Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 119: Resurrection conditions (on)

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The sky mark sighed: "Don't say it again, let's say what else is there, the fire, you continue to sleep."

The hands are lightly lifted, and the sky marks will absorb the blue into his arms, holding the blue and full of elastic body. The empty heart of the sky is filled with some, tightly squinting with the blue, he secretly vows, in any case, in the future You can no longer hurt your loved ones. The soft cosmic gas is input into the blue body, and under the constant urging, the blue sleeping consciousness is awakened.

"The mark, you, are you okay?" The blue was just awake and couldn't wait to ask.

In the eyes of the sky, there was a deep sorrow, and he choked: "I am fine. But Roga has gone. Blue, listen to me telling you a story? Tell me my own story. I love you, from now on." At the beginning, I won't have any concealment for you any more." He started from seeing himself in the dream city with blue, and the process of cultivation was basically omitted. How did he meet Lily at the beginning? The process of Melis and Rogga tells the blue in detail, telling the blue of the emotional entanglement between himself and everyone. Even the purple illusion does not hide.

Time has passed, the sun at dawn has risen, and the story of the sky mark has also come to an end in Medusa's broken heart. I don't know when the tears have already been covered with sky marks and blue clothes. The sky marks are tightly tied to the blue, and everything is said. His depressed heart is finally much more comfortable.

For a long time, the blueness broke free from the sky mark, and the bright big eyes still covered with a layer of water mist. "The mark, everything I have understood. Don't be sad, okay? You are right, Roga sister. I didn't really die. When you can wake her up, my sister Lily and I will accept her. She has paid so much for you, we must compensate her. Now, only I am by your side, let me come. Comfort your heart." Her voice became very gentle, from her body, the sky marks even saw the shadow of the lily.

The blue slowly pulls the zipper of the clothes, and the blue long skirt falls, revealing her delicate body like a white jade. The perfect posture is in front of the sky mark, and the waterfall-like blue long hair is scattered behind it. Outside the blue collar at the neck, there is no more obstruction on her body, reincorporating into the sky mark, blue shy whispered: "I should have been your first woman, now, let I also paid the original debt. I love you, love you like Roga, for love, I am willing to give everything."

Taking advantage of the tender body full of strong temptation, the heart of the sky mark suddenly became awake, he did not dare to look, squatting blue, kissing on her forehead, "No, blue, I can't." ”

Blue, stay, "Why? Can you tell me why? Sky marks, I am willing to do this." Her eyes showed the gentleness of spring water.

The day mark is not a saint, but in such a temptation still endures the impulse of the heart. He held his blue face in his hands and looked at it at close range. "Blue, you listen to me first, okay? Luo Jia temporarily left to teach me something. She made me understand that for deep love. People have to care more. I don't want to lose it before I cherish this situation. It happens to me for the second time. I love you, so I have to take care of your feelings. You are different from Luojia and purple magic. They are all reluctant to form a fit with me for a certain reason, and there is no other reason between us. Some are only love, and this love, I want to release it on the most formal occasion. After I ask your grandfather for a kiss, when we become a couple, I will ask you. Now, I must leave you with the respect that you deserve. I cherish every day we spend together, every moment, every moment, rest assured. Well, I won't have anything. I want to open it now, Luo Jia is not dead, isn't it?" Can he really not be sad? No, he can't. As long as he thinks about Luojia, he will be unable to breathe in his heart. Therefore, he can only not think about it. The sky mark has secretly decided that cultivation will become the main theme of his life before the resurrection of Luojia. At the eighty-first level, it is a distant figure. However, the sky mark still has a persistent belief. For Luojia, he must reach it.

With the blue standing up, the sky marks the clothes on the ground and carefully put on the blue. Throughout the process of dressing, the blue can clearly understand the love of the sky mark.

Blue Lingpao, lying quietly on the chair next to it, after helping the blue to wear clothes, the sky mark will hold the blue Lingpao in his hand. The six-pointed star above still contains a touch of energy, even leaving Luo Jia has a faint scent of body. This is the only thing that Luo Jia left for the sky mark. Carefully put the blue robes into his space bag. Luo Jia’s voice and smile continued to echo in his mind.

"Blue, how is the boss? Wake up?" There was a far low voice and a soft knock on the door.

There was a warmth in the heart of the day, and the voice whispered to the blue sky: "I didn't want to tell the wind just now if I told you, I don't want him to worry about me because of this." After the blue sky, the sky marks the front door open. Let the wind come in. When the wind looked far away, it was the door that opened the sky mark, and suddenly he let out a sigh of relief.

"Boss, you want to scare us! What are you going to do, go out to lie down, get back and get a bloody?" At this time, the wind is far away, and there is no frivolous smile on his face.

Tian Ke patted his shoulder and said: "It's okay. I just accidentally encountered two acquaintances and learned some things. Actually, I was not injured. You see, I am not good."

Feng Yuanxin has always been broad-minded, seeing the sky marks are all right, the face suddenly hangs a smile, "Nothing is fine, then I don't bother you intimate, boss, I let the night sizzle cook you porridge, if you are hungry, I will go get it for you now."

The sky mark stunned. "You let the night come? When did you become so close to the night sister?"

The wind smiled proudly and said: "Boss, you don't want to look down on your brother. I am chasing the night sister. Maybe, after a long time, I can say that my night is happy. Hey, who beat me. "I just said that here, a pain in my head, I turned my head and saw a succulent night of the night, a hand just plucked from his head."

Look at the wind and look at the wind, and then look at the night glow on the face, the depression in my heart has released a lot, "Little wind, come on, in this matter, I support you."

