Bo QinGang got up and went to the bedroom. At the head of the bed, he saw a group photo of him and Xiao su'er. At that time, Xiao su'er was still in his arms. There were not many group photos of the two of them. The serious photos of the two people were not taken by others and put on the Internet.

It's hard to find such a picture. He specially developed it and put it on the head of his bed. He had to watch it several times a day for five years before he could sleep safely.

Lin su'er in the picture is a little girl with a shawl and a bright smile. At that time, she would not refuse him a thousand miles away, let alone resist him coldly.

"Su'er, don't worry, I'll get you back!" Bo QinGang looked at the photo and said this sentence, as if to himself or to Xiao su'er, who couldn't hear at all.

The next day.

After Xiao su'er drove Xiao forget to kindergarten, she drove to the clinic by herself. Only then did she stop the car in the parking lot. Opening the door, she saw a familiar figure standing beside the car, which was the same as yesterday. But obviously, his face is much darker today. He is wearing a black suit. The whole person seems to be immersed in black. It seems that he is in a bad mood.

In this way, Xiao su'er shakes his head fiercely. Is he in a good mood? What does it have to do with yourself? Both of them are strangers from now on. There is no need to care about his emotions.

"Bo Shao, I remember I reminded you yesterday not to come to me again. What do you mean by running directly into the parking lot today to stop me? Do you really want me to go to a place you can't find

Xiao su'er is as cold as yesterday. She turns her head and doesn't want to look at him. Unexpectedly, Bo QinGang suddenly steps forward. When she is about to say something, Bo QinGang reaches out and puts her whole person against the car. She encircles her in her arms. The distance between the two people is instantly closer, and they can even feel each other's breathing.

"You What are you doing As like as two peas, Xiao Suer did not realize that he was suddenly so angry and angry. But the strange smell was felt on the thin leaning body. It was the same as five years ago. It seemed that she had been in a moment, and when two people went out on a date, they could smell it. Gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind,

is a faint aroma of incense, unlike the smell of perfume, which is directly to the tip of your nose. It is like the smell that comes from the kitchen when you wake up in the morning, so that you can't help climbing up the bed and rushing to the kitchen.

Now it is so close to thin QinGang, and the smell is so obvious around the nose that people can't get rid of it.

"Tell me, what's your relationship with hacker K? Who is he? " Bo QinGang gets close to Xiao su'er, and her deep eye socket emits fierce eyes. Her breath is breathless. She questions her face word by word. Her tone seems to be sour with vinegar. People can tell that he is jealous.

Xiao su'er suddenly felt a little funny. She had a feeling that she had never experienced in the past five years. She seemed to like Bo QinGang to be jealous, especially now that she ate this inexplicable flying vinegar, it was right! Anyone can't imagine that hacker K is a child more than four years old. Bo QinGang must have never dreamed that his jealous object is his own son.

After all, even she did not expect that Xiao would have such a great talent in computer.

But she didn't intend to tell Bo QinGang about it. Let him think so!

"I have nothing to do with him! Mr. Bo, please put yourself in a clear position, find out who you are and what is responsible for me. "

Xiao su'er turned her head to avoid Bo QinGang's blazing eyes, in which she almost melted.

"I want you to tell me what the relationship is between you and him. Can't you see that he confessed to you on the Internet?" Bo QinGang's volume has increased several degrees. He really cares about this matter. If he knows who the hacker is, he must rush to the person in front of him at the first time.

"Can I see what it has to do with you? I tell you, you can have other women around, can't I have other men? That's ridiculous. "

"In the past five years, many things have changed rapidly. You have mastered the most advanced technology, the greatest power and the highest position in mainland China, but it does not mean that you can control everything, OK?"

Xiao su'er suddenly said these words in a dark heart. He just wanted Bo QinGang to misunderstand him and make him think that there was something wrong between hacker K and her.

Sure enough, when Bo QinGang heard her words, her face suddenly changed. Her eyebrows were tightly knit together, and her hands were clenched by Xiao su'er.

"You two are together, aren't you? Who is he? Let him come to see me. "

"Why should I let him see you? He and I are indeed together. We have been together four years ago. We have a very good relationship. I don't want you to disturb my life. I said that you go your way and I live on my log bridge. I live a good life now, and I don't want to have any more involvement with you. "

Xiao su'er deliberately said it was very ambiguous. She and Xiao forget were together four years ago. Four years ago, Xiao was born. When he was born, the whole person was pink and soft, holding in his arms like a piece of marshmallow. When she thought of his birth, she couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, and the whole person fell into happiness.Bo QinGang saw the smile on her mouth and the joy between her eyebrows and eyes. She was even more angry. She punched Xiao su'er's car, and the car immediately sank into a large block.

"Bo Shao, you are deliberately destroying other people's property. I can claim compensation from you!" Xiao su'er shouts at the sunken place of the car.

"You two were together four years ago. You just left me four years ago. Can't you wait to be in the arms of others? Lin su'er, don't go too far! "

Xiao Ang's hand was just a little weak, but he didn't care about the strength of her hand.

"Thin little! Please make sure that Lin su'er was dead when she left here five years ago. Now there is only Xiao su'er in the world. And as you said, I left you four years ago. It has nothing to do with who I put into my arms. "

"Besides, before we separated, you were already in the arms of other women. Are you only allowed to set fire to the state officials and not allow people to light lamps? I Xiao su'er is no other girl. I don't have to pester you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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