Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 85: The name of the star mark Fenglong (below)

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The **** wind leopard turned a big eye, and Zhang mouth spurted a green gas to hit the wind far away. He said: "Blow, blow, blow your head. You should blow it yourself. My name is good, no. change."

Xiaofenglong’s excitement fluttered, and suddenly a morphing phantom came to the back of the sky mark. The phoenix head stretched out and picked the sky mark to his not wide back. The speed suddenly increased, and the speed was wrapped in a twisted light. Flying, the air constantly spreads it from time to time, and sometimes the excitement of low voice, "I have a name, I have a name, you are a sky mark, I am a star mark. Oh, no, you are airspeed, I am a star mark. "In the blink of an eye, it has disappeared into the forest."

Because of the relationship between the biological computer, the blue and the wind are not afraid of the same day, and the two also flew together with the Shenfeng Leopard and Na Xue, and chased the past in the woods.

The day marks sit on the back of the star mark and feel the scenes that are constantly passing around. The heart can't help but be excited. Although the Xiaofenglong star marks only enter the growth stage, the strength it shows is no worse than the space system. How much, and just the Shenfeng Leopard said that his ability may not be as simple as the beast, perhaps, when the star mark enters adulthood, it will bring more surprise to himself.

The surrounding space was constantly twisted. The sky mark was surprised to find that Xiaofenglong was flying completely in a straight line, and through the twisted space, the creatures in the original wood could not stop it. This kind of ability is something that I don't have. I feel the energy that Xiaofenglong constantly emits. He gradually realizes his mind and understands the reason of more space. Star marks are indeed his mentor and friend. The instinct from Bai Feng and Lie Long is far from what he can compare. From his gods, he can learn something that he can't understand.

"Star marks, fly slowly, wait for them, they can't fly like you, I am afraid to fall behind a lot." Although the sky marks, but the speed of the Xiaofenglong star marks at least five times the speed of sound The above is just a little bit of work, and has already pulled the blue and the wind far away.

The huge wings of the star mark opened, and the body suddenly stood upright. The silver plaque next to the corner of the eye flashed two lights, slowing down the speed of the forward rush and slowly falling on the ground.

The sky mark flew down from the back of his body on the ground, gently rubbing the silver long scorpion on the corner of the star mark, saying: "Star mark, your strength is so fast, will it have any effect?" Recall that the day Xiaofeng The dragon suddenly changed under the influence of the energy of the ion high-energy gun, and entered the growth period directly from the early birth period. The sky mark always felt a little uneasy.

The star marks shook his head, and Feng Feng posted it in front of the sky mark. He said: "We are not the same as you human beings. I seem to have felt a word in your mind, called the seedlings to encourage. But we are going to go Not afraid. The so-called growth is actually a process of absorbing energy. The more energy stored in the body, the stronger the power. Naturally, it will gradually evolve. The energy absorbed that day has been completely transformed into my own body through your body. What is needed is equivalent to a large amount of absorption of your ability at one time, so there will be no problem. But in the future, this situation may not be very difficult, because the situation is too dangerous after all, one is not good, you and I will be critical to life. You are still careful. As for the improvement of your ability in the future, I can directly absorb the external space energy molecules, and then reconcile with the energy you absorb, our strength will progress together, my ability will be with you. Just like the black old guy in your stomach."

The sky marks a smile, and the heart has already sounded the roar of the **** of darkness. The purple starlight flickers and flies out from the part of his stomach. The purple light is emitted, and the **** of darkness screams: "You little guy, just stronger." Dare to provoke me. Hey, I thought that when you were the king of the magic star, you were still a sperm in your father's stomach."

The star mark snorted and said: "Who knows what you said before is true or bragging, no wonder that there are so few cows on the magic star, it was all blown away by you."

"You..." The **** of darkness, which has always been calm and wise, is completely plunged into a state of violent movement. The purple light is shining brightly, and the purple starlight becomes a swallowing big mouth and rushes to the star mark.

The day marks just want to stop, but they saw a starburst and snorted, and there was a silvery light in front of them. The light was completely composed of a small twisted light spot, and the purple was swallowed and blocked. The **** can't hurt him at all. Stars easily resisted the attack of the **** of darkness, and smiled and said: "You see, I am right. Now you can't even hit the growth stage, what do you say?" I see, you must be a super-sacred beast.

The purple light converges and re-condenses into a star shape. The voice of the dark **** is angry. "You fart, if it is not the **** of light, the **** seals me for so long, my energy is weakened, I can even connect you with this little thing. Can't you clean up? You wait, wait for my strength to recover and then settle with you."

Xiaofenglong star marks are not nervous at all. "That will be fine with you. However, my growth rate may not be slower than your recovery. Maybe I can reach the super god-level sacred ability." You can help me? Besides, you and I are not in the same status now, I am a contract with the heart, we are equal, brother. And you are a soul contract, a servant. From a certain angle In fact, my position can be much higher than you, hehe." He proudly looked up, a look of pride.

The purple light of the **** of darkness suddenly became dim and screamed. "Oh, how old you are, I don't care about you. Sky marks, your companions are coming." The light flashed, he Has returned to the body of the sky mark. The sky mark looked at the Xiaofenglong star mark with some blame. "We are companions. You can't do this to the **** of darkness in the future."

In the eyes of Xiaofeng Long, Guanghua flashed, and the idea of ​​the sky mark accepted his meaning. The star mark told him that the **** of darkness is an extremely dangerous holy beast. It is full of dark yu hopes, and willingly sign a soul contract with the sky mark. Inevitably has a certain purpose, in order to suppress him, let him use it for the sky mark, so Xiao Fenglong is suppressing him from the strength in making a proud and arrogant look.

