Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 87: Lifting the crisis of the devil (below)

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Moore smiled and said: "I am very good. After I have two disciples with you and Feng Yuan, I am in a good mood every day. The Devil Temple is not the first time there is a wave, just a slight earthquake, Ming Huang. The core of the star is a white dwarf star, but the surface of the planet is not affected by the white dwarf star, but I always feel that something is going to happen, and it is related to the demon temple. Unfortunately, no one can enter the last layer of the demon temple. Look at what is there, and I agree with several judges that there must be a secret of Ming Huangxing."

Tianzheng said: "The last time I only entered the first floor of the Devil's Temple, I felt the weirdness of the energy. The teacher, the bright elders, already have the ability to surpass the sins, can't go to the last level to see ?? He has been very curious about everything in the Temple of the Devil.

Moore said: "This is hard to say. However, I also proposed to Guangming. He said that for two years, if he can break through the realm of the 81st level, he must go in and try."

It’s really hard to compare people’s minds. It’s really hard to compare people and people. It’s more than 20 people’s abilities. It’s much more powerful than ordinary people, but compared with the bright elders who hit the 81st level. It can be far worse. I really don't know when I can reach that level. "Teacher, let's go back."

Moore smiled and said: "Is it afraid that you are alone in the blue!"

A trace of the sky, quickly shook his head: "No, no, teacher, don't misunderstand. Blue and I are just ordinary friends."

Moore smiled and said: "My lady, my gentleman is good, nothing can be shy. For quite a few years, your teacher, I am very good at this. Oh, yes, there is something you may not know yet. We are holy. The people in the league are not subject to the monogamy of the alliance. As long as you have the ability to let the girl really be nice with you, it doesn't matter if you have more than a few. When you have a few more children..." Moore can't help but talk about it here. I smiled smugly, thinking, if you can have a bunch of grandchildren, great granddaughter!

When the day marks heard Moore's words, his eyes suddenly became sluggish. "No, is this OK? But I haven't seen anyone who has two wives!"

Moore’s eyes are a bit more weird. “If you don’t see it, you don’t mean it. And although the Holy League is not bound by the rules of the Galaxy, in this gender-equal society, it’s definitely not a mother who wants to marry two wives. It's easy. You think about what happens when you have a wife and then give another girl a kiss? Hey, most of it is a slap."

Tianzheng smiled and said: "You told me what to do, I didn't want to marry a few wives, and now, human beings are not completely restricted by life, and marriage is not anxious. I always think that emotional things should be From the end, there is only one person's heart. If it is divided into several parts, is it still the heart? I will only marry a wife."

Moore's eyes looked at the sky marks with deep meaning. "You said it is simple. Maybe you don't think so in the future. Kid, when you can't help, I see what you do. You know why there is such a rule. And who is the first user of this rule."

Tianzheng curiously asked: "Who is it? It must be our sacred people, and the authority is not small. Is it one of the few judges?"

Moore shook his head and pointed at his nose: "You are my teacher."

Tianzi stopped his steps and lost his voice: "No teacher, can't I have several masters?"

Moore smiled and said: "What can't you do? There are three of your masters, but, well..." He said that he couldn't help but feel helpless.

The day mark asked: "But what? Is it true that several masters have already..."

"No, no, no, they all live well. Hey, you know my son. I have three wives, but only one son. Moo is gone. My three wives think that I didn't fulfill him and the woman with the dark power, so I left with me. I am such a son, whether it is myself or my wife, I will be like a baby, he almost It was the spiritual sustenance of all three of my wives. Moo was gone, and the hearts of my three wives were also dead, so they left Ming Huangxing and left me.” When it comes to Moore’s eyes, Moore’s eyes can’t help but stop. Tears, I don’t know if I was sad for my son’s death, or because my three wives left.

Tianzi 搀 helped Moore's arm and comforted: "Teacher, don't do this, I think, a few teachers will come back. You are a husband and wife after all! I think, they must remember you."

Moore’s eyes showed a sly smile, saying: “I’m not sure before, but now I have it. And, I’ve found them in a safe place, but it’s not easy to get them back. So good or bad, anyway, you are now in a state of holiday, just help the teacher, to pick up your three teachers and return to Ming Huang Xing."

A trace of the sky, pointing to his nose, said: "I? Can I do it?"

Moore smiled slightly and said: "There must be a line, you can rest assured, I have everything arranged. You see the teacher alone in the Ming Huang Xing's lonely bitterness. If your few teachers come back, I can live comfortably. Don't look at your teacher's appearance now, I want to be a teacher, I am also handsome and handsome, wind liu 倜傥, Yushu Linfeng..."

Watching Moore boast of himself, the sky marks suddenly rises in his mind, and he quickly laughs and said: "Teacher, I know that you were very good at the time, I am going. I hope not to be beaten by the three teachers."

Moore smiled and said: "No, no, as long as you go there, there is no problem. So, you will leave tomorrow morning, and it is estimated that you will be back in ten days. Fengyuan and Blue will stay here first. Play for a few days, wait for you to come back, and then go back to the comet with them. Yes, I have already arranged for you, and after returning to the Earth, you should be assigned to me."

Moore let him go back to meet a few teachers, although it is a bitter mess, but Tianzheng can't say anything. He also hopes that the teacher can be happy. He nodded. "That's alright. Teacher, what do I need to bring with you?" Do you want to go?"

