Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 141: Excited Transformers (below)

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"Sky marks. You come to pull." The sound of the surprise sounded, and Seri, who seemed to be fatter than before, greeted him.

"Elder Serry, how are you doing lately?" Skymark smiled and greeted him.

Seri smiled. "Of course, well, you don't know. I have recently researched several new drugs and are doing experiments. You are strong enough. How can I give me a try?"

The sky marks were shocked, and smiled bitterly: "I still don't want it, I can't afford the side effects of your medicine."

Seri is a bit embarrassed: "It's not so serious, although there are side effects, but the effect is very strong."

Peter said: "Severy of the drugs that Seri has recently researched are all good. If you have the chance, you can try them. After reading those things, you each bring some, maybe it will be good at a crucial moment. The role."

Listening to Peter’s saying that everyone’s confidence in Seri can’t help but be more, and under the leadership of the two, they walked deep into the Institute. While walking, Seri mysteriously took out a glass stopper from his arms and gave it to the sky mark. He smiled and said: "This is my most proud work. You keep it. It is based on the previous physical medicine. Come out, you can stimulate the full potential of the body in a short time, the user will enter a violent state, play a strength of one hundred and five percent. The duration lasts for an hour, used to escape when in danger Not bad."

Tianzhen took the bottle and said: "What is the side effect?"

Seri scratched his head and said: "The side effects are a little bigger. After using it, all the ability will be zero in one day, but if your body has been modified, you should have more ability. In general, the physical medicine is better than before. The effect is better, at least not to reduce the level of power. Be careful when using it."

In the heart of the day, the drug developed by Seri is really good. Although the side effects are obvious, it will have a good effect at the crucial moment.

While chatting, they have come to the largest experimental site on the third floor of the underground.

In the middle of the wide square, there are five huge objects of up to 100 meters, each of which is covered with a faint black light, so that people can't peep into it from the outside.

"That's all." Peter looked up at the behemoth in front of him, and his eyes could not help but show a proud look. "The sky mark, the one in the middle is yours. The rest, you can distinguish your car from the color."

The sky mark stunned and looked at the elongated object in front of him. The questioning said: "He is the commander of Peter. Is this a warship? How is it so high? Is it because the rocket is not?"

Peter smiled and said: "Of course not, you see." As he said, he clap his hands. The light flashed and the black light covering the five objects disappeared at the same time. Suddenly, the entire experimental square was filled with the luster of metal, which was white, red, blue, yellow and blue.

The five people in the sky saw that they couldn’t help but open their mouths because they saw five huge robots. Yes, they are clearly robots. Every robot is covered with a solid metal cymbal. Going up like a huge warrior, even the golden armor warriors that were seen in the Temple of Alams are far from the five giant steel warriors. These five huge robots have great similarities from the outside, but there are obvious differences in the details. The eyes of the sky mark fall on the white metal warrior in the center, the armor of the warrior. Even with the amethyst scorpion that he wore after the change of the gods, there are seven points, but in the arms and thighs, there are more devices like the wing of the warplane. The huge body shimmers with a faint white light. Look carefully. Going, you can tell that there is a layer of looming lines on the body. The memory of the sky marks is very good. The line is similar to the tough skin of the original Vulcan dragon. Can it be said that Peter will treat these pieces of Vulcan dragon skin with something? Has it become what it is now?

The eyes of the five people of the day mark fall on the same robot with the same color as their own power. Although they are puzzled in the heart, they can't help but raise the excitement of manipulating the giant robots.

"Too prestige, this is simply too prestige." Feng Yuan stunned to the blue robot not far from the front. Just when he was ten meters away from the robot, the blue light suddenly became loud. The wind only felt the whole body violently shocked. It was rebounded by a huge force, and it turned back in the air. When it fell to the ground, it could not help but A few steps back.

Peter didn't have a good voice: "What are you anxious? These are just semi-finished products. There are no devices in the smart operating system. The invisible coatings and various electronic and weapon systems are not equipped. Let you come, just have some impressions."

The excitement in the heart is not much less than the wind, but he is more rational and asks: "Peter, these robots seem to be very prestige, but do not know how practical? Do you fly out like this? No In line with the dynamics principle, I am afraid that the speed can not reach a very fast degree."

Peter glanced at him and said proudly: "Is the things I designed so bad? The reason why people are set up according to their physical structure is that they can act according to your control, so that when you use it, you can rely on it. Your abilities will fully exert the capabilities of these robots, such as the arm, so that you can achieve the maximum flexibility you can, as long as your strength can reach the level of the judge, even if facing a god-class battleship. These five robots almost use all the technologies I have researched over the years, especially the principles of crystal radiology. In addition to external armor, each robot is completely set by the most precious reflection. Crystal structure, these radioactive crystals are completely configured according to your ability. The value of these crystals alone can be compared with a god-class ship formation. I dare say that looking at the entire Galaxy Alliance, no one can make the same thing. I really don't know the goods, hehe."

