Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 126: Wind Frost Bill's attitude (on)

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For the members of the Bill family, death is not the most terrible. The most severe punishment is to expel the door. Once deported, not only will it lose everything, but at the same time, it will never be able to step into the family of the Bill family, all relatives, Will sever the relationship with him, feel the warmth of Grandpa's hand, Nai's tears flow uncontrollably, he now has only family, he can not bear to love his grandfather from childhood.

Wind cream • Bill used the other hand to wipe the tears on Nai’s face. “Stupid boy, how can Grandpa not want you? You, it’s still too tender, if you have just half of the kid named Tianshi, It won't be like this. You are always the heir to the grandfather's family. Do you think that Grandpa will really not want you?"

Wind and frost • Bill's huge changes before and after could not help but let Nailu fall a little uncomfortable, staring at the kind smile on his face, muttering: "Grandpa, you, you mean..."

Wind Cream • Bill smiled lightly and said: “Looking at the opponent is the biggest mistake. I don’t need to say it, I know what is going on. When there are hidden tumors in the human body, if you don’t know it, or you don’t know it, That would be the biggest threat. Instead, let's take it out and see how big the hazard can be. The original you, though not sensible, are too proud, but fundamentally, you are still a good boy. Because your heart is kind, just lacking control. You also know how important your father's position is in my heart. If he is still, I will pass on the position of the patriarch and give him a blessing. However, he died young, even your mother was gone because of excessive sadness, and only you are left to Grandpa. It can be said that you are the only relative of Grandpa, I really can’t bear to be strict with you, so I develop You have many bad habits. In the year you left, everything in the outside world has done a lot for me. More than once, I want to send someone to come back to you, but I can’t because, if at that time you come back What will be faced is the hidden crisis. Now, you have matured a lot. Although you have to go a long way, after all, you have already got on the right track. When you see you now, Grandpa is very pleased. From your eyes, Grandpa can already see that my nephew has grown up."

Nai’s brain was not slow, and he listened to the wind cream. • Bill’s words, he suddenly understood. “Grandpa, you, are you letting me out? I, I’m so stupid, I thought you really didn’t want to fall. ......" Having said that, he can no longer say it. The grievances that have been suffered for many days have erupted and rushed into the wind and frost. • Bill’s arms burst into tears and seemed to be completely bursting with depression. Wind cream • Bill caressed the head of Nai Luo, said: "Cry out, cry out, the heart will be comfortable, from today, the days of your play have passed, you have to start learning a lot with Grandpa, you can rest assured All other grandfathers have already arranged for you. As long as you follow the path that Grandpa has arranged for you, you will definitely become a qualified owner of the Bill family."

Nai Lei raised his head and wiped the tears from his face. "But Grandpa, what about the second uncle? You have not announced that he is the heir to our Bill family? Can this change?"

Wind cream • Bill's eyes reveal a cold smile. "I am the patriarch of the Bill family. You only need to remember this. It is enough. Some people are smart, but how can the firefly light compete with the moon? Hui? In a few days, you will wait to see a good show. Your Qinglongli foreign work has been practiced almost. From today, I will teach you the internal strength of Qinglongli. You must practice well. As a ruler, You must have the ability to protect yourself. Do you understand that your father was ruined by the cultivation of Qinglongli because he was busy with other affairs, and he would be taken advantage of by the enemy, and died under the great poison. Our Qinglongli practice After the sixth floor of the internal work, this is not afraid of any poisonous, the same thing, I will never want to happen to you."

Nai Luo dignified and nodded, said: "Grandpa, you can rest assured, Nai will definitely work hard, will not let you disappoint." Indeed, now he has grown up.

Wind Cream • Bill smiled slightly and said, “Oh, yes, how do you feel about the kid who called Sky Mark? You can make him too far away from strength. Bright can choose him as heir, visible to him. The importance of this, regardless of whether our Bill family is allied with the Holy Alliance, you must pay attention to this person, once we are against the Holy Alliance in the future, he will be your greatest enemy."

There was a strange light in Nai's eyes. "Grandpa, to be honest, I never want to be an enemy of the sky mark. Although his mind is far less than those of the judges, he has a judge. We can't compare the temperament of the leader, even the proud heart of blue, will be gentle because of him. Remember that when I first met him, he was only the most ordinary versatile, stronger than me. It’s much worse, but now you’ve seen it, his ability is so strong, the speed of this progress is really amazing. What was the black light just now? I’m afraid it’s not as simple as space abilities. Not only him, but the number of strong people in the sacred league is almost impossible for me to imagine. So, I think that if the Bill family wants to grow stronger, it is definitely a very good way to unite with the sacred alliance. What is the parliament, their transformation of warriors and biological warriors, even if they have certain abilities, are only formed by the day after tomorrow, there must be no small defects, the difference between the day after tomorrow and the innate As far as I know, the relationship between Tianzhen and the Ruoxi family is very unusual. Even the patriarch of the Ruoxi family looks at him differently. If the Xi family is not as powerful as the Bill family. However, they are the most mysterious of the four major families. As long as the future successor of the sacred alliance is really a trace of the sky, the development speed of the sacred alliance will only be faster than it is now, and it will not be as good as it is at that time. This gambling, I have a good grasp of 80%. Perhaps we seem to suffer some losses now, will stand on the opposite side of the parliament, but in the near future, the benefit must be us. The four major families have regulations, the position of the hereditary parliament is not Participate in the presidential election, but the sacred alliance does not have this rule. As long as the strength behind it is enough, it is not difficult to have a speaker in the sacred alliance. That is, it is always stronger than the two old foxes in the upper and lower houses."

