Xiao forgot to listen to his words, and felt that this sentence is really too profound. What is the meaning if safety is born? Is he in the eyes of his father, is it possible that he could not be born safely?

What happened then? Why doesn't mom want to see dad? He also told himself that his father had passed away. It seems that there must have been a big story between them.

Thinking about it, he went on to ask, "uncle, what do you mean by that? You don't know where the baby is now? He's lost. What about his mother

"When my uncle and my uncle's girlfriend were separated, we have been looking for her all these years. She is pregnant with our child. I don't know whether she gave birth to the child or not."

Looking at the child in front of him, Bo QinGang couldn't help telling him all the things he had said in his heart. It seemed that even if the child didn't understand anything, he could be a tree hole he was talking about. He would not publicize his words like other people. He had no loss to him. Moreover, he had an inexplicable sense of closeness to the child and always wanted to be more with him Say something.

"Uncle, why did your girlfriend get away with you? Where has she gone? Have you been looking for her for so long and haven't you found her yet? " Xiao forgets to ask about everything at that time.

"There was a misunderstanding at that time. When I was trying to explain it to her clearly, she was no longer there. I couldn't find it everywhere. If our child was born, it would be as old as you now. How old are you?"

"I'm four years old now." Xiao forget, like an ordinary child, has four little fingers and a tender smile on his face.

"It's really the same age..." Bo QinGang couldn't help but stretch out his hand and rub his hair. At this time, there was a voice outside the office door.

"Mr. Bo, can we come in to interview now?"

When he heard this voice, he reacted fiercely. Today, he came to the company only after an interview. Chatting with the child, he forgot the interview.

Bo QinGang looked at Xiao forgetting, but he showed a rare smile and said to him: "there will be media coming in to interview. Are you afraid? If you're afraid, I'll have someone take you to the reception room and have a rest. If you're not afraid, you can stay here, and I can ask them to help you find your mother

Xiao forgot to hear his words, his eyes turned, and immediately said with a smile, "I'm not afraid. I'll sit here. I'll be good and don't disturb my uncle when you're interviewed."

"Well, come in!" Bo QinGang raised his head and said to the door. His tone returned to normal high and cold. He was still sitting next to Xiao forgetting. There was no moving position. When the media reporters at the door came into the office and saw a child, they all felt very strange. In a moment, a lot of ideas came out of his head. Is this the illegitimate son of thin little?

In recent years, he has been saying that he has a girlfriend, but he can't find out. Is it possible that he has already quietly obtained the certificate behind his back, and even the children have been born?

The reporters immediately held up the camera and took a few photos. Bo QinGang did not stop them. After they had finished shooting, they said faintly, "let's start today's visit! Whatever you want to ask, just report at the end of the interview. "

"The child and his mother were separated, and I brought him up downstairs to let his mother see the interview, so that he could come to my company to pick up her child."

Bo QinGang remembers that today's interview is in the form of live broadcast, which interacts with the audience in real time. As like as two peas of

heard his answer, the curiosity was gone for more than a half. The illegitimate child was very much like a thin boy. Especially these eyes, the deep eye socket and thick eyebrows are just the same.

But Bo Shao said that, he could not say his illegitimate son was someone else's child, and let someone help him find his mother!

Several photographers immediately pulled the stool to get everything ready, turned on the camera and faced Bo QinGang. The reporter held the microphone to Bo QinGang's side, and Xiao forgot was temporarily placed in the corner of the office.

He took a tablet computer and watched the cartoons that the reporters asked him to kill their time. But in his eyes, he looked at Bo QinGang with the light from the corner of his eye, listening attentively to every question he answered.

The reporter held up the microphone and waved his hand to the camera and said, "Hello everyone, we are lucky to be able to interview Bo Shao today. We haven't seen him for a long time."

"Bo Shao, I heard that you flew overseas to talk about business a few days ago, and I heard that the amount of the project this time is very large. Can you tell me how much it is?"

The reporter first interviewed several questions related to his work according to the established procedure. Bo QinGang answered them one by one. The whole interview process seemed a bit dull, but the reporter suddenly turned around and asked private questions.

"Bo Shao, we have asked you so many questions about your work, and the audiences who care about you are very curious about your personal problems. During the past five years, you have been saying that you have a girlfriend. You are not willing to disclose your name. We can't keep asking, but can you tell us when you are going to get married?"Hearing this question, Xiao Qian in the corner cocked up his ears. He knew that Bo QinGang's girlfriend in the past five years was his mother Xiao su'er. He just wanted to hear how Bo QinGang would answer this question.

Bo QinGang looked up at the camera and replied blandly, "she can do it any time she wants."

Speaking of this, he recalled the scene five years ago. He proposed to Lin su'er and gave her a ring. He had long wanted to marry her back. However, Lin su'er was still a student. At that time, he could not do so. If he found Lin su'er, the first thing he would do was to take her to get the marriage certificate. He would tie her around and never let her leave again.

These more than 1000 days and nights are enough.

Bo QinGang's eyes became far-reaching. He was a little curious. When he proposed again, Lin su'er would agree.

Reporters saw his affectionate look, and then listened to his words, can not help but be shocked, "Bo Shao, listen to you that means you have proposed for a long time, is it she who has not agreed?"

What kind of person can make Bo Shao so affectionate? She said she could do it at any time if she wanted to. This woman probably saved the galaxy! When reporters ask questions, they can't help being a little star eyed.

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