Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 110: Destruction of the ship formation (below)

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The screen is constantly flashing with a thrilling image, the body of the teacher trembles again and again, muttering: "Is this the ability that human beings can achieve? What is the ability of this person to use, it does not seem to It belongs to any kind of ability." Under the influence of the dark mask, they can't distinguish the power attribute of the sky mark. At this point, the final scene appeared, and the two frigates chose to blew at the same time. In the flashing light, the image became a white, and the formation of the ship in the meditation area was completely destroyed, and the whole army was wiped out.

The screen has returned to darkness, and the atmosphere of the leader is somewhat unstable. The black man in front of him said: "The leader, you have seen it. In order to keep the secret, our last two frigates have to choose to blew themselves. Otherwise, they will be embarrassed by the other party. The image was sent back before the blast, and the action completely failed. The strongest of the other five is the one who can't see the appearance. The power of his own destroys our main ship and several frigates. The frigate Armor seems to have no effect on him. From the point of view of the sacred beast he summoned, it should belong to the sacred sect, and only the sacred abilities can have the sacred beast. Moreover, from his ability and the sacred beast, it is not One of the judges we know, the leader, our actions have not only failed, but are likely to be exposed. You have to respond in time, don’t let the sacred alliance find us on our heads. After all, our ability is still Not enough to compete with the sacred alliance. If it is on the bright side, the parliament will never recognize our relationship with them."

The teacher said indifferently: "I know. Give me the speaker and pass the image to him." "Yes, teach the Lord."

After a while, the big screen lit up again, and a short, fat person appeared on the screen. He frowned with some impatience: "Don't tell you, don't you contact me easily during the day?"

The teacher said: "I'm sorry, the speaker, I don't want to disturb you, but this is very urgent. I have already performed the task you handed over to me a few days ago, but the mission failed."

The speaker was shocked and said, "Let's wait a minute." Turned around, he pressed a few times on the wall next to him, and after a light blue glow around him, he continued to turn to the screen and said: "How? What happened? I am not asking you to send more people in the past? How important is this matter, you should know."

The teacher smiled and said: "I have sent the image information to you. You should take a closer look. I sent the whole fleet of ships in the meditation area to go, but the result was completely annihilated. Your information is very problematic. Although the other party really has only five people, one of them is incredible. Let's take a look at it. I will wait for you to reply."

The brow's brow wrinkled and opened another screen next to it, playing the image he had just received. The same surprise appeared on his face, and there was a hint of cold in his eyes. His understanding of the Holy League was obviously much more than the teaching. When the video was finished, his heart could not help but be full of doubts.

"How? Speaker, can you identify who is using purple energy? I think, even the most powerful person in your hand may not be his opponent. The warship formation consumes me. There are a lot of resources in the past, and I have carried out a lot of tasks for you in the past. This time, I will not be able to help you for the time being." The voice of the leader is a bit cold.

The speaker thought for a moment and said: "The responsibility for this is not yours. I will find out the details of the person as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about the fleet. I will re-allocate some resources. This will inevitably lead to the sacred alliance. Pay attention to this, you should be careful during this time, don't contact me for a while, if the Holy League finds you, you should know what to do. It seems that the forces in the sacred squad are much larger than imagined. My strategy needs to be re-adjusted. Let's do it. Just now, this image is destroyed in time, and no trace can be left." The light flashed and the screen returned to darkness.

The teacher slowly sat back in his position, and the cold light flashed in his eyes. The black man on the side said: "Teacher, what do you mean by the Speaker of the House of Lords?"

The teacher sneered and said: "I don't care what he means. This is not enough to provoke a big contradiction. The parliament is about to start re-election. At this critical moment, he still dare not offend me. Right Protect the law, you pass orders to the fourteen apostles, let them converge, don't make big moves, and redeem the black funds into the headquarters account as soon as possible. Holy League, hey, as long as you have one day, I can't be peaceful for one day. Ok, let's go ahead, I want to be alone."

"Yes, teach the Lord." The black man slowly retreated into the darkness and disappeared.

In the eyes of the leader, there is a constant expression of coldness. It seems to be thinking about something. He raises his hand and presses a button on the front desk. Shen Sheng said: "Call the captain Satan to come to me."

