Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 120: Real God-class ship formation (on)

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Sitting quietly in his position, looking at the opposite of Nai Lun; Bill, the white light forms an effective protective cover around the body of the two, the outside of the mask is completely twisted space, but the inside is normal .

Nai Luo was wearing an ordinary gray sportswear. There was no expression on the handsome face. He said: "Thank you, Sky Mark. I didn't expect to return to Earth so soon."

The sky mark shook his head and said: "You don't have to thank me for anything, how the ending is, but also how you can convince Rose. Phil's judge, as long as the judge is willing to support you, between him and your grandfather. Relationship, I think, you should be able to get back your own things."

There was a bitter bitterness on Nai's face. "No, I don't want to get anything. Do you think that I have a lot of hope for power? I have thought a lot these days. I have already been disappointed with power. In the face of power, close relatives. You can turn your eyes, sky marks, what do you say about me? If the previous guess is true, as long as the uncle will not hurt Grandpa, I would rather give him the position of inheritance, and I will only have some calm with the filtes. The days are satisfied. It’s not good to say that I have enjoyed the things I have enjoyed. I have no regrets in this life. After so many experiences, I discovered that only the ordinary life is the most authentic. There is a woman who loves herself and a warm home, which is better than anything else."

In the eyes of the sky marks, the light of approval is revealed. "Nai Luo, I found that now you have the potential to become a hegemon, and only in the mood of you without any hope, the Bill family can develop better. I agree with you. The point of view, what you said is what I want to do. However, everyone has their own responsibilities, you are, me too. You are the real heir of the Bill family, and your uncle is just a servant, if the Bill family is by him To take charge of it, with his deep mind, he will not be able to do anything in the future."

Nai Lun; Bill smiled bitterly: "I mean what you mean. I just tell you the truth. I will still do what I should do. I have confidence in myself. I am at Rose. In front of the person, I can prove to him that in fact I am absolutely innocent, I have this grasp. In fact, the uncle looked down on Grandpa, the grandfather took control of the Bill family for many years, and he did not want to deal with it. Skymark, I am now I really want to see a person. I have been planted in this person twice since I debuted. He is also your sacred ally. I don’t hate him now. However, he always brings me a strange and strange feeling. I used to always have a strange feeling. I have never had it.” Speaking of this, Nai’s handsome face suddenly hangs a touch of red, which seems to add a bit of handsome.

The sky mark stunned and said: "Are you talking about the green leaves that have seriously hurt you?"

Nai nodded and her face was faint. "Yes, it is him. I don't know why. Although I didn't see his appearance twice, he gave me a very strong feeling. Do you know him?" If you know, can you introduce it to me in the future. You can rest assured that I will never have any revenge on him."

Looking at Nai’s appearance, Tianshen’s heart is bitter. This guy will not have some kind of bad habits. Ok, I don’t like men. “I don’t know green leaves. He is very mysterious in the Holy League. I will have the chance to meet him later. In fact, blue may be more closely related to him."

There was a trace of disappointment in Nai's eyes. "That is only to be said later. He appears twice when the blue is in danger. Perhaps, the blue color does have a general relationship with him. Sky marks, you and Blue seems to be a couple, don't you lick that green leaf?"

The heart marks the heart, of course, it won’t be embarrassing. Do I have to marry myself? On the mouth, he said: "There is nothing to be embarrassed. He has saved the blue from the fire and water twice. How can I marry him? I am only grateful to him. Nai, I did not let you go to sleep in the health warehouse. I mainly want to talk to you about the Bill family. I hope that you can tell the truth and I will help you."

Nai Luo first said: "You ask, as long as I know. I said, you help me to recapture what I deserve, the Bill family will always be a friend of the sacred alliance. Sky marks, if I guess well, you and The blue and other people on the current transport ship should be the successors of the high-level sacred alliances in the future, the so-called saints and saints."

The day marks were shocked, and the eyes were full of light. Although I was surprised, my face remained calm and calmly asked: "How did you know?"

Nai Luo smiled and said: "This is not difficult to guess, isn't it? Your ability is very strong, although the age is not big, I am afraid that they have entered the realm of the master. Otherwise, you can not shake me back. Moreover, the five of you are divided into five different abilities, and they are gathered together, and they can also have some relationships with the Joshua family. These signs all prove that you have an unusual position in the sacred alliance. It’s not a random guess. After all, the Bill family is the largest family in the Galaxy Alliance. The intelligence network in hand is very large, and the Holy League is the one we scout most. Others may not know what the Son and the Virgin are, but How can we not know, we have too much to explore for the sacred alliance. Although I have always been doing nothing, I care little about it. But I still know a little about it, but it is you who affirmed my idea. Although we are in contact Not much, but the jewel in your palm has revealed your identity. You can become an elder in the sacred alliance. Your ability should not be enough. The only explanation is the identity of the Son, and it is still holy. In the first. I say to it? "

Looking at the gem in his right palm, he smiled and said: "Your observation is very strong. I rarely expose my palm to the outside. I didn't expect it to be discovered by you."

Nai Lun; Bill said: "If this is not the case, how can I tell you that I will unite with the sacred alliance in the future? Skymark, you can ask questions now."

The day mark nodded and said: "I want to know that the Bill family is divided into several forces, I think, your family should be divided into many components."

