Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 81: Blu I am his girlfriend (below)

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Lina sighed and said: "I haven't changed anything, but you have changed a lot. I don't dare to recognize it. I don't have any good things. I just didn't have a mature attitude. Now I think of it. I can't help but regret it. It wasn't until the past two years that I understood what kind of feelings were most precious. Sky marks, I am sorry, I used to be too impulsive."

The sky marks shook his head and said: "The past has passed, why bother? If more than four years, we have changed, aren't we?"

Linna looked at the blue eyes, and some of the lonely words: "You are right, the sky mark is a good person, congratulations to you. I think, you are coming to my cousin Damon."

Tianzi said: "Yes! Let me see Teacher Damon."

Linna said: "Let's go quickly. Day marks, after you have seen Damon cousin, can we talk about it alone?" When she said this, she suddenly showed a trace of sadness in her eyes.

The heart of the day is a hot heart. How can the four-year relationship be forgotten? What's more, Linna is his first favorite girl. She just agreed to the head but listened to the cold blue road: "Sorry, the sky marks are not available. After seeing Damon, we still have things. To do it." After that, the hand that pulled up the sky mark went to the teaching building.

Linna stared at them, just in contact with the gaze of the sky mark, a bitter smile, did not say anything, went into the crowd and did not know where to go.

"Blue, why are you? We are classmates, after all, look at Linna, she seems to have something like it." Tianzhen said with some helplessness.

The blue snorted and said: "I don't want to find you anything. Is it because you forgot how she opened your foot? What kind of woman she doesn't know how to cherish? ?"

The pain caused by Liina was diminished with the loss of time. At this time, I saw Lina and felt her difference. I couldn’t help but raise a bit of pity again. “In fact, I was wrong before, as her. Boyfriend, I am studying every day, there is no time to accompany her, and I have no money to take her in high-end places, so..."

The blue sky squinted at the sky mark. "Okay, I don't want you to care for her anyway, otherwise I will not finish with you."

The wind whispered: "Blue, you look like a vinegar jar now. When you said that it was the boss's girlfriend, I thought you were trying to help the boss find his face. But now, it looks like It’s true. Is that the boss’s former girlfriend? Although it’s not as good as you, it’s still good. It seems that the boss’s vision is still very good.”

The blue and the sky mark face are red at the same time, and the same mouth: "The skin is itchy." After that, the two couldn't help but laugh.

As they said, they had already arrived outside Damon’s office, and the sky mark knocked on the door, and the voice of Damon came out. “Come in.”

Three people in the sky mark stepped in and saw Damon and Xue En looking at them with a smile. "Damon teacher, teacher Xue En, I am back from the magic star."

Damon greeted him, looked up and down the sky, and smiled: "Three years have not seen, it seems that you have improved more than before, the magic star stays for three years, even your temperament has changed."

The sky mark is a little excited: "Damon teacher, have you been okay in the past few years?"

Damon smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with it. When the teacher can still be, we can be regarded as the most leisurely person in the sacred league. What are these two?"

The sky mark quickly rushed to bring the wind and the blue to the front, and introduced: "They are also the people of our sacred alliance, this is my good brother, the wind manipulator is far away, this is the blue of the water system. You I should have seen it." In order not to let Damon and Xueen feel uncomfortable, Tianzheng did not say the identity of the blue master.

In the eyes of Damon and Xue En, they were surprised at the same time. Although they had seen the blue in the big arena in the air, they had seen the blue, but after three years, the beautiful figure had already been forgotten. Listening to the traces of the sky, suddenly shocked. Suddenly recognized that this blue-haired beauty is the beauty of the original Ruth; Phil's judges using water to image.

Blue smiled: "Hello two teachers, I am coming back from the magic star with the same day mark. There is nothing today, just come with the sky mark."

Damon smiled and said: "Miss Blue is really beautiful. If I am a younger teenager, I might try to chase you."

No one doesn't like others to praise their beauty. The blue smiles: "You are not old now! Looks like the brother of the sky mark."

Damon glanced at the sky mark and said: "I was his brother, the teacher was just a title. I know that you should be back these days, how, how to harvest in the magic star."

The sky marks a slight smile, saying: "The harvest is not bad, the ability has improved a lot, and there is also a holy beast. The headquarters put us on a half-year holiday, may stay here for a few months. But I have to go to Moore in a few days. The teacher went there to see it. I haven’t seen the teacher since I came back."

Damon said first: "This is what it should be. Come, let's sit down first, huh, huh. You see me happy, forget everything." As he said, he gave several people to his seat.

At this moment, the door opened, and a red figure rushed in. "The sky mark, is it that the sky mark is coming back." The voice full of excitement is pleasant.

The day marks see this person, can not help but scream, said: "Snow plum, I am back." While talking, quickly stood up.

"You still know to come back!" Xuemei screamed, plunging into the sky mark, slamming his chest, and in addition to the light of joy, there was a bit of resentment.

Damon and Xue En looked at them with a smile, and did not stop Xuemei. Xuemei's assault is like itching in the sky mark, it will not hurt at all, but at this time the blue and the wind are far away, and there is something on the face that can't be said. I quickly grabbed Xuemei’s hands and smiled bitterly: “You just want to kill me when you meet! I can’t do it if I’m wrong?” In fact, he didn’t know why Xuemei was so excited, even though she was with Xuemei. There is indeed a hint of love between them, but most of the hearts of the sky marks are on the lily.

Xuemei squinted at him with a small mouth, a delicate look, followed by breaking free from the hands of the sky mark, burying his pretty face in his arms, his face tightly attached to his chest, "Let You came back so late, hey. You don't come back, the people who hurt are not even in the mood to find a boyfriend in recent years. You accompany me, you accompany me."

