Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 151: Lily and Star Sword (below)

Chapter 151, Lily and Star Sword (Part 2)

In the contact, Star Sword Lipton found that the two words that Lily mentioned the most were the sky marks. Whenever she was mentioned, her holiness would be replaced by a touch of shame. This situation can be understood, obviously she already has a sweetheart.

Star Sword Lipton and Naibi Bill are two very different people. The Lipton family has a very strict family education. From a young age, under the strict control of his father, he developed his habit of conforming to the rules. Although he likes lily in his heart, because Lily has already had a sweetheart, Star Sword Lipton can only bury this feeling in his heart, never show his heart, only to be friends with Lily, and do his best to help Lily in the slums, and gradually get the recognition of Lily. A few days ago, Lily suddenly told him that the sky mark was coming. After learning the news, Star Sword Lipton’s heart could not help but be cold. He knew that his hopes were getting more and more embarrassing, but he still had some reluctance, today When Mark and Moore arrived, they followed his father immediately. He wanted to see what kind of person the man who occupied an important position in Lily’s heart was.

When I saw the sky mark, the star sword suddenly eclipsed. In appearance, the sky mark is not inferior to himself. Moreover, the cold and sad temperament on his body is full of attractive charm. Seeing lily, not owning himself. The excitement in the imagination, just a very plain conversation with the lily, seeing that Lily seems to care about his feelings.

"Sky marks, come over, I will introduce you." Moore's greetings interrupted the short silence between the sky mark and the star sword Lipton, released his hand, and the sky mark turned to the star sword and turned to the end. Moore is next to him.

The eyes of Rilitton fell on the sky mark, and he looked up and down. The powerful momentum flashed past, and it shocked the body of the sky mark. The sky mark stood still and did not change even the expression. In the heart of Hitachi, he was shocked and thought that this young man is not simple. Seeing his eyes, he seems to have experienced many things.

Moore is somewhat proud of it: "The big scorpion, I will introduce you, this is my only grandson's day mark, the sky mark, I have never seen the Hitachi patriarch, on the generation, you should call him a grandfather."

Tianzheng had a bad impression on Hitachiton, and he said in a quiet manner: "Hello, Lipton Patriarch, I am a sky mark."

"Hey, stupid, what isn't it a congenital power? What's so great." Standing behind the back of Rilitton, the cold-looking girl said with some disdain.

The sky marks didn’t seem to be heard. To Moore said: "Grandpa, I will not participate in the alliance and cooperation. It is enough to have you and the two grandmothers. I want to find a quiet place with Lily. When you go, you can let me know through the bio computer."

Moore knew that the day mark was in a bad mood, nodded and said: "Then go, the cultivation can't be too hasty, step by step is better."

"Know it, Grandpa." With a promise, the day marks turned and walked toward the lily and purple illusion. The cold-eyed girl saw her completely disregarded herself, and she couldn’t help but flash an anger in her eyes. She just wanted to attack, but she was stopped by her eyes.

"Lily, where do you live now, can you find me a quiet room?"

Lily smiled and said: "Of course, I lived in the original slums of Lipton. Now most of the poor have gone to class, and there are a lot of rooms. Just, I want to talk to you. But now Is it right?"

Tianzi said: "It doesn't matter, I have already told my grandfather. I must know that Moore is my grandfather. Let's go now, purple magic, you come together, it is very boring to talk about cooperation. You might as well be with us."

Purple illusion nodded, no snoring. Lily said to the star sword: "Star sword big brother, then we will go first, there is something you can find in my place where I live."

The faint color flashed through the eyes of Star Sword Lipton, and a deep sigh in my heart, said to Lily: "Well, I will send a Xiangxiang car to send you over."

Lily looked at the sky mark, revealing the inquiring eyes, and the sky mark shook his head: "No, thank you, Star Sword, sitting on the battleship all the way, I want to fly for a while, lily, purple magic, let's go." The light flashed, The next moment, the mark has reached mid-air, the speed is very fast, the purple magic is worse, and Lily pulls her up. "Sky marks, you slow down, let me lead the way."

Looking at the figure of the three people disappeared in the blink of an eye, Star Sword shook his head helplessly, thinking that he might really want to lose the lily. This should be the so-called fate.

"Big Brother, since you like Lily Sister, why don't you tell her? It's good for you to drag on. You can only be cheaper than the arrogant boy." The cold girl didn't know when she came to the side of Star Sword Lipton, with no expression. Said.

Star Sword Lipton frowned and said: "Unbelievable, don't talk nonsense. People are guests, be polite. I am only a friend with Lily."

I snorted and said, "Is it just a friend so simple? If that's the case, why do you smirk a person every time you see Lily? This kind of mind, I am afraid that even a three-year-old child can't lie. Let's like people and have no courage to chase, you are really my good brother."

Star Sword Lipton angered: "Do you know what, I don't want Lily to be troubled by me. They are not very good together. As long as Lily is happy, I don't care. I like her, how can you not see? Lily's heart is completely on the sky mark. In this case, what is the use of chasing me? Do you want us to do even friends?"

He snorted and said: "The arrogant boy, I have a chance to see, he has amazing ability."

"You will see. You are unrequited." The moon smiled and came to the side of the star and the sword, looking at the silent sky, said: "Do not misunderstand the sky mark, in fact, he did not He is a very good child, but recently he has been hit hard, and I am afraid that it will not be accepted by anyone."

Desperately looking to the moon, said: "Moon grandma, then he is not a very powerful abilities?"

Month smiled and said: "There is a chance to ask him yourself. How many abilities are there in the sky mark, even I can't figure it out."

