This sentence immediately hit Xiao su'er's tears. For so many years, the child has always been able to move her in all kinds of ways. How can such a small child not be moved to say such words as protecting her in the future?

"I see, with you, you are a little Superman who can protect mom from injury. Let's go home now and make you your favorite food."

Xiao su'er is holding Xiao forgetting in tears and is ready to carry him downstairs directly. However, Xiao forgets to shake her head and says, "but mom, I think there is something wrong with your story. There is definitely a misunderstanding between you two. At that time, you did not see with your own eyes that dad said he would send someone to give you an abortion, and dad always said that he would explain it to you."

"Although you didn't hear the explanation in the end, it doesn't mean there isn't, and I always think the other aunt in this story is very strange. Do you know where she is now?"

He clearly pointed out that things were very suspicious in those years. These days, he has been investigating the matter on the Internet. Although the network is very powerful, it can let him retrieve the reports from many years ago, including those of Bo QinGang and Xiao mengqiu, but after all, there are many things that do not exist on the Internet, and he can not investigate them at all.

There was no result for a long time. Now Xiao Su said that he finally knew something, but he still felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

"I don't know where she is now, but it doesn't matter. Meng Bao, if you really want your father to accompany you, you can go to see him. I have told him your existence. Now he knows you are his son, but I won't go to see him. You are related by blood. I can't stop you from meeting, but I don't want to forgive him."

Xiao su'er has figured it out. She can't be so selfish. She can't be so selfish. She has no father's love since she was a child for the sake of adults. She can relax, let Xiao forget and Bo QinGang often meet, and don't let their affairs affect the children.

"I know, mom. Let's go home." Xiao forget didn't directly express his attitude, and didn't say whether he would see Bo QinGang in the future, because he knew that his mother didn't want to see him, but he wanted to see him very much, so he didn't say it. He could accompany his mother well. He has always been a smart child and knows how to say so that Xiao su'er will not feel sad.

"Well." Xiao su'er took him by the hand and went home.

Three days later.

Xiao su'er was so busy in the clinic that she was dizzy and turned. In the past three days, many patients with unknown etiology were coming. She always felt headache and headache or stomachache for no reason. In short, she felt pain all over her body, but she couldn't find out the cause.

At one time, she thought that her medical skills were not as good as before, and she could not even find out the cause of the disease. However, after the patients were sent to the western hospital for examination with professional instruments, she still could not find out any reason.

In the past three days, more and more people have come, old and young, and the location of their houses is not centralized. Even if they want to think about infectious diseases, it is not tenable.

"Dr. Xiao, Dr. Song! There is another wave of patients. Would you like to have a look and see if the same situation happened a few days ago? " The front desk looked at a large group of people coming in at the door of the clinic, busy with headache and calling to the second floor.

Xiao su'er ran out of the office and nearly fell on the stairs. After walking down the stairs quickly, she saw so many patients, and her eyebrows wrinkled into a "Chuan" character.

She just took a quick look, and she could be sure that it was consistent with the patient's condition the other day, because she could not see anything wrong, even a little gray fog. These people were very healthy.

But some of them covered their stomachs, some rubbed their temples, and some sat down on the floor of the clinic, shouting pain in their mouths.

Dr. song also came over from the front of the table, looked at Xiao su'er and asked, "su'er, have you got any clue in these two days? I have been practicing medicine for decades, and I have never encountered such a situation. In the past two days, I have also looked through all the cases I have recorded over the years, but I can't find the same examples. I also asked many friends in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, but there was no result. "

"No, I've already called my dad, but he doesn't know." Xiao su'er has been studying for the past three days. She has searched all the books of traditional Chinese medicine and contacted all the Chinese medicine practitioners who can be contacted, including Xiao Shuo, who is far away from abroad.

Xiao Shuo also came from the valley of ghost doctors. Medical skills were not under her at all, but they had studied for so long without any results.

Xiao su'er and Dr. Song looked at each other's eyes and saw that they were powerless and helpless. Even if they could not find any results, they had to perform the duty of being a doctor. If someone else has found your clinic, it means that they trust you enough. Even if there is no hope, they still have to help them diagnose and treat them.

The two doctors with the most powerful medical skills in this clinic are at a loss, not to mention other traditional Chinese medicine. They have already given up this group of patients who have no cause of disease for a long time. If they find the same situation after checking the pulse, they will directly say that they are not in good health. They should prescribe several pairs of traditional Chinese medicine to enhance immunity and let them go back to eat.

"You come here and let me take a pulse one by one. Do you have any other symptoms except for the pain in some part?" Xiao su'er sits in front of the clinic and starts to check pulse one by one."Dr. Xiao, please help me to have a look. My headache is about to crack. I feel that my eyesight has decreased and everything I see is blurred. Can I be blind? Do I have brain cancer? "

A middle-aged man in a hurry to do her opposite, when talking, his face is full of panic, afraid that he has what incurable disease.

"Don't worry. I'll give you pulse first. There are many patients like you who suddenly feel pain all over the past two days. In fact, it's all right. Don't scare yourself. When you're not ill, you'll get sick."

Xiao su'er checked his pulse. As expected, it was the same situation as the previous two days. He couldn't find out any disease at all. The man in front of him didn't even have the beer belly and bald head that a middle-aged man should have. He was as healthy as a young man in his early twenties. He didn't even have the common sub-health state. He was a very healthy man.

Even if it is not necessary to improve immunity, but it does not look like he is pretending to have a headache. His lips are pale and his forehead is sweating.

"Dr. Xiao, what do you mean? Am I serious? Are you terminally ill? Why are you so serious? Don't scare me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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