The side effect of this blood bug is really too big. She aged rapidly in two months. At first, she only had lines on the cut by thin QinGang. She didn't think it was aging. She thought it was just because of scab.

However, more and more things went wrong, but she still didn't pay attention to it. When the first wrinkle appeared on her face, she thought that it was only too many things happened during that time that made her feel tired. Although it was unscientific to grow wrinkles at a young age, people's aging was really related to all aspects of their mood.

But then spread from the wound to the whole body of the skin, rapid aging, and so on she reacts to need to pay attention to the time, he has been like a 30-year-old woman.

Even if she is going to buy clothes, she is recommended to be suitable for middle-aged people in her thirties and forties. She once lost her temper in the mall and pointed to herself and said that I was only 20 years old. How do you recommend such clothes to me?

However, when the salesmen in the shopping mall heard her say that she was only 20 years old, they were surprised and unbelievable. However, because she was a customer, they could not directly say that she was a little mature.

Xiao mengqiu also felt that he was really getting old too fast. In only half a month, she was as old as 30. In this way, she would have to die of aging in less than half a year.

She began to panic, began to worry, began to seek help, to find all the teachers who used to be overseas, hoping that they could help herself.

She has studied medicine, and she has studied this kind of aging disease, but she found that it seems different from what she imagined. Although people with aging disease seem to accelerate their aging, their body functions will not be affected, but they just look much older.

But she was different. She felt that her whole body functions were affected when she was aging. She really looked like a middle-aged man in her thirties and forties. Even her memory was a little declined.

Overseas professors were helpless and did not know what to do. Many people said that if she was allowed to go overseas, they could intuitively feel her condition and help her treat her. So he went abroad to overseas, and after two years of treatment, she did not stop aging and gradually became what she is now.

Then all the professors gave up. There was no reason for her illness, and she didn't know how to treat it.

In this case, she will take another approach. Now cosmetic technology is so developed, how many elderly people fill hyaluronic acid, skin lift surgery, so that they look more young and energetic.

However, she underestimated the power of the ban. She had no way to control it. Even after filling with hyaluronic acid, she could look much younger, but she recovered to such a state after waking up.

She went to the hospital to make a lot of noise. She said that they did not have the technology. They must have used the bad hyaluronic acid for her. However, the hospital was confused. She said that the best materials were used for her. She was willing to give him a full refund when she found such a situation for the first time.

But from that day on, all the hospitals didn't want to receive her. She could only rent the small room on the top floor with her last savings like a person abandoned by the world.

Fortunately, although she is so old now, she has not forgotten what she has learned. She can also earn money with her medical knowledge and publish papers to earn living expenses. However, she is very tired every day. As long as she takes two steps, she has a big difficulty in taking care of her own life.

It is possible to use the money earned from publishing papers to ask a nanny to take care of her life. She once found a young nanny. The nanny called her grandma when she opened her mouth. Later, she learned that the nanny was two years older than her. She couldn't accept it and drove her away.

After that, she found that there was a gap between herself and that old man. People seemed more energetic than her. She was even more broken. Finally, she decided to live on her own.

Two times a week to buy supplies, buy the simplest food, and even bought a lot of pickled vegetables ice in the refrigerator, with a microwave oven hot can eat.

In the past five years, she knew that Bo QinGang had been looking for her. After she escaped from the villa, she was anxious to dismiss all the bodyguards employed, trying to cut off the possibility of Bo QinGang finding her.

But later, Bo QinGang found her. In this room, she thought she couldn't live. But what she didn't expect was that when Bo QinGang saw that she was living like this, he just laughed contemptuously and turned away, never to see her again.

He's tough enough! Knowing that living like this is the biggest punishment for him. Xiao mengqiu put down the photo, turned to the kitchen, took out the pickled vegetables in the refrigerator and heated them in the microwave oven.



Along with the prompt tone of the microwave oven, there was her mobile phone. She took her mobile phone to have a look. It was actually a doctor who had not been contacted for a long time. She had bought these doctors and asked them to give Xiao su'er an abortion. She has not contacted them for so many years. She has not deleted their contact information. She contacted them suddenly today, isn't itXiao mengqiu also pays attention to the Internet every day and wants to know what happened. More importantly, she wants to see how Bo QinGang looks when she is interviewed. She can only get to know him in this way. Fortunately, Bo QinGang is willing to appear in the public's view these years.

So of course, she knew that Xiao su'er had returned to China. When she saw the clinic she was working in now, and when she was hacked by the whole network, Xiao mengqiu wanted these people to kill Xiao su'er with stones instead of rotten eggs.

Five years ago, I thought I had killed her and her child, but I didn't expect her to live well!

But later, Xiao su'er was nodded and praised by people. The business of the clinic was booming, and her fans went to her. Xiao mengqiu was very angry again.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Xiao mengqiu picked up the phone and asked inside the phone.

"Hello, is that Miss Xiao? Fortunately, your phone has not been changed. What I want to tell you is that Bo Shao has started to investigate the matter five years ago. We may not be able to handle it. Otherwise, you can try to explain it and tell Bo Shao that you asked us to give birth to miss Lin so'er at the beginning. We can't blame us! "

"You have to tell Bo Shao that we should not be angry at us. We are just using money to relieve disasters for others." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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