"Ghost, ghost doctor Valley?" The old Chinese medicine practitioners thought that they had heard something wrong.


The old Chinese medicine doctors looked at each other, and Lin su'er's expression suddenly looked like a mentally retarded person.

One of the influential white haired old man first lowered his face and said in a cold voice, "Miss Lin, our society of traditional Chinese medicine is a very serious organization. I hope you don't have such a playful attitude!"

"That's it." Another old woman couldn't help but follow the evil spirit and said, "relying on her own kind of beauty, she colluded with Gu's son, and she even messed up with our Chinese medicine society."

"Return ghost doctor Valley?" An old man in a Tang costume also followed him with a cold hum, "it's true that I've read too much of those messy martial arts novels on the Internet, and I dare to say anything!"

All these old people are bad tempered, and their sarcasm is worse than that of young people.

Gu Cheng's face was embarrassed. He went to see Lin su'er, but found that the aunt's face did not have any waves.

"I'm not talking nonsense." She spoke calmly and squinted at the old man with white hair who opened his mouth first. "Speaking of all, this old gentleman, your voice is changing from high to low. I'm afraid that you have not been sleeping well recently, and you often feel dizzy and numb in your left leg from time to time?"

The old man's cold face suddenly froze.

All right!

He looked at the girl in front of him in a bit of amazement, but still quickly recovered, "don't play tricks on me! Don't think you can fool me

Of the ten old people, nine had bad sleep and inconvenient legs. This Lin su'er was just talking nonsense here!

Seeing that the old man didn't believe himself, Lin su'er was not in a hurry. She just laughed and looked at the sharp old lady beside her.

"As for the old lady, you have a sharp voice, a flushed complexion, and a pale complexion. I'm afraid you have too much liver fire? I guess You don't like to eat fruits and vegetables on weekdays, and you often sweat in the middle of the night and wake up with nightmares? "

As soon as the old lady's expression coagulated, needless to say, she was all right again.

At this moment, all the forced old women were quiet, while Lin su'er put her eyes on the last old man in Tang Dynasty and chuckled.

"As for the old gentleman, you are in good health, but your spleen and stomach are a little weak. You'd better eat less meat, fish and greasy food on weekdays."

After three words, the whole room was quiet.

The so-called diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine is to look at, hear and inquire about.

Among them, seeing and hearing are the two most basic, but they are also the most difficult.

Only a real expert can make a general inference about the patient's condition by looking at people's faces and listening to their voices.

The old Chinese medicine practitioners present can all be said to be Xinglin veterans, but few are sure to achieve this.

But the little girl in front of me did it!

Several old Chinese medicine practitioners were immersed in the shock, but Lin su'er had already said goodbye with a smile and took Gu Cheng to say hello to others.

"I'll go, sister. You're really amazing!" Gu Cheng also took a long time to recover from the shock, this elder sister called with unprecedented sincerity, "how can you just look at those old men and women's physical condition?"

"The diagnosis of the elderly is relatively easy. If the young people are changed, I can't see it."

"Don't be modest." Gu Cheng looked at Lin su'er's expression of adoration, "I think you are more powerful than the most expensive consultant in our company!"

Gu Cheng knew that Lin su'er knew Chinese medicine before, but originally thought it was about the middle level, but it was a big hidden boss!

At this moment, he was willing to please Lin su'er even if he didn't look at his face.

Lin su'er smiles and doesn't speak. Just at this moment, a commotion comes from the door of the banquet, which interrupts Gu Cheng's Rainbow fart.

Lin su'er looked up and found that it was a middle-aged man coming in. Many old people and old women gathered around him. He shook hands and said hello to everyone with a smile. He felt that all the stars were supporting the moon.

Lin su'er raised her eyebrows. "Who is this? That's the style? "

Seeing the people, Gu Cheng is even worse.

"This is Qin Haishan, Qin Yuhan's father, chairman of Qin's group."

Several books of the whole Chinese medicine industry are gathered in three families, Ouyang family, Qin family and Gu family.

Among them, Ouyang family mainly runs hospitals, while Gu family and Qin family do health products and health products.

