Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 111: Director of the Institute (below)

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Listening to the blue words, the sky marks a bright light, he seems to have grasped what, smiled: "Inaction, indeed, I should not be too greedy, you are right, everything goes."

The new bio-computer function is much more powerful than before. The day mark is moving, and the password he needs has been sent from the computer. After two password verifications, he and the blue came to the sacred research institute. Entering the scope of the institute, there is a strange scene in the mind mark, a white map is clearly displayed in the mind, and the situation of the entire research layer is accurately presented. With this map, I am naturally not afraid of getting lost in the institute.

In the surprise, the sky mark came to the bottom layer of the institute with blue. Walking out of the sonic elevator, they saw a familiar sight.

"Hey, how are you? I thought it was the judge who came." The familiar voice sounded, the sky marks and the blue eyes looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Seri’s face astonished. come. The first few steps in the sky mark, said: "Big brother, are you okay?"

Seri looked at the sky mark and the blue body and said: "Will you two? How did the main computer Ruth tell me that the elders of the League came to the third floor of the underground, did the program go wrong?"

Blue smiled and said: "Ruth has not gone wrong, is the elder not in front of you?" While talking, pointing to the sky mark.

Seri looked at the sky mark in surprise, saying: "Brother, are you elders? No. Do you have the ability of the Judge level?"

Tianzi said: "No, my abilities are just forty. Because this time the mission was completed, the bright elders rewarded me with a new biological computer, which may be the elders level." Open your right palm and present the milky white gem in front of the stopper.

Seri’s eyes showed amazement. "Good boy, you are growing old. Hey, I have a light on my big brother's face. What are you doing here? Do you need any equipment?"

The sky marks his head and shook his head. "We are looking for Peter's director..." At the moment, he simply said this to Seri. After listening to his words, Seri couldn't help but frown, Shen Sheng said: "Brother, this thing is not very easy to handle. I have not seen Peter so excited for a long time, he is on the ground lizard The king’s body was very concerned. He had not left the body for the past two days. When he looked at the body of the Salamander King, it was like watching his wife. You want to pull out the teeth from the tiger's mouth. I am afraid it is not so easy.”

The sky mark smiled and said: "Is Peter a little scary? I just came to try it. Peter promised that it was good. He didn't promise it. I haven't seen him yet. This time I came to visit. Look at the director of the St. Meng Institute."

Seri sighed and said: "If you think so, I will be relieved. I don't want you to have any conflict with Teacher Peter. I try to help you. His old man is determined to refuse, and I can't help. Come with me. At the moment, he led the sky mark and the blue sky and walked deep into the institute. For this, Seri is so familiar, even if he closes his eyes, he will never go wrong.

Skymarks and blues have already realized the vastness of the underground space of the institute, but they were still amazed when they followed Seri to the third floor of the underground, which was specially used for research by special researchers. There are ten football fields here. Even if the huge body of the Vulcan dragon is placed in the center, it is still very empty. The research room is nearly 100 meters high, and various precision instruments are placed neatly around.

Seri pointed to the old man who was dancing next to the body of the Vulcan dragon: "That is what Peter is, he is directing others to do research."

Blue is somewhat surprised: "Peter is seemingly much older than before. Even if his cosmic gas is not enough, he can use his most advanced metamorphosis to improve his body!"

Seri’s face showed a respectful look. “Peter’s teacher just changed his internal body and didn’t change anything about his appearance. He said that there is no time to do research. You don’t know, Teacher Peter is always If you don't sleep, your body is completely supported by a variety of high-end drugs. Most of the research results of the Institute are from the idea of ​​Peter."

He just said that Peter’s gaze just turned to them. Face to face, the sky marks the appearance of the director of the sacred research institute. He is not tall and thin, and looks like the wind blows. Flying like, but a pair of small eyes released a sultry glory, eyes staying on the sky marks, waving to them.

The three men walked up to Peter and shouted intimately in blue: "Grandpa Peter, do you still remember the blue?"

Peter smiled slightly: "How can you not remember this mischievous ghost? Last time, you secretly took me a few bottles of medicine, but I let your grandfather vomit blood and compensate with a lot of good things."

Blinking a little, said: "No, I didn't listen to my grandfather! Grandpa Peter, you are too stingy."

Peter blows his beard and blinks, saying: "I am stingy? The ones you took last time are all treasures that I have researched so hard. Your grandfather didn't tell you that it hurts you. You used to be in the balance ball." It’s a disaster, it’s not that he wipes your ass. You little girl, now grown up, can’t be so naughty again.”

The blue is a little embarrassed to watch Peter, her heart is a little trembling. For a long time, she has always been sympathetic to her grandfather, Rose; Phil, and there is not much respect except fear. At this time, listening to Peter’s words, She only knew that her grandfather was not only strict with himself, but also had love hidden in her heart.

Tianzheng respectfully bowed to Peter: "Hello, Peter, I am a sky mark."

Peter faintly said: "The person who can be selected by the light must have a simple place. I heard that you have the ability to mutate, you can instantly increase your ability several times, and have the opportunity to study it."

The day of the mark is a bitter smile, this Peter’s director is really three words away from the line, saying: "That is my honor. Peter, are you satisfied with the body of the salamander king?"

As soon as he heard the smudges of the Salamander King, Peter couldn’t help but see, "Oh, I have forgotten that you and the other kids have killed this big guy."