The principle of crystal radiology was invented by Peter. Naturally, Tianshen did not know the mystery. He quickly lost his smile: "Peter, you don't be angry, I don't have any doubts about what you mean, just want to know what these robots are." ”

Peter smiled and said: "The benefits are big. With the radiant energy released by pure crystals, you can release a powerful shield and attack power simply by your ability. As long as the application is good, you can almost Your ability has doubled the enhanced release. Although it is different from your abilities, the attack power is far superior to the ion super cannon that is commonly used now. This light has given me a lot of support. The five robots have a **** body, which is a research fund for the Institute for ten years! The wonderful thing, after things have been completely created, you have to experience it yourself. Before you leave, I will give you each. The bio computer enters a simulation program. When you have time, you can use the simulation program to practice the operation. I hope that when the five treasures are fully created, you can also apply it skillfully. In order to give you a long experience. Let you first look at the biggest features of the five robots that are different from ordinary warships. Look carefully." As he said, he did not know when he had an instrument. Hand pressing a button on the instrument, the strange scene appeared.

With the pleasing metal sound, all five robots made similar movements, sinking their shoulders, and the metal arms were closed in front of them. The legs were picked from both sides and stood up as a beggar. In front of the flower, the previous robot disappeared and appeared in front of them. It turned out to be five highly streamlined warships. The appearance was bigger than Rose Phil and Moore’s warships, but the streamlined type was more reasonable. Beautiful, really a real battleship!

The red smoke stunned the road: "This, is this OK?"

Peter proudly said: "How can I not? I have long had this idea, but I have been struggling to find the right material, or I will not do it. I will do my best. This is the most proud study of my life. I gave the five treasures a name, which is called Transformers."

"Good name, too image." Tianzi praised.

Peter stood up and said: "The name is from an ancient period, an animated cartoon on the earth. Unfortunately, the corresponding information can no longer be found, otherwise I can make better things. However, these Baby has the potential to be upgraded, and when it’s handed over to you, it’s definitely better than it is now. You can give your car a name.”

The wind is bright in the eyes, and the screams: "My name is the **** wind, just like my baby sacred beast."

Chiyan Road: "Then my name is Huo Ying."

The night smiled and said: "My name is the swallowing number. Isn't the little garbage a land swallowing beast?"

Blue and the sky mark look at each other and say: "My name is the water god."

Tianshao did not hesitate, and said directly: "My name is the star mark." When I just exited, I don’t know when I was sobered from the slumber that the fire dragon was dissatisfied: "These machines have my poor skin." It should be called the Vulcan Dragon."

The sky mark uses the idea to sing the fire to the dragon: "Get it, I am not a fire abilities, and your name is so long. Still forget."

"Yes, it is called the star mark. Sky marks, I really love you too much." Unlike the Earth Fire Dragon, the star mark is very happy, obviously very satisfied with the new name of Transformers belonging to the sky mark.

When I left the institute, everyone had a partner. It was a purple illusion. The purple illusion is still the same as before. The cold face gives people a feeling of being inaccessible, but the most familiar day mark is that the purple illusion has already been Changed and became a lot softer than before.

The blue seems to be close to the sky mark, holding his arm, she already knows the difference between the purple magic and the sky mark, but the feelings are selfish, the sky mark already has Lily and Luojia, she really does not want to One more person.

Back to the rest, everyone has not completely liberated from the excitement of Transformers, the strange Transformers brought them a strong spiritual impact, how much they hope to drive this high-tech crystallization earlier.

Everyone else went to rest, blue in the room of the sky mark, the two sitting on the sofa, the sky marks seem to be thinking about something, and the blue but satisfied to enjoy this moment of peace. She found that after she established a relationship with Tianzhen, her attachment to him became stronger and stronger, especially after that day, after the rescue, his mind was left with his figure, a willing to pay for himself. How valuable is the lover of life! Suddenly, the blue is a little scared, and he is afraid that the sky marks will leave himself.

The sky mark suddenly raised his head, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. The blue clearly felt the muscles on the sky mark tightened. He couldn’t help but ask: "The mark, what happened to you?"

Tianzi said: "Blue, some people should let you see, they are the power that really belongs to me." As he said, he spread his right palm, the white biological computer flashed and sent a contact. signal of.

Blue asked some doubts: "Be your own strength? What is that?"

The sky mark sighed and said: "Remember my dark power. I told you at the beginning that I want to be the real king of darkness. Now, among the three major forces of darkness, the dark sacrifice has been used for me. And they are the Jossi family, one of the four families in the Galaxy Alliance. Although Roga has gone, her dark ritual elders are still being sent by me. Blue, I know that you have no good feelings for the dark forces. However, these are the forces that truly belong to me."

The blue body is shocked, and the eyes are filled with thoughts. "Scar, you are not playing with fire*."

The sky marks his head and shook his head. "I believe in my judgment. In the dark, I have its own rules."

The contact was successful, and a blurred light and shadow appeared in the biological computer. The light and shadow gradually became clear, and the lonely face was appeared in the image. "Hello of the great king of darkness." The connection between the sky mark and the solitary super is not afraid of monitoring. What they use is a secret frequency band of the Ruoxi family.

Tianzheng nodded to the Lonely Super, and said: "How was the last time I asked you to check?" After returning to Earth, Skymark has been thinking about a problem. What is the connection between the demons and the devil? After careful judgment, he denied his idea. After all, it is a completely different kind of creature. If the devil is said to be the predecessor, the demons who have destroyed the life creatures and the spiritual creatures. How could it be destroyed by the Galaxy Alliance? The two are not at all in one grade. The same is the devil, but it is a different class.

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