Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 93: The headquarters of the dark sacrifice (on)

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At the back door of the nightclub, the woman carefully looked out and looked around. After confirming that no one was there, she carefully ran to the dark corner of the corner, and the movement was extremely flexible. Pressed on the watch on the wrist, the light green stereo light illuminates, she whispers: "Hive, hive, I am a worker bee on the 17th, there is a black bee, I saw the worker bee, the name is unknown, I want to enter the hive. Please note. Please use the bee tail to entertain when necessary." The simple sentence seems to contain a lot of meaning, the green light flashes a bit, she presses the button again, the light disappears, and the body emits a faint black gas. Go back to the back door of the nightclub.

"I used to hear a poem, the green bamboo snake mouth, the wasp tail, the two are not poisonous, the most poisonous woman. It seems that you are ready to entertain me with this bee tail, but unfortunately, You have no chance. I am not malicious, why bother to do this?" The sky marks lazily leaning against the back door of the nightclub, looking at the somewhat sluggish woman in front of him.

As a woman of dark sacrifice, she calmed down at this time. Although she knew that the sky mark had a good strength, she did not have fear. After all, as the most powerful dark sacrifice in the dark forces, she simply Don't be afraid of anything. The reason why I chose to leave was because I didn't want to reveal my identity, but it was different at this time. In this remote hutong, she no longer has to worry about it. Coldly, "No matter what your origins are, Let's just let it go, I am too lazy to start with you."

Tian Ke smiled and said: "Now, you are finally willing to admit your identity, Miss Dark Sacrifice, can I have the honor to know your name?"

The dark ritual snorted, "You don't deserve." Standing still in the same place, with a wave of hand, a black mist has been blocked between her and the sky mark, and the screams of screams screamed at the ear marks, and the sky marks suddenly I felt that there seemed to be a lot of creatures in this dark alley. Although he had been with Rogga for a few days, he didn’t know much about the dark sacrifices. He quickly gathered his mind and the black breath came out. I just wanted to act, but I heard the darkness of the body: "It turned out to be some dark reptiles, sky marks, let me help you. After you left the magic star, you never saw me." Strength." From the different space, the benefit of the sky mark is the greatest, but the power of the **** of darkness has also recovered a lot, and to what extent, the sky marks are unclear.

The purple light illuminates, and the sky mark clearly feels the purple star shining around the meridian around Dantian. In the blink of an eye, it comes to the left shoulder and merges with the purple sun. In a flash, the purple light suddenly Daliang, as if a searchlight was installed on the shoulder of the sky mark, it was about to hit the black mark in front of the sky mark in the purple light, suddenly issued numerous screams, to scare the sky mark, pungent taste Come, the black mist is scattered under the radiance of purple light. Except for the dark ritual of the horror of the face, there are dozens of creatures that have never been seen before on the ground, but they are already The intestines are worn and the ground is covered with their bodies and dark green mucus, which looks irritating.

"No, it's impossible. My dark summoning can't be broken like this, you, who are you?" The look on the face of the dark sacrifice looks extremely weird. The right hand was drawn in front of him, and a six-pointed star with a faint blue glow appeared in front of her. The eyes suddenly turned into the same blue, squinting in a strange voice.

"Old black, what is he doing?" Tianzhi asked strangely. The **** of darkness was a little surprised: "It turned out that this dark sacrifice is such a thing. I don't know where she is associated with the dark world. Through a specific calling method, the dark creatures there are summoned to fight for themselves. The more powerful dark creatures are summoned, the greater the load they are subjected to. She is sacrificed by her own flesh and soul. If the summoned thing transcends the limits she can bear, she either fails or summons. After success, he was destroyed by the dark creatures called."

In the heart of the day, there seems to be a new understanding of the four words of the dark sacrifice. Looking at the six-pointed star that the blue light is growing, he said to the **** of darkness: "What should I do with her? I don't want to hurt her, but she There seems to be a lot of mysterious power. If I don't have a strong attack, I am afraid it will be difficult for her to stop fighting."

The **** of darkness smiled and said: "The sky marks, these guys who sacrificed, I am afraid that the days will be sad, because they met me, dark creatures? I am the ancestors of dark creatures, even if the ability has not recovered, but I The ranks are still there. As long as there are no intelligent creatures in the dark world, they will consciously obey my orders. Let her play well, I will see what she can summon, just the little things, The lowest level of dark creatures, except for intimidation, has no attacking power at all. It seems that this ritual has limited ability."

When listening to the **** of darkness saying that he is the ancestor of the dark creature, the sky marks can not help but laugh, yeah! You have two powerful sacred beasts. If the entire dark ritual system can only summon dark creatures to fight for themselves, then as long as you have the **** of darkness, the dark rituals cannot pose any threat to yourself.

A low scream rang, the blue hexagonal star suddenly enlarged, and a black leopard was drilled out of the hexagonal star. The dark ritual was obviously dimmed after summoning the black panther, apparently because of the spirit. Excessive wear and tear. The black panther has a pair of yellow eyes, roaring and rushing directly to the sky mark.

The purple light once again lit up from the shoulder of the sky mark, and the black panther that was thrown in it was covered. The body of the panther suddenly stopped in the space, and the original imposing slammed completely stopped and fell at the foot of the sky mark. The low screams, squatting on the ground, dare not move, the body seems to be still shaking slightly. It is the dark demon leopard equivalent to the high-level holy beast. Under the deterrent of the **** of darkness, the flames are exhausted.