The day mark nodded and said: "It is okay to contribute to the Holy Alliance."

Peter’s face suddenly changed, and he said harshly: “Stupid, you are all stupid. Especially your kid. You can’t change place when you kill it? Don’t you know that the most precious thing of this salamander is besides the liver. It’s the brain. This head is knocked out by you, and the brain is lost. Do you know how much the loss is?”

The sky marks a sigh, and smiles bitterly: "The director, I really don't know that the brain of the salamander is also a precious medicinal material. Before we perform the task, we only know that we need to get the liver of the salamander."

Peter's face looked a little better, saying: "Look at the fact that you get back such a big guy, you can make up for it. The sky mark boy, this place of the salamander king is all baby! It is enough to develop a lot of pharmacy. In conjunction with Seri's previous research and synthesis, if the fire abilities ate the medicine we made, it would be of great benefit to improve the ability."

Blue has already recovered from the guilt of the foreign public. Some dissatisfied words: "Grandpa Peter, do you know how much effort we have spent to get back to the Salamander King? If it is not the attack power of Skymark, we It’s impossible to kill it at all. You don’t praise us, but also criticize the sky marks. It’s too much to say.”

Peter snorted and said: "The light of the praise has been praised early. I still use it to praise it again. You must come to me and definitely not just look at my old man. What purpose, just say."

Tianzi smiled and said: "Our goal is very simple, just want the skin of the Salamander King to be the shell of the new trial-class battleship. I think these cuticles seem impossible to become medicines."

As previously stated by Rose; Phil, when he heard the skin of the Salamander King, Peter’s face suddenly changed and he said: “No, this skin has the greatest research value. I have done it simple. The test, the thickness of the skin is only 50 cm, the intensity is very amazing, the density is great, but the weight is not high, how can this good thing give you the battleship shell, don't dream."

The sky marks are still smiling, facing the director of Peter who is dedicated to the research. Although the other person's temper is strange, there is still respect in the heart of the day, because he knows very well that Peter is not doing something for someone. It’s all for research. “Peter’s commander, the size of the salamander king is huge. I understand that your research is to use bionics to develop a new alloy through its body, but I don’t think you can use it. More. I don't want all, I just need a part. I used to hear people say that you have a lot of research on the battleship. You can leave at least half of the salamander king skin for bionics research, and the other half, You can make a warship completely! You think, if you use this leather to create a super-defensive warship, beyond the capabilities of all existing warships, is it not your great research result? As long as it succeeds, in the Galaxy Which scientist in the league can compare with you?"

Peter’s eyes lit up, but soon he showed his vigilant light. "Good boy, you are setting me. Hey, you are still tender. I will not use it as a battleship."

The day of the mark is big, although Peter did not agree on the surface, but he understands that the director of Peter who is fascinated by research has already been moved by himself. Just now, inspired by the blue, Tianzhen thought of the method of persuading Peter, that is to vote for it. Since he likes to study, he naturally starts from research. The face showed a color of regret, turning his head to the blue road: "Since Peter is not willing, let us go. I will tell you when I come. Even Peter is not able to think of the decomposition of the salamander. Wang Pei's method, let alone a battleship, you don't believe it."

In the blue heart, I immediately understood the meaning of the sky mark, and said with anger: "How can you say this?" There is no thing that Grandpa Peter can't study. I believe Peter Grandpa can do it. "As she spoke, she turned her back to Peter and made a face to the sky mark."

Seri also understood the meaning of the sky mark, and quickly echoed the blue road: "Yes, the sky mark, although you are my brother, but I will never allow you to filthy my teacher. You have to understand, say a scientist What can't be done in research is the biggest insult to him. There is no research in this world that Peter can't do."

The sky mark shook his head and said: "Forget it, it is too difficult after all. Let's not let Peter grow up, blue, let's go, Peter has a lot of research to do. Don't bother him. "He said, he pulled up his blue hand and turned and walked out without any hesitation."

The blue was a little surprised to look at the sky mark. The sky mark did not show the slightest expression on the face. The two just walked out a few steps and heard the voice behind Peter. "Good boy, I understand why the light is selected. You are. Not only is the ability superior, but the brain is also good, please be as good as a good, good, good, good..."

The sky marks turned a little embarrassed and looked at Peter. "The director, I am not trying to provoke you. You think, I am not wrong. The study does not use so many salamander skins. It's useless here, it's better to be a warship. If you can apply a variety of high-tech applications, you can create a powerful warship in a short time, and studying high-density alloy is a long process. Is it you? Don't want to see your own results first? How to apply the fire lizard skin is definitely not an easy task, and you can only do it yourself."

In the eyes of Peter, the light shines. "I have a special idea. This idea has existed for a long time. Just because a lot of energy needs special functions, I can't find a suitable opportunity to realize this idea. You said this. Woke up, well, I promised to make a warship for you. However, if you can't play its power, I will hit you ass."

The day marks are overjoyed and hurry: "Peter is, you can rest assured that we will make you satisfied."

Peter’s face finally smiled and smiled. “Can you play the power of this warship I expected? It depends mainly on your own ability. Let’s go. This warship needs me to re-examine, I can’t use the mold that I have already formed. I designed it a long time ago, but it requires a very precise manufacturing process, at least one year. After one year, come back here and find me."

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