The night was not good enough to put the porridge bowl into the hands of the sky mark. "When you wake up, you can say that the wind is cool, fast, blocking your mouth."

The sky marks the porridge, and the faint scent from the bowl can not help but make his stomach have a little reaction, sigh, and wrinkle the bowl, and all the hot rice porridge is poured into the belly. The hot porridge liquid ran down the throat, the heart that sighed the sky mark, it seemed not so painful, and there was a faint cold light in the eyes. "You talk, blue, you go out with me. I think outside. Walk away."

The blue naturally understands what the sky mark is doing, nodding softly, and walking away from his arm. The sky mark passes by the wind and whispers in his ear: "Small wind, don't let go when you have a chance." If you want to know, cherish the opportunity. Night Huanjie is a good choice, you have to grasp it."

The wind smiled and said: "Well, boss, let's go, night, let's go to your room and talk for a while?"

The night is pretty and red, not good-hearted: "Who will let you into my room." Finished, ran out like the wind. The wind is far away from the sky mark to make a proud look, the foot is wrong, like a shadow with the shape of the follow up. Although he is not as good as the night in terms of ability, he is much faster than the night in speed.

The sky mark sighed and said: "Let's go." Going to the door, opening the window, squatting with the blue slender waist, floating in the pale yellow light, flying with the blue distance.

If the West Family Castle, the Sky Mark is already a regular customer, the servants in the castle see him taking the initiative. The sky mark went straight into the castle hall with blue. When he entered the door, he saw the three stone statues in the center of the hall. When they saw them, Medusa stared at the five words in the heart of the sky mark, long exit gas, calm With a heart of colic, "Come, please be a lonely elder and all the elders of this family."

Feeling the majesty of the sky marks, the servants dare not follow, but they naturally dare not go directly to Lone Super and others, for a while, responsible for the ordinary affairs of the castle, Sar;; Look at the sky mark, hurry up a few steps, respectful way: "See the king of darkness."

The day marks are indifferent: "Elder Shal does not have to pay more, please ask all the elders to worship the dark, I have something to say."

Sarr;; Russell naturally knows that the sky mark and Luo Jia went out together, but at this time with the day mark returned but changed another person, he could not help but have some doubts, but it can only be doubts. Nothing to say, rush to contact Lone Super and others.

The sky mark always stood in the center of the three stone statues, and the blue can clearly feel that his warm hand has turned out to be so cold.

The light shimmered, and the deep sorrow was revealed in the eyes of the sky. After half an hour passed, the elders of the dark rituals came one after another. The eyes were empty and they never looked at them. When everyone arrived, they couldn’t help themselves. Going forward, respectful salute: "The king of darkness, may I ask, what do you have to say to us? Also, where is the soul sacrifice?" In the dark world, strength symbolizes everything, the sky marks, the power is used at the beginning. Conquered the hearts of these dark sacrificial elders, and the gaze of Medusa played by Roga in that day had the same effect. At this time, Lonely Super had no contempt for Roga, ready to wait for Roga. After returning this time, all the forces of the dark sacrifices were handed over to Luojia.

Look at the three stone statues around, the sky marks a long sigh, said: "The soul sacrifice may not be able to come back in a short time, please elders to withdraw from me ten meters away, I must first remove the curse seal on these three stone statues. "After listening to the days of the mark, the elders of the sacrificial priests are full of doubts, but under the influence of the soul and the surrender of the contract, no one dares to violate the command of the sky mark, but only one to withdraw backwards. The blue also looses the hand of the sky mark, and follows the lonely elder to retreat to the periphery.

Slowly lifted his left hand, a circle of faint red glow emerged, the demon atmosphere radiated, and the super-recognition, this is the atmosphere that Luojia exudes that day. At this moment, the idea of ​​the sky mark has been sinking into his left arm. Under the search of the mind, he found a black light group. The black light group is not a round shape, but is constantly changing. In his own form, he slowly walked in the left arm of Tianzheng, and the mental power just touched the black airflow, and the sky mark immediately felt the touch from the soul clearly, ah! That is the sleeping soul of Luojia! The sky marks a violent shock, and tears burst out. When she first saw Luojia, she looked like a pure girl. She was so beautiful. She had the unique conditions of heavenly gifts. However, she now only left this group of black souls in the world. This is all because of myself. The heart of the day marks a pain, and he constantly calls for the name of Roga in the black air.

Perhaps it is the sorrow of the heart of the sky, the black airflow radiates a warm breath, calms him, through contact, the sky mark reveals that this black airflow contains unusually complex energy molecules, which brings Feeling, there are former Luojia, there are also blood red stars, it is a very evil atmosphere, but it is this evil atmosphere that comforts himself.

The black air led the sky mark to a place in the meridian. He finally saw the red blood ball in the description of Luojia. Without hesitation, the spiritual power of the sky mark penetrated the ball of light.

The dark sacrificial elders suddenly saw tears in the sky, and they couldn’t help but raise a hint of ominous premonition. At this moment, the left hand of the sky mark changed, and the low-pitched voice echoed, and his hand completely became a pass. The red is like a magnified blood red star. A black airflow sweeps out from the body of the sky mark. The red light suddenly becomes crystal clear. The hand of the sky mark gently flicks, one by one. The red palm-shaped stars floated out, and the sparkling light with a very strong evil atmosphere slowly swirled around the body of the sky mark.

The red starlight is dressed in a neat string in the air, rotating around the body of the sky mark, and under the black air, it looks very beautiful. The sky was moving, and the left hand flashed three palms. The starlight around her body suddenly exploded, and instantly condensed together. With the sky mark as the center, the red mask appeared, completely covering the three stone statues around him. Inside.

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