Zhang song has also seen that microblog, is having a headache, so the staff asked him a little helpless, can only say, "then you don't answer any media and reporters' phone, as if you don't know anything, waiting for thin Shao's own response."

"Oh, that's what it's all about." The staff of the public relations department were relieved immediately. It was a great reduction in their workload to not answer the phone calls. She felt that the whole person was getting nervous and weak every day after the interrogation of these reporters.

Zhang song looks at the phone hot search speechless shake his head, ah, his boss is really a rough way! There is such a way to pursue his Miss Xiao did not know whether it is good or bad, this Miss Xiao is also strange, so beautiful, can't you find a boyfriend? It's up to you to get around your boss.

University of China.

Xiao mengqiu's microblog was immediately hot searched. Students in the Medical College of Huaxia university almost ate the fresh, water-free melon almost at the first time. Xiao mengqiu had read books in their school and worked with them as classmates. About her and linsu'er, these students ate melons very warmly.

But they also know that Lin suer can not be easily provoked, only can hold the mobile phone quietly, and gather in three or three to discuss this matter.

"You see Xiao mengqiu, and actively tweet about her relationship with thin Shao as unmarried husband and wife."

"I think, just like the netizens said, people who are thin and tired of playing with it think they have to find a right door. Lin suer is obviously abandoned. She is a small net red, which can match the big family of the thin family."

"Yes! The real rich family of others, looking for a wife or xiaomengqiu, such a celebrity, this small net red is not on the table. "

"You said Lin suer and Bo Shao have broken up now. Can I go after her?"

"Oh, you still have ideas about her?"

"That's for sure. She looks so beautiful. Didn't you think you wanted to chase her? But she was too cold before, and there was a lord, mainly thin ah, you dare to provoke? I can't dare! Now it must be time to face the difficulties

Lin suer sat in his position and watched the textbook copying notes. Suddenly, a male student in the class came to her. "Hello, classmate Lin su'er, I want to ask you to have a curfew tonight. Don't know if you are free?"

Xiaxiaonan was stunned at one side. She knew that there were many people in the school who liked Lin suer, especially after Lin Sul showed her beauty. A large number of people in the school ran to their class door to see her. On the way, Lin su'er's return rate was barbed. But after all, she was a little girl friend. No one dared to come to her so openly 。

Gu Cheng in Lin suer has not responded to, directly stood up and pointed to the classmates and asked, "Lu Ming, what are you doing? Did you take the wrong medicine? Dare so big, do not know su er sister and thin Shao together? I dare to ask him. It's not fatal. "

"They're not breaking up? Thin shaodu and Xiao mengqiu are together. Why can't I chase Lin suer? " Lu Ming looks at Gu Cheng for granted, and he is not afraid of him at all. Although the Gu Cheng family is a little financial, the lvming family is not bad. The two families can say that they are in the same way. He is not afraid to go to the city at all.

"What are you talking about? Who told you that su'er and Bo Shao broke up, you don't know not to be talking about it. " Xia Xiaonan shouts at Lin suer while protecting him.

Lu Ming took the phone away inexplicably and called out the hot search. "Don't you all look at the mobile phone? Hot search has been clearly hanging on it. Xiao mengqiu has admitted that he is married to Bo Shao. He also ran to the office of thin Shao to shoot it. Thin Shao is in cooperation with her, which means that thin Shao also admits that xiaomengqiu is his fiancee. "

"How could I still be with Linsu?"

Xiaxiaonan and Gu Cheng were all stunned after seeing the above contents. They took out their mobile phone miraculously. Lin su'er had already turned pale and started to shake his hands with books.

Lu Ming looked at xiaxiaonan's appearance and then reacted with the a sense of the knowledge. "Do you not know that Bo Shao and Lin suer have broken up? Or Lin suer doesn't know about it? You are not separated, even the break-up thin not initiative to tell you? It seems that Xiao mengqiu is really a junior! "

His words were heard by other students in the class, and immediately began a stir. All people began to discuss how poor Lin su'er was and even broke up only when he saw that thin young had a fiancee.

Lin suer left the classroom with his book in her arms, and did not want to listen to their discussion again. It was useless to listen to it. She didn't know whether to go to Bo qianang to ask him clearly. She also advised herself that since Bo qianang said he would give him time, then give him a time.

But now this matter is more and more noisy, even the fiancee has said it out, will wait a while, she heard the news of Bo qianang again, is his marriage with xiaomengqiu?

Xiaxiaonan and Gu Cheng also ran out of the classroom anxiously. Now Lin su'er's injury has not recovered. What would be bad if it was stimulated by the news again?"Su'er, you......" Xiaxiaonan followed Lin suer behind, did not know what to say, always feel that now said anything is not appropriate.

She looked at Gu Cheng in some embarrassment, and Gu Cheng could only shake her head with a dignified face. They really couldn't do anything. Just follow Lin suer's side to make sure she is safe and safe.

Lin suer walked forward slowly with his head low and holding the book. He didn't know whether to go back to the dormitory or run to thin Shao. He asked him to know. The head was like a paste.


She walked, suddenly felt a pain from her abdomen, and in a moment there was a bad feeling. She crouched down with her stomach, followed xiaxiaonan and Gu Cheng immediately. "Su'er, what's the matter? It's OK. "

Lin su'er was so sore that he could not answer his question. She worried that his child would have problems. She immediately pulled xiaxiaonan's hand and said, "call an ambulance to take me to the hospital!"

She is so sore now that she can't give herself a pulse at all, and she feels it is almost unconscious.

Gu Cheng heard Lin suer's words, immediately took out his cell phone and called the emergency phone. Lin suer felt that he slowly pulled away his consciousness, and finally turned back directly, and fell into a dark front.

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