The sky marks some helplessly licking Xuemei's delicate body, just to see the blue projected eyes, her eyes with a smile, but also a bit weird. Feng Yuan was so wide that he couldn't close his mouth and muttered: "God! Boss, how many women do you have in the end, how can one be more beautiful than one. Uneven your brother and me."

The sky marks a glimpse of the wind, just want to say something, Xuemei in the arms stood up straight, his face raised two pieces of red glow, and looked at the sky marks, "How many women do you have? What happened."

"Oh! I don't even have a real girlfriend. Where do you come to my woman? Don't listen to the little winds. He has always been like this." At the same time that Tianzi said this, Xuemei finally noticed. Others, she saw the wind far away, and naturally saw the strange blue of the expression. The eyes are connected with the bright blue eyes, Xuemei can't help but feel the heart, the dark road, so beautiful! Is it... the feeling of crisis spread to Xuemei’s heart in an instant, looking at the sky mark and asking: “Who are they?”

Tianzi said: "This is my brother's style, this you should have seen, do you forget the scene in the big arena? She is blue."

"Blue? Ah! You are Rose;; the granddaughter of Phil's Judge, the blue that was recruited by the time?" Xuemei's voice was full of surprises and a bit of joy.

Blue stood up and smiled and nodded. "Hello, I am blue, sky marks, you haven't introduced us yet."

Tianzi said: "This is Xuemei, the sister of Xue En teacher."

Xuemei walked up to the blue and smiled. "Since you are blue, I am relieved."

A blue glimpse, said: "Why do you say this? I can have something that you can't worry about. Ah! Are you referring to the sky mark?"

Xuemei nodded nodded and said: "I am going to let him be my temporary boyfriend, but you are more beautiful than me. If he has you, I am afraid there will be no chance. But you are blue. It’s not the same. I didn’t have the green leaf when I was recruited last time. Naturally, I wouldn’t grab the sky mark with me. Right, you haven’t got a kiss with the green leaves.”

Listening to Xuemei mentioning the green leaves, the blue heart suddenly sinks, yeah! What happened to you, why did the emotions of jealousy in my heart just when Xuemei hugged the sky? Is it that the sky mark can already shake the position of the green leaves? No, this is never possible. Lightly smiled and said: "Yes! I already have green leaves. I am only a good friend with Tianzhen."

Xuemei smiled and said: "That's good. Sky marks, how? Now that you have returned, just be my temporary boyfriend. When I am tired of being with you, change."

The wind looked at Xuemei and said: "This is also true. Miss, you are so disrespectful of feelings, how can my older brother be with you? Don't you know, he has always been very conservative."

Xuemei sighed and said: "How can I not respect my feelings? I am telling the truth. Is it really necessary to respect the feelings of the Shanmeng vows? Who can make it clear after the changes?"

Tianzheng pulled Xuemei to the side and pressed her to sit on the chair. She said: "Xuemei, since I met you and the two teachers on the earth last time, I have always treated you as a friend. Now I, It’s really not time to bear the feelings. I still have a lot of things to do. So, are we only good friends?”

Xuemei stayed a little and his eyes were reddish. He said, "What is so important to you? I am also a member of the Holy League. Can't I help you solve it together?"

Tianzheng shook his head firmly and said: "No one can help me in my own business. Sorry, Xuemei, we are still only good friends."

Xuemei fiercely jumped from the chair, raising her hand like a sky mark, the sky mark did not dodge, seeing Xuemei's hand gradually close to his face, half hand, stagnant in the air, Xuemei's big The eyes were filled with stubbornness, a fierce slap in the hand, and pushed the day mark to the side. "You bastard." He ran out.

Xuemei came quickly, and went fast, leaving only a fragrant wind. The blue looked at Xuemei's departure, and the feeling of relief was lifted in my heart. The pretty face could not help but hang a faint smile.

Tianzheng apologized to Xueen: "I'm sorry, Teacher Xue En, I don't want to hurt Xuemei. It's better to have a short pain than a short pain. Now I really don't want to talk about feelings. I don't want to hurt Xuemei."

Xue En sighed and said: "This is something for your young people. You decide it yourself. We can't manage it even if we want to manage it!"

Damon knows that the sky mark has a dark power, and he knows that he is the real green leaf, and naturally understands his difficulties. I looked at the blue eyes and said: "The sky marks, needless to say, Xiaomei, we will go to persuade, she and Linna are both assistants of the college. This is a very hard work for three years. Now the power is close to ten. Level, she also said that we must catch up with you soon."

Tianzheng’s heart moved, said: “Mr. Damon, I just met Linna. She seems to be looking for me. Is she okay recently?”

Damon sighed and said: "Lena's girl has changed a lot in the past two years and has become very silent. She told me more than once that she missed the days when she was with you. She is looking for you, maybe It’s for apologizing for hurting you.”

The blue is a bit cold: "Things have already happened. What is the use of apology? It is difficult to cover the water. Can it be solved by an apology?"

Tianzheng looked at the blue eyes with a bit of blame, and said to Damon: "Actually, I have not blamed her for a long time. Teacher Damon, please tell her for me. Everything in the beginning will be a good memory." In my heart." She really can't accept Linna anymore, even if she doesn't have a lily. From some perspectives, the sky mark is a very traditional and conservative person. He can not hate Lina, but she can't forget her betrayal. William's business together. That not only hurt his dignity, but also hurt his emotions.

Damon smiled and said: "Well, don't say this, the feelings are hard to say. Linna has already had a new boyfriend. Maybe, she will forget you soon. Since you have been magical Stars return, I think, the headquarters should also arrange for you. If you arrange to go to another planet, we will have fewer opportunities to meet in the future. Go, the teacher asks you to eat well, one is Celebrate your successful return, and second, to give you a trip, I hope you can have a good position."

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