Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 102: The successor of the Son of the Holy Spirit (on)

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"I am here to tell you this, not only for the Dark Alliance. At the same time, there is also the Holy League. Although you have dark abilities, I have discussed with several elders and Zhu Rong. We will never specifically exclude you because of your ability. And, we unanimously decide to make you a new generation of sacred sons."

"The Son?" The day mark is still the first time to hear this title.

The light nodded and said: "This is the absolute secret of this alliance. Every generation of sacred abilities will choose a few sons or saints. Simply say that you will understand. In your previous generation. There are five saints and one saint. They have six abilities of light, space, water, fire, earth and wind. These six people, except the original saints who left the sacred alliance, the other five Man is the five judges now, and the Son who represents the light is me."

The day marks the heart of the electric turn, his eyes flashed: "Do you mean, want to train me to become the next high-level sacred alliance?"

Brightly smiled and said: "No, I am not trying to train you to become a senior of the League. It is to make you my successor, the new elder of the sacred alliance, the new lord."

The sky marks the whole body, and suddenly looks at the light. He can't think of it anyway. The light not only does not reject his own darkness, but also says such a thing.

Guangming said: "After I learned about your situation and saw your strength, I made up my mind. I believe that my choice will not be wrong. When you unite the three forces of the Dark Alliance, When I pass on the position of the sacred ally, you can only form a true alliance by fully arranging power, and it can also reflect the sincerity of our sacred alliance against the Dark Alliance." To make such a decision, the light is very bright. The great determination, he did this, not only for the development of the sacred alliance, but also for the continuation of all abilities.

The heart of the day mark was completely shocked by the light. Looking at the bright and sincere eyes, he suddenly discovered that the eyes of the great elder had turned out to be so long-term, but he really became the highest leader of all powers. What? That is not only the king of darkness, but also the king of the powers. Sigh with a sigh, said: "The elders, this burden is too heavy."

The light smiled slightly and said: "Really, the burden is heavy, and I will not ask you to do anything now, but this is the goal you should have. The new generation of the Son and the Virgin is the time to cultivate. A few elders will give you the best guidance. In fact, before I know your situation, I have another person in my heart to take over my position. This person you should also know is the daughter Lily of my sister Sheila. She is the purest brooder of the light that I have ever seen. Although she was not a sacred ally at the time, I was very optimistic about her. Unfortunately, she was flawed. Her heart was so kind. Sitting on the position of the elders of the sacred ally requires a sense of integrity, but there must be no charity. Otherwise, how can you lead the abilities in this chaotic world to stand firm? The quality of possession fully meets all my conditions."

Heavenly Mark: "The elders, are you not afraid that the dark power I have will control my mind and become a soul-degraded person? If so, the sacred alliance will be destroyed in my hands."

Light smiles lightly. "The suspect is not used, and the person is not suspicious. In fact, you are also a legendary person. You will understand what I mean in the future. I am convinced that no matter how strong your darkness is, your heart will always be Integrity, this year, I am eighty-eight years old, I believe in my own vision. Children, from now on, you have to work hard for that goal."

The sky marks a bitter smile: "The goal? My heart is actually a loss. If I can link the Holy Alliance with the Dark Alliance, what will happen? In the entire Galaxy Alliance, after all, ordinary humans occupy Most of them, the abilities can't rule the Galaxy Alliance at all. At that time, what do I need to do? Is it really impossible to fight with the Galaxy Alliance?"

"No, of course not." Brightly said firmly, "When you reach that goal, what you need to do is convergence, don't forget, we have the final destination - the magic star. When the power of the power is strong enough At the same time, the Galaxy Union Council will not dare to act rashly. The political affairs are very subtle. It is very likely that the last second is the enemy, and the next second has become a friend. The existence of the Holy League is only for the peaceful and stable development of mankind. Instead of striving for power, the task of our abilities is to make human society more peaceful and stable. The stronger the ability, the heavier the responsibility. You must understand this truth."

Tianzi took a deep breath and said: "The elders, I can't give you a clear answer for this matter. My heart is a bit messy."

Bright smiled: "For any person suddenly knows so many things, my heart will not be calm. There is still a lot of time, I just tell you this, you can think about it yourself. Well, you have more rest. Now you The cosmic gas has entered the fourth stage, Moore should have given you the fourth stage of cultivation, and you have to cultivate yourself. You must remember that cosmic gas is more useful than abilities in some cases, especially in grasping this. In my heart. If you don't want to get lost because of the darkness, you must cultivate the universe to a higher level. Tomorrow morning, the selected sons and saints will begin their first three-month training camp. It’s five elders who will correct some of your problems with the use of power and open up more abilities for you. At that time, Moore will take you there. For the past 20 years, today is the most talked about me. One day, I am very glad that you can be my audience. Take a rest." The golden light flashed, and the bright body seemed to disappear into the sunlight, and there were only some dead days in the room.

Bathed in the sun, the heart of the day marks changes more and more, becoming the leader of all the abilities, which is absolutely fatal temptation for a person with great ambition. However, can you really be such a person? Although I don’t have the power to look at it, I don’t expect it to be so strong. How to deal with all this? Tianzheng did not know, but he quickly decided that for the trust of the bright elders, he must work hard toward this goal. As for the final step, it depends on the fate.

