Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 148: Destroy the **** of darkness (below)

Chapter 148—Destroying the God of Darkness (Part 2)

Under the siege of the six souls of black, gold, blue, white, silver and red, the defense of the **** of darkness fell apart. He repeatedly sent out messages of mercy to the souls, but who would spare him? The six-color soul completely destroys his soul, and his life is completely imprinted under the fire of the soul of the earth fire dragon. The demon star, once the most powerful super god-level sacred **** of darkness, died in the body of the sky mark. His soul is mainly divided into three parts, which are assimilated by the souls of Luojia, Tianzhen and Melis. Consciousness is completely over with the disappearance of the brand of life.

The six souls were not evacuated because of the destruction of the **** of darkness. They also reconstructed the sea of ​​consciousness for him in the mind of the sky mark. Under the influence of the other five souls, the sadness in the heavenly mark was gradually smoothed. The pale gold sea of ​​consciousness rekindled the hope of life.

The consciousness of the sky mark wakes up in the sea of ​​consciousness. In the vast sea of ​​pale gold, he sees the blue, sees Luojia, who is dull, and the transparent Melis, the glittering star marks and The fire dragon wrapped in a light red flame.

"Thank you for saving me." The consciousness of the sky mark is still full of pain. The death of parents and friends is too much of a stimulus for him.

Melis smiled softly and said: "Master, I have to go back first. The distance is too far. I can't control my soul any more. You must take care of yourself. For the sake of blue, for those who love you, too, Also for me." The black figure gradually freed from the translucent state and drifted into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The blue eyes flashed and looked at the fire dragon on the side. "The **** of darkness sneaked into the body of the sky is not well, I think, you are similar to his thoughts."

The fire dragon was shocked and hurried: "No, no, how can I be like the mean guy? If I think so, how can I save the sky?"

The blue snorted and said: "If you don't think so, with your ability, you should have come out to confront the **** of darkness. Why don't you come out early? When we establish the victory, we will slowly finish. I think that you have gained a lot of benefits when destroying the great life of the **** of darkness."

The fire dragon is said to be dumb by the blue, and the help for the trace of the sky: "Sky marks, we are friends, how can I harm you? You must believe me!"

The sky mark is indifferent: "Forget it, blue, this opportunity will not appear again in the future. What's more, when the fire dragon once helped us to resist the battleship of the meditation, it also saved us once. Ground fire, I promise you, When you have a chance in the future, you must find a good body for you, but if you have any wrongdoing, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The fire dragon suddenly rushed to laugh and said: "Of course, that is of course. The soul of the dark **** and the brand of life have disappeared, but his energy is still there, as long as you take all his dark abilities to his own use, think Is it not easy to deal with me? I will not find you trouble, I will go back first, and when I use it later, even though." The red light flashed, the soul of the earth fire dragon died quietly.

Blue sighed and said: "The sky marks, the uncle, the aunt's death we are all very sad, but you must be strong! As Melis said, you are not alone, you still have us."

Tianzheng nodded blankly and said: "Blue, you can rest assured, I will not die any more, remember what you said before? If I choose to leave, will you leave with me?"

The blue heart shook, she already understood the meaning of the sky mark, "have you decided?"

The sky marks a firm nod.

The blue soft smile, her soul entangled in the sky mark, warm comforting his riddled heart, "Where are you, where am I." The white light flashed, the blue also withdrew from himself soul. Stars are long and exporting, saying: "You're fine, sky marks, you guys have to pay attention, you are so sad, I will also suffer from death. Don't forget, not only your two lovers and Your life is closely related, and your brother and me. I am also gone." The silver light flashed, and the soul of the star mark returned to the consciousness of his body.

soul. In the sea of ​​consciousness, only the sky marks, star marks and Roga are left.

Tianzheng looked up and looked at Luojia, a dull-looking color. His heart was filled with pity. "I'm sorry, Luojia, do you think that I can't stand the blow? You can rest assured that even if I feel sad, I will Strong to live, I think, this is also the will of the dead parents and friends. I will become the dark power of the 81st level, re-ignite the fire of your life, let your soul restore consciousness. You I am dying, I will not disappoint your painstaking efforts."

The blue figure of Rogha looked very delicate. Suddenly, she swayed and gave up a figure. When I saw this figure, the sky marks could not help but stay. Because, it turned out to be Xuemei!

"Snow Plum? Xuemei, how can you be in the soul of Luojia." Xuemei's soul is reddish, shining with a touch of light, but like Luojia, her appearance is also dull, apparently no Any consciousness.

The day mark suddenly understood, it was Luojia. It must have been that Luojia kept her soul and life brand with her own soul when Xuemei died. However, why is there only Xuemei? Why does Roga’s unconscious soul choose Xuemei? How can you not understand the day marks? However, at least now Xuemei has not completely died. Maybe when her dark power reaches the 81st level, can she even rise with her? Thinking of this, the heart of the dead heart is finally angry.

The soul of Luojia is unconscious. When the heavenly mark raises his parents, in the extreme sorrow of the sky marks, he inspires the soul of Luojia, trying to retain the brand and soul of their lives. However, under the meditation of meditation for many days, the parents of Tianzheng have been extremely weakened regardless of their body or spirit, and Luojia has not succeeded. The same is true of Lena. Damon and Schein missed the opportunity because they didn't touch the body of the sky mark. Only Xuemei, Xuemei has a relatively good body because of her firepower, especially when she finally died in the sky mark, the sorrow of the sky mark once again greatly stimulated Luo Jia’s unconscious soul. Reluctantly insinuating Xuemei's life brand and soul, without assimilation, formed a coexistence. Although Roja's soul has been enhanced a lot in the Temple of Alam, it has only the ability to ingest a soul into the body of the sky, and Xuemei has become the lucky one.

