Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 124: Poisonous traction (on)

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Tianshen knows that Guangming is an opportunity to hone himself. He is grateful in his heart. He said: "The elders, I have discovered now that I really can’t be judged. The devil is amazing, but its time. And consumption has greatly limited my ability. Once the opponent is a judge-level enemy, as long as the other party does not care, the final result will definitely end in my defeat."

Bright smile said: "Stupid boy, do you think that there are many judges in the world, is it so easy to cultivate into the realm of the judge? What's more, you and the holy beast can rely on, as long as you cooperate with the star mark, even face The judge can at least retreat. Oh, yes, I haven't had time to ask you. This time, how about the three major forces in the dark, apart from the bird's singer? Put it, you can't be eager for a moment, to be safe."

Tianzhen remembered Luojia, and there was a strong colic in his heart. His face became pale and pale. He said: "You have said that it is too late. Because I am too hasty, I have already made a big mistake." Now he will unite himself with Luojia. The blood emperor and the dark speaker discussed the war in detail, except that the dark sacrifice was the matter of the José family, and nothing else was left out.

"What? The blood emperor is dead, and the soul sacrifice is also dead?" The light eyes were full of shock. He really couldn't believe that the leaders who had been against the sacred alliance for three years of darkness had gone.

Forcing the pain in my heart, the lips of the sky mark are a little trembling. "The soul sacrifices are all for the sake of saving me. The three major forces of the darkness are impossible to conquer. However, they should not be too big. Action, great elders, after the handling of this Nai's things, I want to find the Dracula family. Now the bats of the Dracula family have no heads, and they can make a noise, with the **** emperor left behind. Things, as long as I can foster a new blood emperor, can not only calm the fighting of the Dracula family, but also control the power of the entire Dracula family. Only one dark parliament is left, it is not enough. Elders, is there any way to quickly raise the level of the ability? I, I want to save the soul sacrifice."

The bright eyes suddenly become a lot harsher. "Day marks, you don't want to think about this thing. The practice of abilities must be gradual, how can it be quick? I know that the death of the soul sacrifice makes you sad, but, for the sake of She still thinks for yourself, you can no longer make impulsive things. In fact, although the ending of this matter is not good, it is easier to control the three major forces of the dark, you should not be too self-blaming, as long as you work hard to cultivate Go on, one day, you will reach the level of eighty-one."

Tianzi took a deep breath and forced the feeling of heartache down. "I understand, big elder, you can rest assured, I will try my best to do everything. To be honest, I am really tired now." First time, day In the heart of the mark, the idea of ​​escaping rises. He does not have too much hope for power. The death of Roga is very touched by him. Are these things really right? Really have to do? If you don't have an ability, you are still an ordinary person. Maybe, life will be happier. Others may envy their identity as the seventh elder of the Holy League, but who can understand the troubles caused by this identity? Thinking of this, the traces of Luo Jia flashed in front of the sky marks, can not help but lead him a while.

Brightly patted the shoulders of the sky mark and said: "Don't be too sad, your body is recovering, rest more. I will go out first, I will let everyone else be ready, and when you are fully recovered, you will leave immediately. Bill's galaxy. As long as this matter is successfully completed, at least in ten to twenty years, the parliament will not dare to sway them."

The light went away, only the sky marks itself in the room, closed his eyes, and there was still some faintness in his mind. The three abilities in the body were silently surrendered, and the thoughts moved, and the pale yellow cosmic gas circumvented. Warmth is brought into every meridian. Everything that has happened in the past few years is like dreaming. After having an ability, I gradually walked into another world. If I didn't encounter blue, would my abilities be motivated? If you have been in contact with Linna, perhaps, after graduation, you have found a good job, relying on your ability to support your parents, and after combining with Linna, live a calm and happy life. At least, that kind of self is much easier than it is now. When I think of it, I can't help but feel awkward in my heart. I have too many such thrilling and complicated days. In his heart, he gradually rises to the desire for a peaceful life. After all, people's energy is limited. In the midst of cranky thoughts, he gradually entered the state of cultivation of the cosmic gas. During the day, the consciousness was immersed in the warm sea, the mental power gradually relaxed, and the body continued to recover in the constant moisture of the universe.

The resilience of the sky mark is very amazing. After only two days, he has recovered to the best condition. The light has also allowed him to rest for a few more days, but the day marks take into account the fact that the Bill family’s work is getting better. Refused to the good intentions of the light, a group of more than ten people, in the shape of Rose; Phil, although not big, but the performance of the very strong blue ship, left the earth.

When I first left the earth, an unexpected person surprised the sky marks. In addition to Nai, Blue, Feng Yuan, Chi Yan, Ye Huan and Rose • Phil and his men, they also had more One person, that is the purple magic. Before squatting on the ship, Peter had some gloating glory to hand the purple illusion to the hands of the sky mark. "The sky mark! Since you want the purple illusion to see more of the world outside, then this task is done by you." You protect the purple illusion. If there is any danger, the last time I promised you, I will give it to others. I think, everyone wants to get the battleship made of the fire lizard king skin." "But, Peter, We have a lot of danger to the Bill family this time, I am afraid..."

"I don't care, the heir to your sacred elders, if you don't even care for a small woman, you still have a fart! Anyway, I handed you the purple illusion, you can do it."

In desperation, the sky marks only had to bring the purple illusion to Rose; Phil's battleship, which makes him more gratified that the purple magical ice abilities have reached the 23rd level. Under certain circumstances, Self-protection should not be a big problem. In this way, they left the earth, led by the ship of Rose; Phil, after a dozen seconds, broke the barrier of time and entered the alien space.