The eye marks have a deep look at the star marks, the glare of the star-stained silver eyes flashed, the sound of the air broke, the blue, the wind, and their holy beast finally arrived.

The three men continued to move forward. Star marks, Na Xue and Shenfeng Leopard swam around. The three of them did not care who, and Na Xue looked the most pitiful. Under the pressure of Shenfeng Leopard and Star Mark, it was fundamental. I dare not leave the blue sky too far. If it is not the surrounding fresh environment that tempts her, I am afraid I have to return to the blue body.

Three people and three beasts stopped and went, and occasionally they came to an emergency. After ten days, they finally came to the sacred base in the middle of the entire fantasy forest.

Far away, the simple house appeared in the eyes of the three people. The sky mark and the wind looked at each other, and both of them had strong emotions in their hearts. They are finally back. The two of them couldn’t take a greeting with the blue, and they floated up. A few flashes had already arrived in the house. Once again, they looked at each other and both of them sang at the same time: "Mr. Moore, we are back."

A wooden house on the left walked out of a person, and some people were impatient: "Who is this! Nothing is wrong. Noisy."

The sky marks and the wind are fixed in the eyes. This person recognizes them, it is Soestin, one of the two space system operators who trained them for a year.

"So Big Brother, I am back!" The sky mark screamed with excitement and flew to Soestin. Sostin and Moya helped them very much. It was in that year of hard work. It has laid a good foundation for the days and winds, and this foundation is enough for a lifetime. For the days of the mark and the wind, Sostin and Moya are also the relationship between the teacher and the brother.

Sostin licked his eyes and gradually shed light. "The sky marks, you are the sky marks, ah! There is still a long way to go, your two boys are back."

Feng Yuan also followed the sky mark flying, and laughed loudly: "Yes! We just got back from the magic star. So big brother, Moore teacher? Is he going out to find a good person again?" Bewildered by Moore's appearance illusion, so inexplicably experienced the test of Moore.

Sostin smiled slightly and said: "No, the teacher went to the Devil's Temple. It should be back in a while. It is only a few years since your two boys have gone, especially the sky marks."

The day marks helplessly said: "That is also arranged by Moore teacher! Do you think we are willing to go? So big brother, are you and Moab big brother?"

Sostin smiled heartily: "Well, we can have something bad. Moya and the teacher went to the Demon Temple together. Let me stay here alone. I didn't expect to wait for you to come back."

The sky marks the blue light behind the body, said: "So Big Brother, I will introduce you, this is the blue color of the water system. We will have a holiday after returning from the magic star. She is a Chinese star like us, and there is nothing at home. Things can be done, just come with us. Oh, yes, she is the granddaughter of Rose; Phil's judge."

Sostin’s eyes showed a hint of astonishment, and looked blue and smiled: “Beautiful lady, welcome to the Minghuangxing Dream Forest. This is the home of our abilities, you are welcome.”

Blue smiled and said: "Hello, you are coming out, rude. The fantasy forest is really beautiful, I like this natural atmosphere most, I really want to settle down here."

Sostin smiled and said: "You young people can have this heart is very good, but it is impossible to stay here. After all, you still have a strong impulse, here, will make you will Depression. Otherwise, the teacher will not let the sky mark and the wind go far and outside."

The wind is far away and smiles: "I don't think it will become depressed here. So, don't forget how the teacher trained me. Don't say that the will is depressed. I don't even have time to sleep." Moore is harsh on him, and now there is still a lingering fear in his heart.

Sostin said with a funny smile: "You, don't get it cheap, we want to let the teacher point it all. It's impossible to see how much the teacher pays attention to you. Without the original efforts, can you have the current achievements?" Look at your kid's appearance, the ability should have exceeded 20 levels. Have you entered the sacred league for a few years? I have been practicing with Moya for so many years, but only just twenty or two."

The wind smiled and said: "So big brother, then I am taller than you, I am already twenty-six, and the boss is also twenty-seven. We are not white mixed in the magic star for three years."

Sostin’s heart was shocked. “So high? How is this possible? You are not a big deal. How can sky marks progress so fast? It’s very difficult to know that space abilities can be upgraded every level.”

The sky marks a slight smile, saying: "This is all good advice from Moore, and I still have a bit of luck. We just called the teacher when we returned to Earth and reported it to him."

Sostin is pleased: "Looking at you young people growing up, we old people should retire, go, go into the house and say, a few days ago, the scorpio fruit has just matured, you should eat first, I estimate that the teacher will definitely be back at noon."

Ming Huang Xing, brought the feeling of the sky and the wind is far from home. The two followed Blues and followed Sostin into a wooden house. After eating a few delicious sassafras, they chatted with Sostin. Since they left, Ming Huangxing has returned to silence. For three years, everything is normal. Moore, as the master of this place, rarely leaves the fantasy forest. Most of the time he spends his time in the retreat. There was nothing surprising about it. It was just a short time before the sky marks and the wind came back. There seemed to be a slight earthquake there, so Moore would personally rush to investigate.

Tianzheng and Fengyuan also briefly described their approximate experience on the magic star. Because the sacred league has regulations, it is not allowed to discuss things about the magic star casually, so they did not say too much. In the chat, the time passed quickly. The sky marks some medicines brought back from the magic star with space bags to Sostin. Those things are not found on other planets. After the identification of Seri, they found that It can be used in combination with various medicinal materials and has a good effect on the human body.

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