Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 136: Underground temple (on)

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All the stone people stopped their actions and stood in the same place. They also maintained the posture of the previous attack on the sky mark. Suddenly, the first stone man changed, and his body was centered on the chest. Cracks, cracks quickly spread to other parts of the body, and a loud bang, turned into a pile of stone powder. The fall of the first stone man is like pushing a domino, and the remaining 17 stone people, one after another, follow the footsteps, and the silence becomes silent. The sky marks still maintain the previous movements, but the stone people who originally brought them great threats have completely disappeared.

Xuantian and the demon snake opened their mouths. They couldn’t believe what happened before. The bright blue eyes were like the stars. They didn’t understand what happened. Under such a terrible gravity, they could Killing 18 people with skill, attacking and defending the same powerful stone man, this ability is not what they can imagine.

Gravity returned to the original two hundred times state, blue only felt that the body was light, she almost did not hesitate, and immediately rushed to the sky mark.

"Stand up, don't come over." The sound of the sky mark sounded, it was still so cold, and the blue was surprised to discover that his body seemed to tremble slightly and seemed to be patient.

Yes, in the face of a dead situation, the sky mark launched the strongest attack, this is his first attempt, even he himself does not quite understand what happened.

The three great saints of the darkness were the ones of the dark king who did not know where they came from. They contained the mystery of darkness. The last days have told the sky mark, when can he use the three holy devices at the same time, then, He will become the master of darkness. Any dark sacred device, as long as it is a dark abilities, can be used alone, but if you want to use two dark sacred devices at the same time, you need at least the level of the judge. Although the end of the world is the king of darkness, even he himself has not used three pieces of dark saints at the same time. When the beginning and the end of the world said what he said to the sky mark, he did not care too much. However, when he was attacked by Satan last time and almost died under the poison, the sky mark suddenly remembered the words of the last days. At that time, he I have thought about what kind of results would happen when I used the two sacred devices to achieve the ability of the judge after the transformation of the demon.

At the last moment of the battle with Xuantian not long ago, Tianzheng once thought of using the dark mask and the dark holy sword at the same time, but the sudden change of the star mark made him change his mind. After all, for the mysterious thing of the Dark Hallows, he always has a bit of alert in his heart. At the same time, this is his secret. If you can not use it, naturally try not to use it. The stone people's chain of blockade attacks made the war of the heart mark reach the apex. In order to save his life and to save the lives of his lover and friends, he resolutely took out the Dark Sword in an instant.

When the Dark Sword started, the sky mark suddenly felt a blank in his mind, and the whole body became extremely cold. The stone people’s lightning-fast attack seemed to be slow, and the dark mask passed him a strange thought. Under the change of mind, he suddenly found that his heart was so eager to kill, the subconscious moved with the direction of the dark mask, in the depths of his mind, lit up three black characters - the devil.

Everything is over, and he himself has not seen what he has done, but the cold words are clearly printed in the depths of his mind. The stone people were destroyed, but the impulse to bleed the blood did not stop. He wanted to kill and kill all the lives. The cold air continued to hit his brain. The senses were enhanced by hundreds of times. He saw the blue. Come over, the heart is more prosperous, but the importance of blue in his heart makes him a glimpse of a mysterious outburst, strongly suppressing the impulse of inner blood to stop her from rushing.

The left arm suddenly turned into a crystal blue, and the right arm became a flame-like red. Two cold and one hot energy simultaneously hit the brain of the sky mark. The two energy gathered at the brain, and the sky mark only I feel that the brain is like a tear, and I suddenly lose my perception of the outside world.

This is a black ocean, the waves are surging, and the sky marks are surprised to see that they are floating in this vast ocean, surrounded by a faint yellow airflow around the body, and a blue leaf under the body. The boat, let the black ocean impact, but the boat still maintains a balance, ups and downs on the wave but never overturn.

This is where? My head hurts. The sky mark can't control his body. He can only watch the black ocean constantly impacting himself and the blue boat under him.

"Sky marks, you have to hold on, don't give up." The low and thick voice suddenly sounded, and a red light suddenly covered the boat, making the boat more stable.

"Is it you? Ground fire." The sky mark is calling in the heart.

"It's me, I finally got in touch with you. Are you crazy? Just now you have used more abilities than you can drive. If it is not the strange energy in your left arm that protects your consciousness, plus My firepower barely diverges the darkness, I am afraid that you have been swallowed up by this black ocean, completely losing your ability to be independent." The sound of the fire dragon is a bit strange, but it seems that there is no blame for the meaning of the sky mark.

When the heart marks a shock, he suddenly realized a problem. Did the last world fool himself? no, I can not. The end of the world is his own grandfather, the so-called tiger poison is not a child, not to mention, with his hero, how can he lie? But what happened to yourself? The demon has become clear that it already has the ability of 64 levels, but why can't it control two pieces of dark saints at the same time?

In an instant, Tianzhen suddenly thought of another reminder of the end of the world. When the dark power reaches the sixty-fourth level, it is necessary to pass a very difficult level. Only when it passes, can it be the real dark judge. must be careful. Yes! Although the demon makes himself possess the power of the judge, it is not only the darkness that can be achieved by himself, but also the cosmic and spatial abilities. It seems that the most fundamental reason why the two dark saints cannot be controlled at the same time is that their understanding of darkness is not deep enough. It’s too risky. If it’s not Luo Jia’s unconscious soul to protect his mind in time, I’m afraid that I’m already finished. The most terrible thing is that once I’m swallowed by the darkness, I’m afraid that the blue, mysterious, and demon snakes will be destroyed. Under your own dark holy sword!