Wind Cream • Bill smiled and smiled happily. “Nai Luo, your analysis is very thorough. You are right, how many more enemies than a friend? The parliament has been ruled by humans for too long, among them. There are too many stale things, and its innovation will fall on the shoulders of your new generation. Your grandfather understands that it seems that this kid named Skymark has left a very small impression in your heart. It's a pity that you are sick. Otherwise, we can use a special method to get in touch with him and form a deeper alliance." Here, his eyes showed a strange light.

Nai Xiao smiled and said: "Grandpa, that is impossible. My illness may not be good for a lifetime. The sky mark is a dragon among people. It is not an easy task to want to bind him. However, he also has The shortcoming is that it is too emotional. Through these days of contact, I found that he sometimes used it very easily. Before we came back, he used his body to block the killer's deadly knife for the blue. So, It’s hard to deal with the sky mark, and it’s easy. It’s enough to let him be a good friend, as long as the relationship is tied to him.”

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Tianzheng just started to practice, but the blue came out from the outside. "Scar, you have to start practicing again?" The blue sky saw the look of the sky mark, and could not help but sigh.

Tianshao apologized: "I'm sorry, blue, I can't play with you here. You know, the growth of ability needs to be gradually accumulated. I can't waste any time."

Blue nodded and smiled. "Good pull, I understand, but after Roga is resurrected, you have to take us around every planet of the Galaxy."

The sky marks the blue to understand yourself, can't help but feel warm, "Do not worry, it will be. This is my commitment to you. I hope that Lily can do his own thing, we will travel all the planets together. Find a place with the most beautiful environment, and no matter what else. I want to start practicing. You and the night sister will turn around in the Qinglong Temple."

Since Luo Jia’s soul has fallen asleep, cultivation has become the main theme of the sky mark. At his age, his ability has reached forty-one level and is a double-series high-level abilities. For ordinary people, it is absolutely proud. Things, but the sky marks are not satisfied, his goal is eighty-one, only to reach that level, in order to resurrect Luo Jia, for the death of Luo Jia, his heart is full of embarrassment.

The cosmic gas is scattered in the body, and the heart of the sky marks gradually stabilizes. The two powers of space and darkness are accompanied by the energy molecules of the universe that absorb the outside world.

By the time he is in his realm, there is no skill in cultivation. Only by constantly accumulating and transforming the quantity into qualitative change can the ability be improved.

However, it is easy for two high-level abilities to be promoted and upgraded. The eighty-one level is still in the foreseeable future. Through these years of cultivation, Tianzheng found that when the abilities are in crisis, the ability improvement will be faster than the quiet cultivation. The greater the crisis, the more power will be improved after the lapse. If there is no battle with the two major powers of the dark and the killers, he will not be able to ascend to the level of forty-one.

Now, he is deeply hopeful that after more than a month, he will have a good fight with the transformation of the warrior Xuantian. Only Xuantian's ability to be strong can fully stimulate his potential. Perhaps, there may be some breakthroughs. Just hope that before the deadline is reached, I can end the Bill family side. As he thought about it, he gradually entered the state of cultivation. The three energies of calming operations were enhanced, and the four living beings lurking in him, along with his cultivation, quickly absorbed energy molecules to strengthen themselves, including Luojia. The sleeping soul, except that it absorbs energy unconsciously to stabilize the soul factor.

The next morning, the sky marks wake up from cultivation. The three full-bodied feelings in the body make him feel refreshed. He wanders out of bed. After a simple grooming, he walks out of the room. When he goes out, he sees it. The wind hurriedly came over, and the look on his face was a little wrong. The sky mark saw him. He also saw the sky mark, and the blue light flashed. He was in front of the sky mark with the help of the wind system.

"Boss, it's not good, blue and night is gone." Feng Yuan's words made the sky mark all over the body. "What do you say? Blue and night Huanjie is gone?"

The wind is urgency: "Yes! Last night I accompanied the blue and the night to a few laps in the Qinglong Temple. Later, it was taken by Rose; the Phil Judge went to drink with the Nabir. Today Come together in the morning, I went to the room in the night to find her, but she was not in the room, according to the electronic record of the room, yesterday she did not seem to rest in the room, I do not know where to go. I know that you are practicing I didn't bother you, I went straight to the blue, I thought, maybe she was with the blue, but there was no one in the blue room. The electronic record also showed that nobody had lived last night."

The sky marks a sinking heart. After all, it is the territory of the Bill family. After thinking about it, he said, "Don't panic, go, let's go find Rose?; Phil Judge, then say the other." But his heart is still very nervous. If there is anything wrong with the blue and the night, then the trouble is big.

The two men walked anxiously to the room where Rose; Phil’s judge was, and turned a corner. They suddenly heard the blue, crisp and moving voice, looked up and saw blue, night and Nai, who is talking about it, is coming in their direction.

Seeing the blue and the night, nothing was going on, the sky marks suddenly sighed, but he felt a little weird. The attitude of the blue to Nai was so freezing, but these days, they seem to be intimate, even the night is happy. The attitude has become more intimate. The blue light drifted, and the blue arm smashed the arm of the sky mark. "How did you get up, not practicing?"

Tianzi said: "I came out to activities and muscles. I just heard Xiaofeng said that you and the night sorrow didn't go back to the room last night. Where have you been? Are you running around, not afraid of us worrying?"

Blue smiled and said: "Yesterday, I went to drink with the wind, and I went around with the night sister. I happened to meet Nai Luo. He was the landlord. Of course, I was responsible for taking us around and visiting."

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