Gu's and Qin's businesses are similar, and they are competitors, so Gu Cheng naturally has no good face for the Qin family.

Lin su'er looked at the Qinhai mountain with a red face and a brand-name brand. She couldn't help but pick a higher eyebrow. "Their health products are very good?"

"What a damn thing!" Gu Cheng couldn't help it. "What they have is some useless vitamins and useless herbs. The money spent on scientific research every year is not half as much as that of our company."

"Then why does he look so good?""It's not marketing yet." Gu Cheng sneered from his nose, "their family recently invested in several entertainment companies, raised a large number of stars, and also made TV dramas, variety shows and various kinds of implanted advertising, so of course, there are more people to buy! You can't eat people anyway. "

Lin su'er is stunned.


This year's pharmaceutical industry is no longer her world, as long as the advertising is done well, vitamins can also become a saint of whitening.

suddenly thought of what he was thinking of when he was Tucao in, and then hurriedly continued to make complaints about Lin Suer: "of course, su er, your hidden master is a great fellow in the world. I don't care about such vulgar fame and wealth! "

Hearing this, Lin su'er suddenly couldn't help but draw.


You misunderstood me!

What she wants is such a vulgar thing!


With the blessing of Gu Cheng, Lin su'er finally entered the circle of traditional Chinese medicine.

The next day, Lin su'er went to school, but she didn't want to go into the classroom. Everyone looked at her with a strange look.

Lin su'er frowned.

What happened again?

She doesn't have to ask. Naturally, people who have a lot of problems come up and talk a lot in person.

"Lin su'er, how dare you come to school?" Sure enough, Luo sweet sat on the seat, while smeared nail polish, while sneering at Lin suer, "don't you know, Su Qin Yu came back to school today?"

Luo Tiantian really hates Lin su'er now.

When she was in the zoo before, Luo Tiantian saw Chi si'ang in the cable car in front of her. Regardless, she wanted to jump out of the cable car to save Lin su'er.

This is Luo Tiantian mad!

Lin su'er, a fox spirit, also said that she had nothing to do with Chi si'ang!

It doesn't matter. Chi si'ang doesn't care about her so much!

Hook up with people still don't admit, not green tea whore is what!

Lin su'er heard Luo Tiantian's words, but she just picked her eyebrows slightly, "so?"

Su Qin has nothing to do with her.

"You don't know yet?" Looking at Lin su'er's unmoved face, Luo Tiantian is just more gloating, "their su family has just received a large foreign order! I'm afraid it's going to turn over! "


Everyone, including Luo Tiantian, thought that Lin su'er had dared to press Su Qinyu's head into the toilet before, because she bullied the Su family and was fined, regardless of the trouble.

But now it's not the same. After the fine storm, the Su family has also found a chance to turn over. How dare Lin su'er?

With such an idea, everyone looked at Lin su'er's expression with a bit of schadenfreude.

Lin su'er looks at these eyes, but only sneers.

But they really misunderstood.

Lin su'er taught people a lesson, but she didn't like to save and beat her. She didn't care so much.

But she didn't care about Luo Tiantian's schadenfreude. She was about to return to her seat, but she didn't want to --

"the rain is coming! Su Qinyu is coming to our class

The boy sitting at the door suddenly exclaimed, all of them raised their heads in unison. As expected, they saw a gorgeous figure walking into their classroom.

Everyone is a spiritual shock!

Come on, come on!

Su Qin's Revenge comes from the rain!

"Well, what do you think Su Qinyu will do to Lin su'er? Just press Lin su'er's head into the toilet and give her a tooth for a tooth? "

"Isn't that too cheap, Lin su'er? If you want me to say, you should be cruel and tell her to eat shit

"Hum! Lin su'er deserves it! Tell her to hook three and make four! This is called retribution

Everyone lowered their voices and talked in succession. They watched Su Qinyu walk up to Lin su'er, waiting for Su Qinyu to raise his hand and slap Lin su'er, but they didn't want to --

"su'er." Su Qinyu suddenly grabbed Lin su'er's hand, and her tears rolled down her face. "I made mistakes before. Please forgive me!"

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