The time is not long, a cold voice sounds, "Teacher, you look for me."

The leader stood up, "Satan, come in." The shadows flashed, and a person wrapped in a black cloak appeared in front of the leader. The strange thing is that this person has two angular protrusions on his head, more than two meters tall. The cold air from the whole body caused the temperature in the whole room to drop suddenly. A pair of purple eyes radiant in the darkness, staring at the leader in front of him.

The teacher pointed to the chair on the side and said: "Satan, sit down." Satan said coldly: "No, I am used to standing."

The teacher said indifferently: "How was your investigation of the explosion in the last squad of the squad? Is it clear which organization is doing it?"

Satan said: "According to our news, it seems that the sacred alliance itself has accidentally made it. I have investigated it carefully, but the sacred alliance has blocked the foreign news very tightly and only heard a name."

In the eyes of the leader, the light flashed and said: "What name?"

Satan said: "The sky mark. This is the person called the sky mark. The people on the side of the parliament should be more clear, why don't you ask them for some information?"

The teacher shook his head and said: "The parliament and we are only using each other's relationship. Some things still can't pass them. Is it a day mark? It seems that this name is also in the action of this attack. It is said to be a space system controller." In my heart, I thought about what happened in the previous image. He seemed to understand something. "Satan, immediately after you go back, I will investigate the origin of the person and all the information. The more detailed the better. Maybe he is this. The culprits in destroying our fleet of ships in the meditation."

On the head of Satan’s head, a flash of light flashed across the corner. "Is the destroyer of the wrecked ship destroyed?"

The teacher nodded and took the chip out of the instrument on the side and handed it to Satan. "After going back, you will study the person who uses purple energy inside. Satan, if I let you lead the Satan team to attack the balance ball, how much do you have? Can destroy it? The existence of the Holy Alliance is the biggest obstacle to our meditation. You should understand what I mean."

Satan said coldly: "I am not sure. If you rush to the Earth to attack the balance ball, it is very likely that the end will be completely annihilated. It is difficult to deal with the defense of the balance ball alone, let alone at least 20 controllers there. The above abilities are in. Even with weapons of mass destruction, we are almost impossible to succeed."

In the eyes of the leader, he showed a hesitant light, and he said: "The order is changed. You don't have to check the person who called the sky mark. The last speaker's order also knows that the squadron fleet has been destroyed in the five sacred high-level leaders. In the hands of the successor, this mission is up to you to continue, lead Satan from the 1st to the 10th, and secretly track them in a way that is killing. The specific action is up to you."

Satan nodded and said: "The leader, the power of the Nishi family has expanded very quickly. Within their sphere of influence, our people have been hit hard. How to deal with this matter?"

The leader snorted and said: "The four major families have always been against us, and they don't have to take care of them for the time being. This time the actions against the successors of the sacred alliance must be well planned and there must be no flaws."

Satan's cold road: "I haven't failed before I shot. If I don't succeed, I will be a sin. Satan belongs to a slain." The black light flashed, and the tall figure disappeared out of thin air.


The sky mark wakes up from the drowsiness, opens his eyes and finds himself still in the health warehouse, presses the button next to him, the cover opens, and he jumps out from the inside. He did not know how long he had been slumbering. The energy in his body had recovered by 30%. He stood up straight, and the feeling of weakness continued to flow. He looked around in surprise, which seems to be no longer in the transport ship.

The day marks are dark and self-conscious, and the vigilance is too bad. I have not noticed when I moved. In fact, he can't blame himself. After all, the energy previously consumed is too great. Not only is the body extremely exhausted, but even the mental power is over-constrained by excessive manipulation of huge energy.

"Sky marks, you woke up." The door opened, the blue figure appeared in front of the sky mark, and when she saw her, the heart of the sky mark settled down, gently squatting her arms, and dragged her into her arms, saying: Blue, have we returned to the headquarters?” It’s the blue color, and it’s in the middle of the sky, smiling: “Yes! It’s been back for two days, you can really sleep, until now, wake up. I will see you once every few hours, how is your body? How about recovery?"

