Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 3: Space abilities of the sky mark (top)

I will upload two chapters today, and I will upload another chapter at night. But my only fairy is over. If you have a VIP ticket, throw it over. Hehe-

I don't know how long it took, and the consciousness of the sky mark gradually became clear. He clearly felt that his body was a little stiff and the blood in his body was not very smooth, but surprisingly, the spirit did not languish, but it was very clear. The memory of everything that happened in the college auditorium.

William died, and he died unconsciously. Why did every power in his body seem to be evacuated when he died? Can my eyes really kill people? A flash of light in his mind, he suddenly remembered that before he entered the auditorium, the closed door suddenly paused. All this seems to be related to himself. It seems that it was controlled by oneself. The two incredible situations have spatial fluctuations, but how do you control them?

Open your eyes, the sky marks that you are in a white room, everything in the room is so clean and tidy, although this place is the first time, but it can be guessed that this should be the college's infirmary. Some medicine bottles were placed on the table not far away, and several pipes were connected to them. There were several instruments that looked like high technology.

These instruments only recognize one type of skin mark. It is a human body ecological instrument that has been studied in the classroom of the college. The biggest feature of this instrument is that it can sense all the conditions of the human body, including blood pressure, heartbeat, brain activity, and even Spiritual strength. The students who have cultivated the universe in the college are much stronger in spirit than the average person, so they will have the last one. The four main probing items present lines of four colors that fluctuate slightly on the display of the instrument.

By observing the sky marks, my blood pressure, heartbeat and brain activity are relatively normal. It is only that the green line fluctuation that symbolizes the spiritual fluctuation is much worse than the normal person. Isn't my spirit really abnormal?

The red line symbolizing the heartbeat fluctuated rapidly, showing the unstable mood of the sky mark. His eyes turned to the medicine bottle on the side. In the embarrassing state, he tried to let those medicine bottles come to him. Because the spirit is concentrated on the medicine bottle, the sky marks are not found, and the blue lines symbolizing the spirit are more fluctuating, and the wave peak has even affected the movement of other lines.

"Teaching the leader, this is what happened this year. William actually died inexplicably. The boy who graduated from the graduation grade was fainted. Is he scared?"

"Maybe, hey, the quality of these trainees is really bad. It’s hard to have a good academic performance. I don’t want his psychological quality to be so bad."

The sudden sound scared the sky mark, and at this moment, the medicine bottle that he had been trying to control fell down and fell on the metal table.

The sky mark closed his eyes, but he could clearly feel his own heartbeat, yes, it was really possible. This is by no means a control in the body, because it requires the cooperation of the cosmic gas, and I just got the pill bottle completely by the power of the spirit. What is going on here, the spirit is really like a scientist before. Said, has a strong power? No, not only the spirit, it seems to be the ability to manipulate space.

The door opened and two footsteps came in. The sky mark suddenly found that his spirit had spread to every corner of the room. Even if you don’t have to open your eyes to see it, you can easily distinguish it. The two men are teaching separately. A teacher in the Department of Long and Body.

The instructor first looked at the instrument recognized by the sky mark. At the moment of his gaze, the sky mark, with the help of the spirit, actually restored everything to normal, and the four lines representing the state of the body all operated according to normal rules.

"Day marks, are you awake?" the instructor asked softly.

Tianzheng was anxious to understand what happened after that day, slowly opened his eyes, and some weak roads: "Hello, the teacher, I just woke up." His weakness is not pretend, except for his spirit, his body Other functions are not really in the best state right now.

Teach the gentle gentleman: "I am very sorry about the day. What did you find about William's death? Because we don't know why you are unconscious, so we think, maybe what you saw that day."

The sky marks his head and shook his head. "I don't know anything. When William's neck was bleeding, I was scared. I was dizzy in my mind." The reason why he said this is because the teacher and the teacher Teacher's previous conversation. He does not want to turn himself into a murderer. If that is the case, he will inevitably accept legal sanctions. In the days of the traces, William’s death is so bizarre. It’s almost impossible to prove that it’s almost impossible to kill. It’s just a death and no recognition. There is no evidence anyway.

Sure enough, the director’s eyes showed a trace of disappointment, but his eyes were still so deep in disappointment. Consolation said: "If this is the case, then you should rest well. I have already helped you with your graduation procedure. After you have finished, you can leave the college after you receive the honor badge from me. Congratulations, you can get it smoothly. I graduated from the college and became a top graduate."

Tianzi reluctantly smiled and said: "Thank you for your guidance." After graduation, I finally graduated after five years of study. Perhaps, returning to the city of your own home, you can find a good job with this name. That way, you can support your parents. Although Linna left, but as a graduate of her lieutenant general college, when there is a certain savings, it is not difficult to find a wife. Skymarks have always had no lofty ideals, just want to live better. Although he is not willing to admit it, he is still very much aspired to the lives of the rich children.

The instructor put the card symbolizing identity on the edge of the sky mark, and comforted him with a few words telling him that a thousand coins had already entered his card, and went out with the teacher.

Tianzi closed his eyes. He wanted to hear what the teacher said to the teacher. The spirit followed them out of the room, and his heartbeat was accelerated. His spirit could really follow them, clearly. I have already walked out of my listening range, but still can hear their conversation.

"It seems that this child really doesn't know anything." The instructor said in a sigh.

The teacher said: "But the instructor, William's father, since he believed that William's death is related to the sky mark, I am afraid it will not give up so easily. The sky mark is still good in the college, but he has graduated now, waiting for him to leave. I am afraid..."

The teaching director snorted and said: "The Galaxy Alliance is the legal world. Even if the old William is the chairman of the Thunder Group, if he dares to come, I will report it to the Holy League. I think he is not yet Dare to touch the dignity of the Holy League."

"Yes, yes, I am afraid that no one in the entire league dares to touch the dignity of the sacred alliance. And, you are..."

"Stop, some things can't be said casually, you should understand."

"Yes, yes..." The last thing that came was the voice of the teacher who was sincere and fearful.

The tentacles of the spirit finally could not stretch too long, and there was a weakness in my mind. The sky marks did not hear more content, but the words of the Holy League were deeply imprinted into the depths of his mind. identity of. What is the holy alliance? It sounds like an organization, and this organization is actually even afraid of the Thunder Group. The Thunder Group’s Skymark is known. It is an inter-planet consortium that spans almost half of the Milky Way. Although he knows that William has always been arrogant in the college, he is very famous among the rich children, but he did not expect that William actually Will be the son of the chairman of the Leidong Group.

It may be trouble to leave here, but can you stay in college forever? No, absolutely can't, even if the college agrees, you can't do it yourself. The college's career is hard to end. If you stay here, you won't bring anything to yourself. The girl who gave the nursery rhyme to her is right. If you want to get something, you must rely on your own efforts. Linna, don’t you say that I am weak? I want to show you that from now on, I will never show weakness in front of anyone.

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