Seeing the disappearance of the blue battleship, the light sighed and said: "Moore, you can come out." Light and shadow flashed, tall and handsome space, the judge Moore appeared in the light and Peter. His face looked a bit gloomy. In the past, the smile was gone, and he sighed, "Well, boss, why don't you let me tell the sky mark? He should know."

The light looked at Moore and shook his head gently. He said, "No, he still can't know. Because we haven't paved the way for him. The child of the day marks is sentimental, once he learns about his current parents. It’s not a biological birth, but the biological parents have already died, and it’s the kind of poison that died in him. What do you think he will do? He will go crazy and look for the murderer. At that time, I am afraid you will lose. This is the only grandson. Let him go to the Bill Galaxy is the best choice. If he is more honed, his mind will be more determined. Moore, don't rush to seek success."

Moore slammed his right hand and slammed into the air. "I don't want to be eager for success. After so many years, I finally have clues to kill Moore's bastards. I, I am..."

Peter said: "Old Moore, the boss of the light is right. Now I can confirm that the poison in the sky mark is consistent with the poison of your son and daughter-in-law in the past, but there is no way to detoxify, rashly, you want to bury the day. Is it the life of this child? You have endured it for so many years, still care about one year or two years? Don’t worry, Seri has got my true biography. His understanding of drugs is even above me. It is estimated that it can't be used. For too long, he will be able to develop the corresponding antidote. By then, our grasp will be even greater. What's more, even though there are clues, we still don't know who the enemy is. Time, we are sure to find out the true whereabouts of the enemy. When the enemy is clear, I will deal with it. Now they are in the dark, and they are probably watching us. Do you think that now is a good opportunity for revenge? Believe in the brightest boss Arrangement, when we have absolute certainty, we will use the thunder and the savage to kill the murderers."

Under the persuasion of Guangming and Peter, Moore’s unstable atmosphere finally calmed down and said: “I haven’t dared to tell Sheila three of them. If they know, I’m afraid I’m more impulsive than me. This is the brightest boss, the day mark this child is handed over to you, you hand over the information of this alliance intelligence, I will be able to find clues to find those **** in the shortest time."

In the bright eyes, the light shines, pat the shoulders of Moore, and smiles: "Okay, the change is not chaotic, this is my good brother-in-law. You really should change your position after you become a judge. Ming Huang Xing Demon Temple, I will Adjust Fiji to take charge. Of course, there is still your nest. After that, the intelligence network of the Alliance will be responsible for you. You can handle all the information yourself, and come back to me with great significance."

Moore stunned and said: "Boss, I am not being stalked by you. You know, I have always been used to it, I can manage the intelligence network for a while, if it takes a long time..."

The light did not breathe a sigh of Moore, saying: "You are still like the same year, you want to escape when you encounter something. You have been sitting on the top of the sacred league for many years, and you have the least contribution. This time, you must at least be in the position of intelligence director. Give me a five-year period, both for your revenge and for the strength of the sacred alliance. You are not incompetent or too lazy. Rest assured, I will not let you separate from your wife, the wisdom of Sheila. Not under you, plus the moon and the stars are the people of the Lipton family. There are three of them to assist you. It should be no problem to sit in this position."

Moore bitterly said: "You have even moved out of Sheila. I can say anything, and only then. The five years are too long. Boss, how about three years?"

Bright frowning said: "When are you buying food? You are also bargaining, you give me a province, say five years is five years." The light flashed, the light turned into a golden light disappeared.

Peter sighed with sorrow: "Moore, you old boy really should be active. I am busy all day long, but you enjoy yourself on the Ming Huangxing. See what you do this time."

Moore didn't have a good voice: "Well, you old Peter, this suggestion is not for you to give to the bright boss, hey, I am so pitiful! I want to be an old bone, but also what intelligence director. Hey-"

Peter turned his eyes and said: "You come less, what old bones are you, I seem to be two years older than you, plus I have no day and night to do, I can do more than you." Save it."

The battleship water blue flies rapidly in different spaces, relying on its own strong structure, even in different spaces, the operation of the water blue warships is still very stable, under the control of Rose; Phil, they are constantly approaching them. The goal. Tianzheng sits in the front row position, sitting on both sides with blue and purple illusion, respectively, to see the two women, he can not help but secretly smile, blue knows their relationship with purple magic, and purple magic knows that he and lily, blue The relationship between this, I am afraid that they will regard themselves as a big radish. It seems that this time, I have to follow the rules.

On the super battleship of Shui Lan, everyone does not need to enter the health warehouse. The sky marks the nephew that sits behind him: "It will soon enter the star field of your Bill family. Let me introduce it to you. I also I haven't had time to ask you, how is your communication with your grandfather? This time, since he is still under his command, he naturally needs to know more things.

Nai’s from the beginning of the ship has always been a bit gloomy. At this time, I heard the words of the sky mark, and after the sinking, he said: “The Bill Galaxy, where our Bill family is located, has eight administrative stars, except for the capital’s largest administrative star, Bill Star. Planets basically have special functions. For example, there is a planet dedicated to docking warships, repairing, feeding, and building facilities. There are also some planets that are specialized in industrial and commercial use. It is more complicated to say, I will not I have said it one by one. With the help of Grandfather Rose and Phil, I have already communicated with my grandfather. However, Grandpa did not say anything more, just let me return to Bill Star as soon as possible. As for the others, I did not mention I don't know what attitude Grandpa is."

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