"Never, not a second!"


As soon as Bo QinGang's voice fell, she directly cut Xiao mengqiu's neck with her hand, and the left rear position immediately exuded blood. Xiao mengqiu felt a warm liquid left from her neck, and her mind was gradually drawing away. She was in a blur in front of her eyes, and her tears flowed out. She looked at Bo QinGang with grief on her face and said slowly, "a'ang, I love you, everything I do is for you ……”

After saying this, she had no strength any more. She spread out her hands powerless. The blood stained the ground of the villa, and the smell of blood drifted out of the villa. Bo QinGang stood beside her. After seeing her bleeding, she crawled out of her body a small insect, which was just from the left back of her neck.

This is the female Gu, which is related to the Gu insect Lin su'er raised with her blood. It is through these two insects that her wound can be transferred. Now that the insect comes out of her body, it means that she has no ability to transfer the wound to Lin su'er any more.

Finally it was over. Bo QinGang felt relieved and turned around to find Lin su'er. She had suffered a lot in the past two days. He must have suffered a lot in his heart. He needed his own comfort.

"Mr. Bo, it's not good. There was an explosion in the central hospital just now, and someone saw Miss Lin su'er go to that hospital for physical examination this morning. Now..."

Zhang song suddenly rushed into the villa, his face flustered. Bo QinGang heard his words, his pupils trembled, and he rushed out of the villa without stopping. He didn't care to let the driver drive again. He drove all the way to the central hospital.

There were many people around the gate of the Central Hospital, and they were all pointing at the discussion.

"What's going on in this hospital? Why did it explode all of a sudden? You didn't hurt anyone! "

"How can it be that no one has been hurt. There is a lot of face traffic here, but it seems that many doctors and nurses have run out, pitying those patients who are not able to move. It is estimated that they will die in it."

"What a pity. Who is so antisocial that he is not afraid of retribution even if he installs a bomb here?"

"Who knows who it is, but if he dares to come to the hospital, there is no fear of retribution."

As soon as Bo QinGang got out of the car, he heard the voices of people around him. He did not hesitate to rush into the hospital, but Zhang song, who was closely following him, immediately stopped him. "Mr. Bo, you must not go in. Although there is no further explosion, it is not safe inside. I don't know whether the house will collapse or not. You must not go in!"

"Su'er is in it. How can I not go in?" Bo QinGang forbade, but his hands, his veins and his clenched teeth, all show that he is extremely worried. What is Lin su'er doing in this hospital this morning? Is she in there now? Or have you escaped?

"Bo Shao, please calm down. We will immediately investigate whether Miss Lin su'er has escaped from the hospital." Zhang song or stopped in front of him, worried that he impulsively ran in will have an accident.

But he couldn't stop him. Bo QinGang had already clapped his hand and rushed into the crumbling hospital.

"Thin little!"

Zhang song kept stamping his feet outside and turned to ask people around him, "did you see this girl running out?" He asked people around him with a picture of Lin su'er in his hand.

Several doctors running out of the hospital nearby looked at the pictures in his hands and shook his head, "this girl did come to our hospital for examination this morning, but when the explosion just happened, I didn't see her running out. Maybe it has already..."

The doctor's words suddenly stopped, I'm sorry to go on, after all, this news is too sad.

Zhang Song heard their words a little shocked, turned his head and looked at the hospital which was almost unable to support. He was silent for a moment and then rushed in.

Bo QinGang searched from room to room in the hospital. After searching all the rooms in the hospital, he still didn't see Lin su'er. He didn't care about the gravel falling from his head, so he forgot to dodge.

Zhang song also followed the search in the hospital, but found no trace of Lin su'er. Instead, he saw a few words about the body that had died in the explosion. He could not identify the appearance, and there were many people buried under the rubble.

Zhang song doesn't dare to remind Bo QinGang. Maybe Lin su'er is one of them. He can only keep silent and watch Bo QinGang change from anxiety to despair.

Bo QinGang has always been a man with no words on his face. Even if he has already made a cold sweat, he still doesn't shout, just waves his hand at Zhang song, "OK, you go out first."

"Mr. Bo, you can't stay here any longer. The house is about to collapse."

"Boom, boom! Bang! Bang

As soon as Zhang Song's voice fell, he saw that the other side of the hospital was collapsing, and large pieces of stones fell down one after another.

At this time, Zhang song was in a hurry and grabbed Bo QinGang and ran outside. Two people stood outside the hospital and watched the hospital collapse slowly. Finally, it turned into a ruin with a large amount of dust. All the people were scared and scattered. However, Bo QinGang still stood in place for a long time and did not want to leave."Bo Shao, you'd better leave first. Someone will come to clean up the scene, and we will be informed of the body found."

Zhang Song wanted to pull him apart, but Bo QinGang shook off his hand and said coldly, "you go, don't follow me."

"Thin little..."

"Go away!" Bo QinGang's voice has brought a trace of anger. Zhang Song knows that he doesn't want to be followed. He can only take the bodyguard who follows him to the car and leave, leaving Bo QinGang alone beside the hospital.

He stood outside the hospital for a long time, until his legs were a little numb, then he raised his feet and walked into the ruins. He closed his eyes and felt the heartache. He put his hand over his chest, as if something important was far away from him.

He was afraid of that feeling. He wanted to yell, thinking that maybe Lin su'er would agree with him, but he didn't make any sound when she opened her mouth, but her eyes became more and more red, and she tried to keep her tears from falling down.

The man didn't shed tears, but he didn't get to the sad place. He wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't cry. Bo QinGang held out his hand and held down his eyes. After a long time, he took them away. His eyes regained their firmness. He said firmly into the air, "su'er, I know you're not dead. I won't cry for you, because you must be alive! How could you leave me alone... "

Bo QinGang lowered his head as he spoke, his hands hanging on his side and clenched into fists!

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