When she was in high school, she knew that the family conditions of Chi si'ang family were very good, but he was very mysterious. No one knew what kind of background his family was. Now it seems that he should inherit the family's business. After all, he majored in business at university.

"Working for my family is also starting a company. However, my life has been very boring. I haven't been happy for the past few years. I'd better talk about you. How are you doing now? Are you still with Bo QinGang? "

Chi si'ang obviously didn't want to mention his family, so he directly changed the topic. Xiao su'er didn't follow him all the time.

"I broke up with him five years ago, and you stayed here all the time. Don't you know that many people rumored that I was dead five years ago? I took my whole family overseas and came back not long ago, but now I have a son and I'm still very happy To Chi si'ang, she didn't hide anything and said everything.

Chi si'ang was not surprised to hear her words. She nodded as if she was programmed, but her hand holding the steering wheel tightened. "Can you two still be together? At that time, you loved him very much. You almost quarreled with me because of his affairs. I felt that you loved him very much

"That's what happened in those years. Five years later, things have changed. Where else can I be together? Now all my life is occupied by my son and work, and I have no time to think about those things. What's more, I wish I would never see him again for the rest of my life."

Xiao su'er looked at her mobile phone and answered without raising her head, so she didn't notice that when she said the last word, Chi si'ang felt relieved as if she had made a decision.

The car drove to the community where the patient lived. After Chi si'ang stopped the car, he went to the patient's home with Xiao su'er.

"You don't know this man. I hear you're still a man. What if something happens to you? I can also protect you if I follow you. I promise I won't affect your review. I'll be waiting for you

Chi si'ang found a perfect reason, Xiao su'er could not resist him, simply took him to the patient's door.

After ringing the doorbell for a long time, the voice of inquiry came from the room, "who is it? What can I do for you

"Hello, I'm a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the clinic. Two days ago, Mr. Li went to our clinic to have a look at his illness. I'm here to have a review. How does he feel now?"

Xiao su'er tried to make her voice sound more gentle, but unexpectedly, as soon as her voice fell, there was a grumpy voice in the door. "You are all quack doctors. They say that he is not sick at all, and can't find out. Now come to review what review, he has been rolling in bed in pain these two days."

The angry voice grew louder and louder. Then she opened the door directly and looked at Xiao su'er outside. She was a middle-aged woman, who should be Mr. Li's wife. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was tired. These two days, they should have suffered a lot from this unexplained disease.

"Is it serious? They're all rolling in bed. Let me go in and have a look Xiao su'er didn't care about his angry voice. She said it in a flat tone.

"Do you have a wrong diagnosis? Come and make amends, don't you? It's you quack doctors who hurt people. They all have problems. They have to say that there is no problem and they don't prescribe medicine. He is in such pain. What can I do if he dies of pain? " The woman swearing to get out of the way to Xiao su'er.

As soon as she entered the door, Xiao su'er heard a groan, which sounded very weak and kept calling, "pain, good pain!"

She walked towards the source of the sound, but she was only seen three days ago. During the past three days, the whole person who had been tortured by the pain had lost her face, and her eyes were thick blue and black. She should not have slept much in the past two days. She has been humming and whining about pain in bed.

"Mr. Li, are you ok? Is it still painful? No relief at all? " Xiao su'er went to her bedside and asked softly.

"Xiao Dr. Xiao, I'm really in pain. I feel my stomach is bursting. Are you here today to tell me the cause? Then tell me how to treat it. If I don't treat it, I will die and I can't live. "

Mr. Li saw Xiao su'er's eyes brightened, and his wife thought that he must have come to him because of a mistake in the inspection.

Xiao su'er didn't answer him. She took out a gold needle from her bag and pricked it on his acupoints. Immediately, he felt the pain all over his body disappeared. He sat up from the bed and looked at Xiao su'er, "you are a miracle doctor! Since you can help me with my illness, why did you say I had no problems the other day? Why didn't you help me with acupuncture earlier? "

"I'm not going to help you with your treatment. I just use acupuncture to relieve pain. After pulling out the gold needle, you will feel pain tossing and turning on the bed. Therefore, I don't recommend using this method to relieve pain, but you have to find a way to relieve pain if you feel like this."

Xiao su'er sat down at Mr. Li's home and began to write prescriptions. She wrote a lot of prescriptions for strengthening the body's resistance and relieving pain at the same time. This review was doomed to have no results, but made her more sure that this strange disease could not be solved easily.After leaving Mr. Li's home, Xiao su'er fell into silence. What should we do?

Whether or not to call Xiao Shuo back from overseas, two people discuss together, but Xiao Shuo is abroad with old man ang. Now that her grandfather is old, she can't bear to take care of her. Although the housekeeper grandfather has been with him for many years, the housekeeper is old after all. Xiao su'er shakes her head and denies this idea.

Chi si'ang followed her, looked at her depressed face, and said, "don't worry about it. This time, it's absolutely impossible that it's infectious disease. Don't worry about this problem. Maybe in a few days, they won't have any more pain. Now it's time to get off work. Do you need to go back to the clinic to punch in! I'll treat you to dinner. "

"It's time to get off work. Well, think about it in a different way. Let's go! Let's go to dinner. " Xiao su'er nodded and followed Chi si'ang to the high-end restaurant in the city.

Chi si'ang seems to have been ready to take her here for dinner. Even the wine is put in the restaurant ahead of time. The red wine is poured into the goblet in front of her. He introduces with a smile: "this wine is specially selected for you, to commemorate our reunion after a long separation. I hope that there will be more opportunities to make up for the past five years with you in the future."

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