Nailuo: "Yes, the Bill family is divided into two parts: the power system and the branch system. The power system is the pulse of my grandfather. It controls more than 60% of the economy and military work in the whole family, including two gods. Ship formations and tens of thousands of warships. The cost of warships is too high, and the entire Galaxy Alliance will not exceed 100,000. It is because the power system holds all the military, so it can dominate in the family, while the branches are mostly With some resources and funds in hand, they must be unconditionally supported as long as they are in command."

One day in the heart of the mark, said: "Two god-class ship formations? But how can I hear that the four families have only one God-class ship formation?"

Nai Wei smiled and said: "We are different from the Bill family. We have more administrative stars than other families. We have abundant resources and strong economy, which enables us to support the existence of two god-class ship formations. Otherwise, How can we call it the first big family? When it comes to this, I have to explain to you the distribution of warships in the entire Galaxy Alliance. The resources needed for ordinary transport ships are already very large, in order to make them different. Space flight without being shredded requires not only huge shield energy, but also high-density, high-resistance alloys. Many of the alloys are very rare, and often one on every ten planets may be produced. And the output is not high, so in the construction of the transport ship, the Galaxy Alliance has already spent a lot of resources. The requirements of the warships are even higher. In order to improve the anti-strike capability and powerplant, the investment of a common warship needs to be Billions of money. Otherwise, it is impossible to fly in space for a long time. The Galaxy Alliance warships are now divided into seven levels, namely F Ships, E-class ships, D frigate, C class ships, frigate class B, A spirit level class ships and warships. "

Skymark frowns: "Seven levels? Why I used to hear only four levels of F, D, B, and God when I was studying at the college."

Nai Luo snorted and said: "How can the college teach you all these secrets of the alliance? The attack power of the seven-level warships differs according to the level. Like the F-class warship captain is no more than three hundred meters, it belongs to the mobile warship. When necessary, the warship itself is a huge missile, also known as a suicide ship. Although its attack power is not strong, it is extremely flexible. It is specifically responsible for destroying small targets such as warplanes and space vehicles, even for large warships. With its suicide characteristics, it can also have a certain attack power. It is also a transport ship killer. With its fast speed, it can quietly enter the other's supply line and crush the enemy's transport troops. Of course, there is no fleet protection in the enemy transport ship. In the case of E, D two-class warships are relatively common, a wide variety, according to different characteristics, its attack and defense are also different, plus F-class warships, almost occupy more than 70% of the total number of warships Class C warships are known as high-class warships and are often the motherships that lead the formation of ordinary D, E, and F warships. The preparation of the C-class fleet is basically composed of a C-class warship plus 20 D-class warships and hundreds of E- and F-class warships. The B-class warships, also known as guardships, are rarely seen. Only the God-class ship formation can be owned. The main task is to guard the Shenzhou main ship. They have extremely strong defense and attack power. Almost every B-class warship can easily destroy more than ten C-class warships. Also known as the shield of the god-class warship, the god-class warships cannot be destroyed before the destruction of all the eight-class B-class warships of the god-class ship formation. The number of A-class warships is actually more than that of the B-class warships. The Marshal-class warships that must be equipped in each theater of the Galaxy Alliance are second only to God-class warships. In addition to the Class B frigates, each superior warship can control at least ten subordinate warships. We usually refer to the God-class warship formation. It is a God-class mothership plus eight to twenty Class B frigates. But in fact, this is not the case. The God-class fleet formed by a God-class mothership can use that ratio. The formula is calculated. The full-fledged God-class fleet should have a God-class mothership, eight Class B frigates, ten Class A warships, one hundred Class C warships, and one thousand Class D The frigate, 10,000 E, F-class low-level warships. This is the real God-class fleet. And the entire Galaxy Alliance has ten God-class fleets on the surface, that is, more than 100,000 warships. We have two Bill family. There is only one God-class ship formation, but there is only one full-scale God-class fleet. The other God-class ship formation is composed of a God-class mothership, four Class A warships, eight Class B frigates, and C and D. A small-scale fleet of nearly 1,000 warships consisting of E and F. This large and small fleet of two teams is controlled by Grandpa and one of my uncles. This military force is impossible for my second uncle to infiltrate. Therefore, he can only use various means to find a way to get the leadership position of the power system, in order to take over the grandfather to master these warships. That is not an easy thing, so I am afraid that he will not be good for grandfather."

The sky marks a cold breath, and the Galaxy Alliance has such a high degree of confidentiality for the warships it owns. When he was studying at the college, he only had a certain understanding of the structure of the warship. As for the distribution of warships, it was impossible for the college to learn. At this time, I listened to Nai Lun; Bill explained that he understood some of the battleships.

Nai Lun; Bill looked at the surprise in the eyes of the sky, said: "In fact, you will never be surprised, although the number of warships is very large, but the resource consumption required is also very huge. Ten years ago, the Galaxy Alliance already has this The size of the big warships, but until now it has not expanded, do you know why? Because the resource consumption is too large. Like our Bill family, to support these warships, including replenishment, maintenance, energy equipment, each year costs more than the entire family Fifty percent of the fiscal revenue can be maintained. The reason why the Galaxy Alliance devolved four god-class fleets to the four families, the most important reason is that they need financial sharing. In the past ten years, in addition to our Bill family secret In addition to a small group of God-class ships, the Galaxy Alliance has hardly expanded on this aspect of the warship. Ten resource-rich planets will take at least a decade to create a fleet of ships, not including replenishment."

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