Bo QinGang had no intention of looking at the door, trying to see what kind of woman could teach such a good child. However, her eyes stopped at the moment she saw Xiao su'er. Although she said that she was now lowering her head and her long hair was falling from her shoulder, she couldn't see clearly.

But her temperament and feeling and her figure all matched the person in his memory. He seemed to see Lin su'er again.

"Su'er..." He couldn't help but cry out. Xiao su'er was shocked when she heard him calling his name. Finally, she got up her courage and slowly raised her head.

Five years later, more than 1000 days and nights have passed, and two people have met again. It is in such a scene that Xiao su'er can see that Bo QinGang is more calm and mature than five years ago, but there is more sorrow between her eyebrows and eyes.

"Mr. Bo, thank you for taking care of Meng Bao. Now I have taken the baby away." Xiao su'er hugs Xiao forget and prepares to turn around and leave.

But Bo QinGang immediately stopped her, "wait a minute."

Xiao su'er's feet stopped, put the child in her arms down, turned her head and looked at Bo QinGang, "Mr. Bo, is there anything else? If you want to thank you, say! As long as I can afford anything. "

"Do you think I care about those things?" Bo QinGang walked to Xiao su'er step by step. The net red face in front of him was unfamiliar to him. It could be said that it was totally different from his su'er. The only thing similar was those eyes, which were always so clean and pure, but there seemed to be some melancholy in the eyes of the woman in front of her.

But why do people feel so similar? If you cover her face, he will almost immediately call out Lin su'er's name from her figure. They are so similar.

"Are you really not su'er?" Bo QinGang couldn't help asking again.

"Mr. Bo, I don't know who is su'er in your mouth, but we don't know each other. We met for the first time today, so you must be mistaken. I am very grateful for your help to take care of my baby. Now I have to take the baby with me."

Xiao su'er calmly answers his words and denies everything. Although Bo QinGang is very confused, after all, her face is put here, and it's hard to say that she is Lin su'er. She can only nod her head calmly, "take the child back, look after him, and don't let him go."

"I see, thank you!" After Xiao su'er finished her answer quickly, she turned around and was ready to take Xiao forget to leave quickly. However, as soon as she turned around, she didn't know what she had stepped on. She suddenly became unstable and fell back directly.

Bo QinGang saw her fall backward. If she was normal, she would have avoided it. It had nothing to do with the way these people fell. But today, he unconsciously ran forward to embrace Xiao su'er. At the moment of their intimate contact, he smelled the smell of Xiao su'er. The faint smell of herbal medicine, which was not strong, had been around his nose for a long time It is fragrant and refreshing.

is also familiar with the smell. He smelled this special flavor five years ago when he held Lin Suer's hand or embraced her. It was the fragrance that any advanced perfume could not debug.

"You..." Bo QinGang was obsessed with looking down at the man in his arms. It can be said that her face is totally different from Lin su'er, and every part of her facial features is disgusted by him. But why can't he hate it? He even thinks that they are too similar.

Xiao forgot to look at the two people holding each other. He immediately squatted down and took down the little bead he had just put on the ground. Xiao su'er just stepped on this bead before she slipped.

"Thin, thin general..." Xiao su'er lowered her head and quickly stood up. After finishing her clothes, she said to Bo Qing, "thank you very much. We really have to go now. We will not delay you any more."

With this sentence, she immediately took Xiao forget's hand and ran to the elevator.

However, Bo QinGang stood still and looked at his hand. There was still the smell of the woman on his hand. He put it to his nose and smelled it gently. It was exactly the same as the smell in his memory. Is there anyone in the world who has the same smell as Lin su'er? What a coincidence? He looked in disbelief at the direction in which they left.

Xiao su'er takes Xiao forget all the way to the underground parking lot by elevator and looks at him seriously after he gets on the car.

"Meng Bao! You can't do that again, you know? Do you know that your kindergarten teachers are dying of anxiety. This morning, my mother didn't look at her mobile phone at work. She turned on her mobile phone for countless times without answering the phone. The teacher was crying in a hurry. Do you know that it's wrong for you to do this, cheat and run around. What if something really happened? "

Xiao forgetting has always been very obedient. She was much more intelligent than other children. She would listen to every word she said and carry it out. She had never been so worried. What's more, today, he came to find Bo QinGang, and Xiao su'er was really angry.

"Mom, I know that this kind of situation has implicated the teacher. I promise that I will not give the teacher any more trouble in class and make up for the psychological trauma to her this time. But I come here with justifiable reasons. You can't blame me." Xiao forgets vibration to answer Xiao su'er's words."What is excusable? Are you excusable for playing truant and lying in class Xiao su'er tried to teach her son a lesson. After all, she knew that although the child was young, his mouth was very smart.

"Mom, I'm here to find my father. I know Bo QinGang is my father. I asked you before, but you said that your father had passed away, and you lied. I just wanted to prove it. Isn't it excusable that I lied? I want to find my father. Is that wrong? "

Xiao forgets that Xiao su'er may ask questions. He answers every sentence very quickly without any loopholes. On the contrary, his words make Xiao su'er feel guilty. It's true that a child wants to see his father. Everyone has a father, but he doesn't have one. There is bound to be a gap in his heart.

"Mom, don't keep it from me. He's my father, right? Why don't you recognize him? You're going to see him in a different way. Is there any misunderstanding between you two? " Xiao forgets to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, and asks Xiao su'er a few words neatly.

Xiao su'er looks at her son with superior intelligence and knows that he can't hide it. He can find out everything. It's no use hiding from him. It's time to tell him the truth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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