"No, even if someone comes to the clinic to find me in trouble, I can deal with it. You two don't have to worry about me. The more you take care of them, the more they will be."

Xiao su'er is still indifferent. Xiao Yuhan knows that five years ago, her sister also suffered from severe cyber violence, but she has come here. She does not hurt her every time, so she is relieved and thinks that nothing will happen.

On the other side, Bo's building.

Bo QinGang was sitting in the conference room, discussing the next work plan with various departments. After watching the meeting for three hours, he deployed the work of the next big project to each department.

"OK, today's meeting is over. Go on and make a work plan. The director of each department will report to my office tomorrow. It's better not to make any mistakes."

Bo QinGang raised his hand to look at the time on his wristwatch and announced the end of the meeting lightly. He could feel that everyone in the conference room was relieved for an instant. His nerves almost collapsed in the past three hours. The meeting with Bo QinGang was like a charge in front of a submachine gun.

After all the people walked out of the meeting room, Bo QinGang got up and finally walked out of the meeting room. But just as soon as he got up, Zhang Song rushed into the meeting room with his mobile phone in his arms from the door and said, "Mr. Bo! Good news. I didn't think your intuition was right. You really guessed that she was still alive. "

Zhang song was so excited that he forgot to say the name, which had troubled him for five years.

"What are you talking about?" Bo QinGang held a meeting for three hours, but he was also a little tired. He was even more upset when he looked at the incoherence of his assistant.

"Mr. Bo! Miss Lin su'er is missing. I saw a video on the Internet. The woman in the video is her. There is no change from five years ago, except that her hair grows a little bit. "

Zhang Song excitedly dropped out of the hot online post, opened the video, put the mobile phone in front of Bo QinGang.

Although there is no sound in the video, the portrait is very clear. It is the person he thinks about day and night. His eyes are so familiar that there is absolutely no mistake!

Bo QinGang's hands began to shake slightly. He finally found the person he had been looking for for for so long. Moreover, he was in this city, less than half an hour's drive away from him. He was eager to rush to Lin su'er immediately to embrace her and tell him how much he had missed her for the past five years.

"Where is the address of this clinic? You can find it out for me, as well as their commuting time. I need all the information. "

Bo QinGang said this as calmly as he could. He knew that the general clinic was off work at the present time. Even if he could not find it, he would have to wait until tomorrow to see her tomorrow.

It's been five years. It's been more than five years. Why are you afraid of such a short time?

"Yes, I will immediately investigate everything and report to you. However, Mr. Bo, there are a lot of remarks against Miss Lin su'er in this post. It seems that Miss Lin has changed her surname to Xiao and has the same surname as president Xiao."

"And a lot of people on the Internet began to say that Ms. Lin had no education background, but went to the clinic. The doctors must have been related to the family and had no skills. She was all scolded on the Internet."

Zhang Song read all the comments before he entered the conference room. Those comments were civilized at the beginning. They didn't carry any dirty words. However, the more they said, the more they went too far. At the end of the meeting, the dirty words were all abusive words.

"I'll wait until tomorrow when I'm sure it's su'er..." After Bo QinGang finished this sentence, he thought for a second and then ordered: "you'd better go and find out what's going on in this matter. Su'er, she can't beat the family members of the patients, and make clear the whole story."

"Yes Zhang song had no doubt when he saw the video. He was sure that it must be Lin su'er. In the past five years, he has been following Bo QinGang's instructions and searching for Lin su'er everywhere at home and abroad. This face is more clearly remembered than anyone else. Even though the girl in the video is much thinner than five years ago, it is definitely Lin su'er and there is no doubt about him.

Xiao su'er wakes up in the middle of the night, thinking of the scene in her dream, she would like to slap herself. Why did she suddenly dream of Bo QinGang? In the past five years, she only dreamt of him when she just went overseas. Since Xiao was born, she has devoted herself to her child, and has not dreamt of Bo QinGang for a long time.

The old man once said that if there is a person who misses you very much, you will see him in his dream. Is Bo QinGang thinking about her now?

Just had this idea, Xiao su'er immediately shook her head and threw this absurd idea out of his head. How could he miss her.

For so many years, he has been accompanied by other people, it is estimated that she has already been thrown out of the clouds, simply can not remember.

Then why do you dream of such a strange dream tonight, holding her tightly in the dream, almost suffocating her, that kind of feeling is like she is his baby, no other unnecessary words, just holding her.This dream has no end and no other plot. It's just a long hug. What does it mean?

Xiao su'er, sitting on the bed, couldn't think of it. She simply turned over and got out of the bed, holding the water cup at the head of the bed to go to the living room downstairs to get a cup of water. But just after she got out of the room, she heard the sound of keyboard tapping coming from Xiao's room next door.

"What time is it? Hasn't the child gone to sleep?" Xiao su'er clearly remembers that she came back to her room when Xiao forgot to fall asleep. Why is the child playing computer now?

She eased her step, quietly pushed open Xiao forget's door, really saw him sitting in front of the computer, face with age-old seriousness, is speaking fluent English into headphones.

After Xiao su'er went abroad, her English level has been increasing day by day, which is much better than that when she first crossed to China. However, she can't understand Xiao's words now, because his words involve too many professional terms, and Xiao su'er just doesn't know anything about it industry.

"Meng Bao, why don't you sleep at night and what are you doing?"

Since you do not understand, simply push the door to ask a clear bar! Xiao su'er opens the door. Xiao forgets to look at the door immediately, but she is still operating to close all the pages.

"The people in the team had jet lag. Just as they came to me, I got up and had a chat with them."

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