"Roga, thank you. You are always helping me, even if I have already paid for my life, your soul that is losing consciousness is still helping me. How can you thank me for your help? After you are resurrected, I will always be Take you with you, like a blue one, don't leave me half a step. I will take care of you carefully, protect you, and never let you suffer any harm."

The soul of Luojia seems to understand the words of the sky mark. The godless eyes turn slightly, the blue light converges, and the snow plum in the red light envelope goes quietly.


Moore and Guangming were waiting anxiously, and the various lights that the head of the sky marks constantly swelled the brows of the two judges. In this case, they were all encountered for the first time, and they did not understand what happened. .

The light of the road gradually disappeared, and the body of the sky mark changed from a slight trembling to a calm, and the face gradually became normal. The white light converges, and the blue sky lifts the Alam Scepter attached to the chest of the sky mark and grows out. The tone opened her bright, big eyes. If it weren't for the Alessan Scepter, her spiritual body could not enter the sky mark. Previously, it was her power of water **** that consumed the most energy of the **** of darkness.

Moore asked anxiously: "Blue, how is the sky mark?"

Blue Road: "It's okay. The power that controlled him was from a dark creature on the magic star. We have just joined forces to completely destroy the lifeblood and soul of the dark creature. It should not be repeated in the future. It is dangerous. It is estimated that after a period of rest, the sky mark will wake up. Let him explain it to you. I don’t know the specific situation of this soul in his body.” The consumption of the spirit makes the blue look very tired and slowly close. On the eyes, the whole body flashes white and restores his ability.

Bright and Moore looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Sky Mark is their loved one, if he has a strong dark power, they will only seal his power.

Moore floated to the side of the sky mark, the space system abilities covered his body like a wire mesh, and said to the light: "Let's go back to the earth and say it again. The sky mark is hurt too much this time. It needs to be well nursed for a while." The earth is more suitable for him."

The light nodded, and everyone re-entered the Moore battleship. At high speed, they left the Honda Star, and the bright warships stayed here for the members of the St. Yao team to complete the mission.

I don't know how long it took, the soul of the sky mark finally returned to its full position, and the mind filled the brain, controlling the eyelids to slowly open.

Some of the rooms were dim, and the blinds were closed. It seemed to be afraid that the outside light would affect the sleep of the sky marks. The sky marks the inside of the eye. At this time, the situation in his body is very chaotic. The space in the mind is powerless, and the cosmic gas in the chest is still stable. However, the dark power in Dantian has turned upside down. Variety. Because the soul of the **** of darkness and the brand of life are annihilated, it is cheaper for the sky mark, and a lot of dark abilities are stuck in the dantian. The energy of the lord is centered on the original dark power of the sky mark, and is slowly running. If it weren't for the tiny dark crystals, I am afraid that the body of the sky mark has already had problems, and it has been eroded by the darkness. The **** of darkness not only left all his abilities, but at the same time, his soul was assimilated by the sky mark, Luo Jia and Melis, and the sky mark clearly felt that there seemed to be more in the depths of the word, but I can't catch that feeling. A lot of dark abilities are hoarding. It is still unclear whether it is good or bad for the sky mark. After all, he has not absorbed these energy. Once it is stimulated by the outside world, it is easy to suddenly erupt. Moreover, due to the imbalance of energy in the body, the sky mark Has lost the ability to use the devil. Therefore, according to common sense, the most important thing for Skymark now is to find a quiet place to cultivate and first use the energy left by the God of Darkness for its own use, at least to reach the ability of the Dark Judge. Try to improve your space ability, or through the cosmic gas, transform the two abilities, let them balance, and then use the celestial change. But is there such a feeling in the sky mark now? When I wake up, he is still a little dazed, his eyes are dim, looking at the ceiling, parents, Damon, Xue En, Lina and Xuemei who are likely to resurrect, each figure is so clear, if the movie is always in the sky mark The mind flashed, and the sky marks want to catch them, but they can't do it anyway.

"Ah, Master, when did you wake up, why don't you talk?" Melis's pleasant voice sounded, she was always guarding by the sky mark, because it was too long, just inadvertently fell asleep. Even in my sleep, the brain waves generated when the sky marks are awake are still drawn to her soul. When I wake up, I find that the sky mark has opened my eyes and I am overjoyed, and I quickly ask questions.

The sky marks no snoring, still staring at the ceiling, his eyes blurred, tears falling from the corners of his eyes, and how can he not be sad when he thinks about his parents’ parenting for twenty years?

Melis grasped the hand of the sky mark. "Master, don't scare me! You can't have anything." Seeing the tears in the sky, Melis's eyes are also red.

The sky mark sighed and said: "I am fine. In fact, I can already wake up, but I am not willing to face reality. Now, since I wake up, I will live well. I am saddened by what is useful, my parents. And friends can't be resurrected, but they won't give up their lives in vain, meditation, this family, don't destroy you completely, I will never give up." As he said, he slowly sat up and looked at the bed. On the side, Melis, with a sly face, raised a bit of pity in her heart and stroked her white face. "How long have I been awake?"

Melis sat down beside the sky mark and leaned into his arms. He said: "It has been six days, and the blue has always been guarded here. I saw that her spirit was too expensive in the past two days. She went back to rest. She said that I will change for me in the afternoon. Now it is noon, master, you are hungry, I will go get some food for you, okay?"

The sky mark shook his head and said: "No need. My spirit is restored, nothing else is wrong, just because I have been sleeping for too long and some dizzy." As he said, he opened the space bag and took out a bottle of advanced nutrient solution. Into the abdomen. Different from ordinary people, the meridians absorb the energy in the nutrient solution at an extremely fast rate, supplementing the body of the sky mark.

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