After a day of cultivation, the ability of the sky mark has been restored to 70%, and the enhancement of the cosmic gas allows him to directly absorb the pure energy of solar energy and add it to his two abilities. Together with the absorbed energy molecules, the recovery speed is extremely high. fast.

"Day marks." The door opened, Moore, Blue and Fengyuan three came in. As soon as I entered the door, the wind went far to the front of the sky mark and said: "Boss, I heard the teacher said that you were injured?"

Tian Ke smiled and said: "It's okay."

Blue looked at Moore and said: "Mr. Moore, blame you, how can you let Tianzheng go with Zhu Rong's grandfather? What if Zhu Rong is not careful to stop the hand?"

Moore smiled and said: "This is not what I arranged. Don't blame it on my head. Heaven marks, get up, go with us."

Tianzheng naturally understood what to do, put on his coat and flew out of bed, and left the room with the three. Moore didn't ask about the light that came to the sky mark yesterday. He didn't ask, and the sky mark wouldn't say much. The four people took the sound speed elevator in the balance ball under the leadership of Moore. Under the control of Moore, the sky mark found that the sonic elevator sinked at full speed and went in the direction of the underground.

"Teacher, isn't it the institute of our sacred alliance? Is it going to go there?" Tianzheng asked with some surprise.

Moore nodded and said: "Yes, it is going there. The teacher is really proud of you and the wind. You two are chosen for the next son. Study all secret training bases, it will be The place where you will live for the next three months. Of course, there is blue, as the youngest master, she is the holy woman."

In the heart of the day, I clearly understand that the blue is inherited, and naturally it is the position of her grandfather, Rose; Phil, and it is possible to inherit it after the wind is far away. Naturally, it is the position of the wind judge.

The wind smiled proudly: "Several judges have a real eye! It is absolutely correct to choose my genius."

Moore immediately knocked on the wind and said: "You are less smug. As far as I know, you are the most talentless of the six people in this world. The reason why they were chosen is big. Most of the reason is because of your god-level sacred beast partner. Otherwise, do you think that your wind power ability of less than 30 can become one of the successors of the top of the League?"

Feng Yuan resisted the channel: "Teacher, how can you say your own disciple? Isn't it enough for me?"

Moore smiled and said: "You are a genius? You are a little bigger than the blue, but how many levels do you see in the blue, how many levels do you have? You can't compare with the blue, her innate ability can be As a genius. As for the sky mark, although the talent is not very good, but at least his luck is better than you, night, you know, your level can be a lot worse than her. And the other two candidates are innate Who do you say you can compare?"

The wind looked at Moore with a sigh of relief, and scratched his head and couldn’t speak. Of course, Moss knows that Moore means he is lucky because he has two abilities and the ability to change the temper. He pats the shoulders of the wind and comforts him: "Small wind, you don't have to be depressed. The effort is very good. Important, you have done a good job."

Hey, the sonic elevator stopped quietly after the rapid operation, and the door opened, revealing the original room and the closed room at that time. The soft voice sounded again, "Welcome, Moore Judge. Please take command control." A flash of light, a small keyboard appeared.

Moore smiled and said: "Hello, Ruth, I haven't been here for a long time." As he said, he walked over to the keypad and quickly pressed thousands of times.

The blue and the wind are obviously not here. I can’t help but look around. The sky marks explain to them: “This is the fifth hardest place on the surface of the earth, in the hardest part of the earth’s crust, which is the research institute of our sacred alliance. Moore said that Ruth is the central computer of the institute. She is made up of the most sophisticated biological cells, including the balance ball and the system of our sacred research institute, all controlled by her, her speed. Even more than the Super Brain Angel of the Galaxy Alliance. The security system controlled by Ruth is very powerful. There is no special password. No one wants to come in.” When he spoke, the keypad retreated and the metal wall flashed. A layer of water-like ripples, under the blue and windy surprise gaze, the metal wall facing the elevator door disappeared. Wherever he looked, a metal ramp appeared in front of four people.

Ruth’s soft voice recalled again, “the highest level of confirmation, the Moore Judge, you can reach anywhere in the Institute.”

Moore said: "Ruth, please give me the coordinate guide. I haven't come for a long time. I have forgotten the road. Take us to the training ground."

"Okay, please follow a few directions." The light flashed and a pale green arrow appeared in the air. It was obviously released by the micro-projection instrument in the metal wall. The direction of the arrow pointed to the depth of the institute. . This kind of humanized design suddenly made a big impression on the sky mark, and the four people followed the arrow to go inside.

The road of the institute is indeed very complicated. It is no wonder that Moore can't remember, and follow the arrows. When they walk to the elevator to the next floor, they have already been confused. Fortunately, after taking the ladder again, in the dew Under the special procedures of Silk, they took them directly to the bottom of the Institute. Because of the speed, the strong sense of weight loss made everyone uncomfortable.

When the door opened, the four people walked out of the elevator. It was obviously different from the above. The height of the floor was 20 meters. The surrounding area looked very empty. The road was more than ten meters wide, giving people a feeling of open mind. As they prepare to move forward according to the position provided by Ruth, the crisp footsteps sounded, and in front of the corner, a person came in their direction.

Seeing this person, the sky marks can not help but see, because he actually knows. In the sacred research institute, he only knows two people. One is naturally Seri, and the other is the special researcher who used the Ruth defense system to sift himself into a sieve. At this time, the purple illusion appeared in front of him.

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