It was the paparazzi of the last time. He still didn't give up tracking Bo QinGang. He made up his mind to make a big story.

Bo QinGang is still with Xiao mengqiu these days. Lin su'er clearly sees the photo on the hot search. Bo QinGang walks out of Xiao mengqiu's villa in the morning and goes to her villa in the evening. The same clothes can prove that it is the same day.

Moreover, the paparazzi also specially marked the day and time, and she was in hospital for a few days. Bo QinGang and Xiao mengqiu were basically together every day, and the paparazzi took pictures of each day.

Lin su'er began to shake her hands with her mobile phone. She felt that she had just recovered some wounds and began to feel severe pain again. She put her hand over her chest and felt the heart beating violently in her chest. These days, she has been hypnotizing herself, telling herself that Bo QinGang loves her, and there is absolutely some misunderstanding between her and Xiao mengqiu.

Maybe it's to find Xiao mengqiu and let her tell his grandfather clearly.

She made excuses for Bo QinGang again and again, but Bo QinGang would beat her face hard every time, making her feel hurt again and again.

She clearly remembers that when she was in a coma, she heard Bo QinGang's voice, but now it seems that he is accompanying Xiao mengqiu.

So, what she heard should be that she was dreaming. It was her illusion. Bo QinGang never came to see her.

Lin su'er powerless returned the mobile phone to Xia Xiaonan, and then lay back on the bed, covering his head with a quilt. Now he doesn't know what he should do. Should he cry? What's the use of crying? Even if it is crying, Bo QinGang will not come back, and she is not used to using tears to solve things.

But laugh? Now she can't laugh. Just now when she heard that Katherina was dead, she really felt very happy. In the future, no one will be caught and tortured by her, and no one will be killed by her.

Now it's revenge for her mother and those who were killed by her, but she was only happy to be swept away by those hot searches within two seconds.

What is Bo QinGang doing? Why hurt her again and again? If she is really moved by Xiao mengqiu and wants to be with her, she shouldn't drag herself to say that it's good to break up with her. However, the last time she saw him, he kept saying that he had solved all the things and would explain to himself that things were not what they thought. What was it like?

Lin su'er can't think of anything that needs to be accompanied by Xiao mengqiu when he can't explain it.

Xia Xiaonan looks at Lin su'er's sad appearance and doesn't know how to comfort her. If she puts herself in her shoes and thinks about it, Ouyang Luo will go to her gossip girlfriend when she is in such a difficult time, and he will be very sad and die soon.

"Su'er, I'm going to buy you something to eat. My schoolbag is next to me. There are experimental reports of these days in the computer. You can open it and have a look. If you feel that you are in good condition, we will go to class tomorrow. If you still need a rest, you can not go."

Xia Xiaonan thinks that Lin su'er needs to be quiet. After all, she is always strong in front of herself. Now she would like to cry, but Lin su'er's temperament will not cry in front of outsiders. She has to go out and give Lin su'er a quiet environment to calm down.

Lin su'er lies on the bed, listening to Xia Xiaonan's footsteps, walking to the door, and listening to the sound of closing the door. Finally, the whole ward is quiet, and she can hear her breathing.

"Hoo..." Lin su'er got out of the quilt and only showed her head. Her big eyes were full of doubts. She even began to question herself. Is it really that she is bad? Let Bo QinGang even say a break-up is not necessary?

Lin su'er turns on Xia Xiaonan's computer, logs in her micro signal on the computer, and opens the dialog box of Bo QinGang. She wants to send a message to ask where Bo QinGang is now, but she is worried that Bo QinGang will not answer her words at all and treat her as air. Isn't it more hurt?

Forget it. When you are well, you can go directly to him and Xiao mengqiu when they are confronted with hostility. Now her mother's Revenge has been avenged. She doesn't need to think about other things, as long as she solves Bo QinGang's problems.

Lin su'er turned off the computer and lay back in bed again. She moved her hands and feet. She could feel that the wound was not healed, too! He had suffered such a serious injury for only a few days. If he was better, he would have been alive.

Now even if she takes care of her own body, it is impossible to recover in a few days. After all, it is a real injury to her muscles and bones, and it still needs a period of recovery.

Lin su'er thought about this, and suddenly thought of the leaves in yaolingyu space. The leaves of yaolingmu are energetic and helpful for the recovery of injuries. They are more effective than some medicines. If you take some leaves from yaolingyu space, it is estimated that it would be better than the hospital where she stayed in this hospital for several days.

Lin su'er closed her eyes again and entered the yaolingyu space. Although she was seriously injured, the space was not affected. She went to the side of yaolingmu, reached out and took off its leaves and swallowed it directly.After eating several tablets, Lin su'er felt as if it had an immediate effect. Some small wounds on her body actually disappeared. Especially, some small scars on her face had scab before. Now, after eating this leaf, she disappeared without trace. The skin on her face became smooth instantly.

"Eh Su'er, I just went out to bring you something to eat. How could I feel you changed when I came back? What did you do with the scar on your face

Lin su'er was still standing in the space of yaolingyu and heard Xia Xiaonan's voice. She immediately opened her eyes and looked at Xia Xiaonan standing beside the hospital bed and said with a smile, "it's OK. I just took two pills. This kind of small wound has recovered, but the more serious injuries still can't be done."

"What pill is so powerful? Give me some, too. I won't have to worry about getting hurt next time

"Yes, but I'm finished now. I'll try some for you in two days." Lin su'er didn't directly take the leaves to Xia Xiaonan. If you gave her a few leaves, Xia Xiaonan thought that Lin su'er was stupid in the hospital these days. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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