Moore said: "I will give you a letter tomorrow morning. You will bring them directly to the three of them. They ask you what you are, you answer them truthfully, let you do what you want, and you listen to them. If you just When they go, they have a bad attitude. You must insist that they read the letter first. Then there is no problem."

Tianzhen was surprised: "Is it so simple?" Since the three teachers left their own Moore teacher, they have never returned. Obviously, the heart is extremely deep, and it is a letter that can be solved. Thinking of this, the eyes of the sky can not help but reveal the light of inquiry.

Moore mysteriously smiled and said: "You can rest assured. Since I let you go, naturally I have already arranged everything. You will start tomorrow. I will let Sostin and Moya go with you, without taking a transport ship, directly Let's go to my special ship." The white light flashed, and Moore returned to the base with his space system's ability to wrap the body of the sky mark.

Early the next morning, I bid farewell to everyone. Tianxun took the e-mail letter that Moore gave him, and Moya and Sostin came to an open space behind the village. He first saw the special ship belonging to Moore. The hull is about 60 meters long, and the shape is similar to the father of the star mark, Bai Feng. The hull is white and white, and the streamline is extremely beautiful. It is more natural than the seat of the judges that the sky marks have seen. The most unexpected thing about the sky mark is that there are six hexagonal openings in the tail of this small warship. Each opening is like a honeycomb, and countless round dark red spots are faint. The opening is obviously related to the power of the battleship, but such a power device is still the first time to see the sky mark. Looking at Sostin, he asked: "Soo, is this the teacher's ship? What is the motivation behind?" The device, I still saw it for the first time."

Sostin smiled slightly and said: "Don't say that you don't know, even we have only seen it a few times. This is the power device of our latest technology research, called the Honeycomb Reactor, although the single hole jet strength. The thrust is not comparable to the strength of the nuclear reactor, but it is much larger than the ratio. This warship is a powerful warship newly developed by the Union. It was first provided to our Moore teacher because several other judges are currently There are ships, and the cost of such warships is very considerable, so they just try to modify them on the basis of the original warships."

Moya fascinated and looked at the battleship in front of him. He said to himself: "The ship's jetting ability reaches the S level. In theory, it can speed up to the super-light speed into the different space in one second. The travel speed in the different space is the fifth of the ordinary battleship. Ten times, I mean the performance of a god-class warship. Skymark, do you remember how long it will take to go to the magic star? It is a painful experience! But the teacher, this warship, can arrive at least half the time. The entire warship is made of the hardest superalloy. Although the hull is small, it has a compression energy of nearly a million degrees. When the energy cover is fully open, it can reach a protection of 100,000 degrees. Several judges used to I personally tested it, even with their ability to break the shield of this warship. The attack system of the warship is composed entirely of lightweight ion super cannons, a total of 24 doors, although the attack means is single, but the attack power is strong. However, it is far superior to the general warships, and it is almost the same as the frigate of the god-class ship formation. The most valuable thing is that it can directly absorb the radiance of the stars to supplement its own energy shortage, if sailing in the universe. As long as not too many losses because of the fighting, where there are stars, it does not appear the case of insufficient energy to fly. "

Of course, the sky mark knows what the ion super cannon represents. It is dozens of times the energy of the ion high-energy gun. Although it is lightweight, the energy impact is not weak. This is the crystallization of technology! I am afraid that the cost of research alone is already astronomical. With the rare and expensive materials, I am afraid that it is not expensive to cast such a large warship with gold. Can not help but ask: "Soo brother, what is its name? I think, it must have a nice name."

Sostin smiled and said: "It's called the trace, it's the name of the teacher. It seems to be similar to your name. Well, let's get on the ship." I don't know where to take a remote control. The light flashed, and a circle of light covered the bodies of the three people. The next moment, they were already sucked into the battleship. The space inside the battleship is narrower than imagined. It is only enough for twelve people to take the seat. The internal setting is similar to the Zhurong number that has been seated on the same day. The reason why the space is small is to save more energy and store energy. . Sostin took the remote control and walked to the front seat, and started the trace system. The soft female voice sounded. "You are the Soestin manipulator. I will provide you with the service below level 3. Please instruct. ”

Sostin smiled at Tianzheng: "We only have the power to manipulate the traces. It is not that the teacher does not want to give us power. But to manipulate this trace, it requires strong strength to back it up. I am afraid that there is no judge-level ability. Its performance is fully exerted. The main brain of the trace has a nice name, called Sisi. Sisi, we set sail, destination, cloud of the falling cloud galaxy, please report the parameters and then automatically cruise." His ability and Not enough to connect with the main brain with mental strength, and control its maximum performance, so cruising is the best way.

The soft female voice rang again. "The clouds are swaying, the distance is seven hundred and six hundred light years. The speed of different space navigation is five hundred light years per minute. It takes time, fifteen minutes and twenty seconds. Please take a seat. Take off after one minute. "The three people in the sky mark are seated separately, the masks are two, the solid belts put them tightly on the seat, and the outer mask isolates everything." A minute passed quickly. In the low-pitched sound, the traces moved, and the violent push of the back made the blood in the sky mark boil, but in an instant, everything outside the shield has become distorted. The sound of Sisi came into the ears of three people. "The trace number has been activated and entered the alien space." This is almost a direct leap into the alien space! This speed and energy may have reached the limit of technological means.

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