Thinking of this, Tianshen’s heart is full of fear, and can’t wait for the fire to the dragon: “What should I do now? Is there any way to get out of this dark breath?”

The fire dragon sighed and said: "Do not worry, now there is nothing wrong. Fortunately, you are holding the sword with your right hand. I rely on my own energy. In the case that your consciousness is protected by the blue breath, you can put that The energy of the sword is separated from you. The reason why you don't immediately restore your consciousness is because I have something to say to you. Don't you think that the martyrdom you entered is strange?"

The day marks are not good-hearted: "Isn't this because of you? If you didn't ask me to find the source of this weird energy, how can I take everyone to take risks? Do you know what this energy is on Longchuan Star? ?"

Earth Fire Dragon Road: "I am not sure now, but I think, my guess is not wrong. Now, there are some things I have to tell you. Originally, this is something that should not be known to you. But since you have the instruments of that era, perhaps all of this is arranged by fate."

The day marks doubts: "Can you make it clear, what is going on?"

Earth Fire Dragon Road: "Human beings are not the earliest intelligent creatures. Relatively speaking, you humans appear very late, but the creativity that human beings possess is not possessed by the former wisdom creatures. When I am conscious, the Milky Way There are already many intelligent creatures in the middle. At that time, I was only the lowest of the intelligent creatures. The powerful intelligent creatures are beyond your imagination. At that time, all the intelligent creatures are constantly evolving and evolving. There are only two purposes, that is, to improve one's spiritual energy or life energy. Those who improve their physical ability like me belong to the life of intelligent creatures, while others give up their own bodies and aim at improving spiritual energy. It belongs to the spiritual intelligent creature. The two intelligent creatures have their own advantages, but they also restrict each other. As time goes by, the intelligent creatures are getting stronger and stronger, and gradually have the ability to cross the planet. In the mutual communication, the spiritual wisdom The divergence between living things and living creatures is growing. At that time, these intelligent creatures were called the early period."

The day marks listen to the unseen cosmic allusions that the fire gods said, and they can't help but be deeply attracted. "The two words of life and spiritual energy are well understood, but can't the spirit and life be double?" Although the two are mutually restrictive, they are also interdependent. If they are promoted together, they should be better."

Earth Fire Dragon Road: "What you said makes sense. It is true that some intelligent creatures do this. However, the pursuit of a single ability, the speed of improvement is very rapid, and the two abilities are cultivated at the same time, but they are slower. Times, in the age of staking, trying to expand their racial abilities, while pursuing two abilities, the final outcome can only be destroyed. With the intensification of the contradiction between spiritual and intelligent creatures, In the late period of the early period, the galaxy wisdom creature war broke out. The war lasted for tens of thousands of years and entered the era of destruction. The evolution is fast and the destruction is faster. The evolution of hundreds of millions of years is tens of thousands of years. Destroyed once. In the case of almost equal power, the only result of the spiritual intelligent creature and the living intelligent creature is only one, that is, the common destruction. In the end, there are only two kinds of creatures, one kind, which does not possess at all. The lowest creature of wisdom, and the other, like me, has wisdom, but does not participate in the war, and has not been baptized by war. The lower intelligence creatures. When the era of destruction ended, the Milky Way basically resumed its most primitive period. The entire Milky Way was greatly damaged, and various energies showed an unbalanced situation, and then through cultivation and upgrading, the speed was slow. The guy in your stomach, like me, is a creature that has been lucky to survive after the early period and the era of destruction. He belongs to the spiritual intelligent creature, which has no body and exists completely in the form of spiritual energy. Speaking of it, he may be more powerful than me, but he has lost too much energy and wants to recover. I am afraid it is not a matter of time."

Tianzhen thought for a moment and said: "The Milky Way is so big, isn't there a powerful intelligent creature that survives?"

The fire **** dragon smiled bitterly: "As far as I know, no. The battle of destruction for tens of thousands of years has almost made all the higher intelligent creatures crazy. They only know that destruction and destruction of all hostile forces. I said, the final outcome is Joint destruction."

"That said, you brought me here because there are traces of the wisdom of the past?"

Earth Fire Dragon Road: "Yes, it is because of this, the high-level intelligent creatures are exceptionally powerful after all, their power can easily change a galaxy, the highest intelligent creatures, and they can rival the stars themselves. Although they are The war of destruction is heading for death, but before the energy disappears, the highest intelligent creatures can often leave some traces and their remaining energy and utensils. The dark sacred possession you have should be what was left at that time. Here, we also have the atmosphere of higher intelligent creatures. The reason why we can't contact is because the influence of the silky atmosphere has destroyed our spiritual connection, and only in the current situation can we contact. You just arrived. On this planet, I felt the mysterious power here, but the power was very weak. I couldn't find the position at all, and I couldn't be sure. But when the eclipse appeared, the mysterious power suddenly appeared. More clearly, life itself comes from the power of the universe, your universe It has reached a certain degree, so you feel. If I guess the good, the remains here, and so it must be a maximum of life to intelligent beings left. "

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