When Xiao su'er saw that Su Ling had already appeared, she should be able to calm down this incident. After all, she is Hu Daxiong's wife, and her words should be convincing.

What Xiao su'er didn't expect was that the onlookers not only didn't believe Su Ling's words, but also gave her orders.

"I think you were also bribed by the woman surnamed Xiao?"

"It's so rich that you don't even want your husband."

"How hard does your husband know when you stand on her side?"

"If you don't want to be shameless, you are talking nonsense for a little money. You just said that she would rent you a house with money. Why? Who did she introduce you to? "

The more the crowd said, the more they went. Finally, they directly attacked Su Ling. All kinds of ugly words swarmed at Su Ling. She tried to explain, "no, it's Hu Daxiong. He was a domestic bully. He clearly had a job to earn money, but he was still stingy. He always wanted to take advantage of others from various places. This time, after Dr. Xiao helped my mother cure her leg, he tried to explain Also... "

"Don't talk nonsense. We can't believe what a woman like you said. You must have taken money from that woman named Xiao and let her come out! We should resolutely resist such bad doctors. "

Before Su Ling's explanation was finished, the crowd interrupted her with indignation, even shouting at the clinic with their fists raised like a parade. Several impulsive people rushed into the clinic directly.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Do you still want to fight, smash and rob? Is there a royal law? It's lawless, isn't it? " Doctor song saw them like this and roared at them angrily.

Xiao su'er can't look down. She can't run to hide and let other people in the clinic bear the unreasonable anger of the masses for her. She must go to make this matter clear, and can't be slandered by others for no reason.

"Su'er, what are you doing? Don't go! I've told you, these people have been guided by public opinion, and they don't believe you at all. " The front desk still wanted to hold her, but Xiao su'er just shook her head in silence, shook off her hand and walked into the clinic.

Looking at all the people searching in the clinic, he said, "everyone, I am Xiao su'er you are looking for, I am not..."


Before she finished her words, a rotten egg flew over her head and broke open on her head. The egg white and yolk flowed all over her face. Xiao su'er became very embarrassed in an instant.

Su Ling was angry and felt that she had implicated Xiao su'er. She just helped her mother cure her illness and finished her work. However, it was unfair to be treated like this.

"You don't want to be like this. You all said that things are not like that. Why do you go so far?" Su Ling stands in front of Xiao su'er and roars at all the people, but it doesn't help at all. These people even take all the things with them.

There are a lot of people who have met bad doctors, but they vent their anger on them, and all kinds of things are thrown at them.

"It's great. At last, we can punish this kind of bad doctor and corrupt the medical ethics. The doctor's reputation is damaged by people like you. Let's have a live broadcast and let all the people have a look at her now."

The onlookers threw things at them and turned on the live broadcast of their mobile phones. Because of the guidance of public opinion, they saw that Xiao su'er was bullied into this way. There was a lot of cheering on the Internet. All the bullets in the live broadcasting room were full of "good fight! Good fight! Kill her! "

Xiao su'er was protected by Su Ling in her arms. Su Ling almost blocked two-thirds of the dirty things. Doctor song couldn't see it. She picked up her mobile phone and called the police.

When the police came, everything stopped, but Su Ling had been beaten into a trance, dizzy and nearly fainted on the ground.

"Are you all right? Be careful Xiao su'er hugs Su Ling and takes her to the bathroom to help her clean the dirt on her body.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Xiao. I'm all to blame! You're in trouble. " Su Ling wiped the dirt on her body with paper and apologized to Xiao su'er.

Xiao su'er was angry and distressed by her submissive manner, "why do you want to apologize to me? I told you not to always tell others I'm sorry. Today's business has nothing to do with you. It's Hu Daxiong's fault. I'll get it back from him. You should also be careful to protect yourself. Now the public opinion is implicated in you. "

"Hu Daxiong must have been unwilling to do this kind of thing that day. If Dr. Xiao didn't help me, he would never stigmatize you. You are willing to help me. It's all my fault to end up like this."

Su Ling reached out her hand to help Xiao su'er wipe the egg yolk on her forehead, but she couldn't clean it. It was like two people were being stigmatized now. How could these things be explained clearly.

Xiao su'er turned on the tap of the toilet and directly put her head under the tap to wash all the dirt on her face. Originally, she thought that this time things would disappear after a period of time like those gossip five years ago. Although the discussion on the Internet is heated, no one dares to take practical actions.But this time, Hu Daxiong led the matter to the doctor-patient relationship. There are many good doctors in the mainland, but there are also some bad doctors who have lost their conscience, so many patients have been wronged. These patients have no place to vent their anger. This time, Xiao su'er did not expect to vent all their anger.

"Dr. Xiao, what should I do next? How would you work if they came every day? I won't let you lose your job, will I? " Su Ling was very anxious beside her, for fear that Xiao su'er would be implicated again.

"No, don't worry. Even if he can make trouble, it will not affect any of my work. As for this matter, I will try to deal with it. Don't you want to see Hu Daxiong? I'm afraid he'll threaten you to come back to him with this thing. Let's go. We'll change clothes first. They have to work, but they can't influence them. "

When they got out of the bathroom, they saw Liu Yan waiting at the door of the bathroom. When they saw the two people coming out, they were all laughing, "yo! Are you two going to sing? It's colorful. It's really lively this morning

"Liu financial, have you finished your work in the morning? It's better not to come here to see the play. " Xiao su'er protects Su Ling behind her and looks at Liu Yan in front of her.

"What? You still want to command me? Do you really think of yourself as the director of this clinic? "

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