"It’s good to come back. This time it’s really dangerous. If it’s not after three months of training, the ability has improved, and the body has become more tough through the transformation of those drugs, I am afraid it will be finished. Everything is reported to a few elders. Who is investigating what we are doing?"

Blue shook his head and said: "Not yet, we took back those pieces of warships without any traces. Several elders attach great importance to this matter, let you wake up and see them soon."

The day marks the first road: "Let's go, maybe, a few elders have already guessed who is moving."

The two walked out of the room with their hands, and the sky mark was in a lounge in the balance ball. They took the sonic elevator and they quickly came to the offices of several elders on the top of the sacred league. Through the white ramp, the blue sky came directly to the office of the elders of the bright elders with a day mark. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the light, and Rose and Phil were both there.

Rose; Phil's gaze fell on the hands of the blue and the sky marks still pulled together, can not help but slightly frown, the sky marks and blue and red at the same time, quickly released his hand.

Tianzheng etiquette: "I have seen two elders. The sky marks." The blue eye looked at the sky mark and retreated to Rose.

The light smiled slightly and said: "The sky marks, sit down. This time you worked hard. I didn't expect that so many things would happen."

Tianzheng went to the next position and sat down. The bright office was no different from the other elders. The arrangement was more simple and simple. "We have already known the passing of things. After two days." The investigation, but there is no clue, the sky mark, for those who attack your battleship, I want to hear your opinion."

Tianzi said: "The elders, this raid is obviously against us. The other party can use the entire fleet to deal with one of our transport ships. It is obviously very important to us. If I guess well, they should already know The identity of our Son and the Virgin, and deliberately directed against us. This makes me have to think of a problem. We are trained and given the identity of the Son and the Virgin only a few months. Not only can we grasp this secret, but we can also find out the route of our actions, which has to make me doubt."

The light nodded and said: "What you mean is that there is spies inside the sacred alliance."

Tianzi resolutely said: "I can't think of other reasons. I am afraid that there will not only be spies, but also the status of this spy in the League is not low. Otherwise, we will not grasp such secret information."

The light smiled slightly and said: "Well, it is the person I chose, and your analysis is very organized. There are no strange things in the league that there are spies sent by outsiders. After all, the abilities are also people, in certain temptations. It’s very easy for no one to buy it. However, I didn’t expect that the top executives of the Union would have been bought. I will investigate this matter clearly.”

In the eyes of the sky marks a flash of light, said: "The elders, this time since the incident came to our sacred alliance, the other side mobilized the formation of the ship, it is clear that there is a powerful force behind. Will it be ..." Here, he stopped and his eyes fell on Bright and Rose; Phil, waiting for them to confirm their thoughts.

Rose; Phil said: "I have investigated it carefully. There is no such battleship you have encountered in the Galaxy Alliance. Battleship production is a very complicated process that requires many sophisticated instruments and a huge base. The bases are rare in the Galaxy Alliance. Through investigations, no abnormalities have been found. The warships that you brought back have metal invisible rabbit layers. If the ship is not loaded with the latest radar, I am afraid you will not find each other. The existence of this invisible coating is not widely used, and it belongs to high-tech products. Although there is no evidence that it is a fleet belonging to the parliament, I can’t think of that one side can equip such a powerful fleet. ""

Blue Road: "Grandfather, will it be the actions of the four major families against our sacred alliance? They should have this financial power."

Rose; Phil shook his head and said: "The four major families have great strength, but their strengths are on the bright side. If there is any action, we can't get the news."

Tianzhen thought for a moment and said: "That said, this is a mystery. The enemy hidden in the dark is the most terrible, two elders, how should we deal with it."

Guangming said: "There should be constant changes. The other side is aimed at you five people. Obviously, we want to let us succeed. From the fact, this is not a fierce practice. If the other party does not care about it, It should be me and Rose several people. And for you, obviously they still have no strength to compete with us. Skymark, wait for your ability to recover and immediately leave the earth, the last time we have talked, you go to the Ruoxi family Let's go to the flying bird galaxy. It is definitely not an easy task to deal with you alone. The news is only known to the four of us. Others are temporarily staying at the headquarters, and the other party should not dare to go to the balance ball to make trouble."

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