was completely relieved. Her husband had no appetite at all these days, and could not eat anything. Now that he is willing to eat, it shows that his illness is really good!

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