Tianzi didn't want to delay the time again. With a wave of his hand, the Panther was sent to a different space by him. The body floated in front of him, and the huge darkness completely enveloped the dark sacrifice. His strong and powerful hand locked the darkness. The throat of the sacrifice, cold channel: "Don't waste any more effort, now, you should be able to take me to the Ruoxi family."

The dark rituals have changed in the eyes. She has never experienced such a scene. Her dark call has no effect on the man in front of him.

Tianzheng was just about to continue to ask questions. Suddenly he felt that the power of darkness in the dark rituals suddenly fluctuated, and he was shocked. He quickly blocked her body with ability. "Want to commit suicide? Although I really want to see your life." The price can summon what kind of dark World of Warcraft, but I am not willing to let you die like this, you should understand that there is no need to lie to you with my strength, take me to see Luojia, I am her friend. As he said, the sky marks loosened his hand, and his mental strength locked the dark sacrifice in front of him.

At this moment, four black shadows rushed from afar. The dark rituals showed a hint of joy, with some hoarse voices: "Unless you become a corpse, you don't want to threaten me."

Four black shadows came to this dark alley in the blink of an eye. Their bodies were wrapped in a large black cloak, and they could not see the face. Only the blue eyes were shining.

The heart is also a dark creature. This dark sacrifice is much stronger than the little bats of the Dracula family. At least, she did not yield in front of herself. It seems that they are not allowed to understand that they are indeed not malicious. I am afraid it is very difficult to see Luo Jia. I think that the black breath on the sky marks has begun to change. The black gas spreads like a substance, emitting lavender. The light, the air flow entangled, and the five dark sacrifices in front of the cold voice said: "Do you have to force me to shoot? I will show you something, there should be the power to see Luojia." Open the space bag, take out the dark mask and cover it on your own face. Under the effect of mental power, there are more than a dozen figures in the sky, and it looks very strange under the shade of purple light.

The former female dark sacrifice exclaimed: "The sorrow of light, the split and the split, you, you are the new master of the dark world."

In the unity of the film, Tian Zheping stretched out his hands and a white and black light appeared in his palm. "I have already proved your identity to you and took me to see Luojia. If it was not for you." It’s her subordinates, I sent you to hell.” He has a lot of things to ask about Roga, but in the bird’s star, there is only this night’s stay, naturally he is not willing to delay, the tone of speech. It also became tough. The two scorpions became a black and white, and two substantial lightes were shot into the eyes of the former dark ritual woman. Only she saw the true face of the sky mark. Under the influence of the soul erosion ability, the sky mark forcibly wiped out her mind. The memory of your own looks.

After leaving the space, the spiritual power of the sky mark became stronger. He discovered that through the darkness of the soul, when the opponent is much weaker than himself, he can rely on the spirit to use the darkness as the medium, from the other side. The soul of the soul sweeps away the memory that you want to sweep away. Of course, this is for a certain period of time.

The female ritual stunned the whole body, and the eyes showed a faint color. Together with the overdraft of the previous mental power, it suddenly softened to the ground and the whole body twitched slightly.

Later, the four dark sacrifices suddenly became tense. One of them raised the female dark sacrifice and said coldly: "If you have a bright sorrow, please let us go." The four shadows floated and flew in. In the midair, the sky marks like a ladder, and the left foot takes a step forward. The body has already chased behind the four dark sacrifices and followed them to the depths of the bird city.

If the headquarters of the West Family is actually in the center of the Bird City, it is only a stupidity. If the West Family Headquarters is nearly 100,000 square meters, the overall design is like a huge one. In general, all buildings are made of white alloys, which seem to cover the darkness contained in them.

Stepping in from the main entrance, the four dark sacrifices stopped in the wide yard. There were various flowers and trees planted in the courtyard. The night wind blew, and the fresh air could not help but refresh.

In the shadow, a black figure flew up and fluttered. His body seemed to have no weight. The black cloak shrouded the whole body. From the outside, the person was very thin. Four dark sacrifices saw him and hurriedly rushed. In the ceremony, one of the dark rituals said something in a language that the heaven marks could not understand. Now that he has come here, the sky mark is not anxious. At the beginning, Luo Jia had a soul for himself. The vow of surrender, although not as deep as the feeling with Melis, can be felt at this time. Roga is in the huge castle in the middle of this wide courtyard.

The tall, thin, dark sacrifice waved, and the four dark sacrifices flew away with a coma, and he walked up to the sky mark and said a little, "Good dear, I am Josh. The family manager, Sarr; Russell, welcomes you to the city of night." As he said, a thin hand emerged from the black cloak.

Seeing this hand, the sky marks can not help but be surprised, because, in the palm of this thin palm, there is a faint dark purple light, the other side is obviously to test themselves. Without hesitation, the sky marks his hand and shook it up. "Sal, you are called the green leaf." The two hands clasped together, and the sky mark felt that the cold dark force came out of the other hand and seemed to enter his own body. . And Sarr; Russell was surprised to find that the hands of the sky mark were like iron cast copper, and his dark power could not penetrate into his meridians.

When the sky mark shakes hands with the other party, he is not afraid of the biological computer that the other party found the palm. Although the ability has reached the level of the master, but because the biological computer is very useful, he has never used the ability to shatter the biological computer. He had completely wrapped his hand with darkness, and Sarr said that he had held his hand, as if he had grasped his dark energy.

Sarr; Russi just listened to the reports of his subordinates, although he knew that this person in front of him might well be the soul of the new generation of dark kings that Roga said.

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