In the eyes of the cold, the cold flashed, said: "Then I have to look at it, is his power is great, or my magic flower is overbearing."

The month is still smiling, and there is no saying because of the change of passion. In her opinion, a girl who is somewhat delicate like a temperament needs to be honed, and the best way to sharpen is to let her taste the taste of failure.

Under the leadership of Lily, Tianzhen quickly followed her to a dense forest, flying forward. Lily took the initiative to come to the sky mark and said softly: "Is it still sad? Live here. A few days, the environment is very good, very suitable for cultivation."

Looking at the eyes of Lily's concern, the heart of Tianzheng softened and sighed, saying: "I am not so fragile. It is much better now. Lily, have you been okay these days? Last time I rushed, we all I haven't had time to say anything."

Lily said: "The last time I did not understand your practice, I was a little angry, but I thought that if the dark forces are completely under your control, it is actually a good thing. I figured it out. Now what happened? ?"

Tianzi said: "Everything was going well, but suddenly there was a strong dark power, but it completely disrupted my plan." Now, he will briefly fight Dracula XIII. Said it again, the purple illusion is also the first time to listen to the sky marks talking about this matter, heard the thrills, can not help but Lily exclaimed at the same time.

After listening to the description of the sky mark, Lily frowned, said: "Then can be troublesome now, the enemy is so powerful, I am afraid that your goal is difficult to achieve. If you have the opportunity, please ask the elders of the light to deal with the Dracula XIII, I am afraid Only he can be sure. We will be there soon. The slums of Lipton Star are much better than other planets. In this forest, at least the poor people can grow their own vegetables for food. After these years, I It is much better to find a planet under the family rule than those who are appointed by the Galaxy Alliance Chief Executive."

The three people flew down, led by Lily, came to the forest, the fresh air brought the day marks and purple magic into the natural comfort feeling, closed the eyes, the sky marks a few deep breaths, in this nature In the environment, his cosmic gas is slightly swaying, and the speed of absorbing energy molecules has increased significantly.

The cabins appear in the sight of the three people. It is not so much a slum here. It is better to say that it is a village. Many poor people in the clothing are busy, some are in fixed houses, some are in the forest. The various plants planted on the open space give a feeling of returning to nature. The poor saw the lily, and they were kindly matched by the saint. The look of grave respect made the sky mark seem to have seen the scene of Ningding City in the hometown of Zhongxingxing.

Lily responded kindly to the greetings of the poor, with the sky mark coming to the innermost side of a wooden house close to the dense virgin forest. Just like in Ningding City, there was only a simple wooden bed in the room, Lily smiled. Road: "When I get home, I am here, simple, purple, I am sorry, you sit first, I will go some water to drink for you."

Purple illusion surprised: "Lily, do you live here?"

Lily said: "Yeah, I have lived here all the time. I am not used to too many places in high-tech things. I like this kind of clean feeling. You sit with the sky marks first, I will come when I go." Out of the room.

The purple illusion looks to the sky mark, and the expression of the sky mark is very calm. Sitting on the bed of the lily, the eyes are full of thoughts. Here, remind him of the first time he met Lily. At that time, Lily saved himself. If it weren't for her, I am afraid that I have ended my life because of the mutual interaction between the two powers of darkness and space. . When I first saw Lily, Tianzheng wanted to ask her. When I needed you, where are you? But at this time, he has already dispelled this idea. Lily has his own pursuit. Since she has chosen her, she can only bear this silently. After all, Lily does not do anything for herself, she likes it. Isn't that her kindness, this sadness and sorrow?

"When you first met Lily, did she live in this place?" The purple magic couldn't help but ask the sky mark.

The day mark nodded and said: "Lily is a very simple girl, I was born in a slum, and my slum is where Lily is the first to start saving."

Purple Illusion said: "So you like her, and pursue success. You are so lucky, you can have a girlfriend like Lily. But how do you deal with the relationship between lily and blue? I see, Blue is also very good for you. For you, she will not hesitate to give everything. Can you hurt one of them and join another? Or..." When she said this, she took a deep look at the sky mark. Courageously: "Or both? I know that the sacred alliance has such exceptions."

The sky marks a slight smile, looking at the purple face with some red face, said: "Do you want to hear the truth?"

Purple glimpse, nodded subconsciously.

The sky mark sighed and said: "The truth is, I don't know. You don't think that I am escaping. I really don't know how to choose. Frankly, there are more than two girls who have a relationship with me, including I am afraid there are six of you. Everyone is something I can't give up. You said, how can I decide? As you said, I can't hurt anyone."

Purple fascinating face red, bowed his head, said: "I, don't count me. You know, it's just for..."

In the eyes of the sky, the light shines, interrupting the purple illusion: "I only know that as a man, I have to be responsible for what I have done. Purple illusion, do you know? In fact, deep down, I have already You see me as a woman."

The purple illusion is the first time I heard the sky mark saying such a hegemonic words, staring at him, saying: "No need, we have no emotional foundation. Now, is that kind of thing not very casual?" When she finished, she realized what she had said, and her hands covered her red face, and she was ashamed to find a gap.

Looking at the cute side of the purple illusion, the heart of the sky mark is very cheerful. "I am different from other people, isn't it? Purple illusion, some things you still don't know, there are already two girls who love me pay for me. Their precious life, although there are opportunities for resurrection, but their death makes me understand one thing, life is bitter, why do you think too much, isn’t it good to be unrestrained? What’s wrong with your girlfriend, as long as It’s just a feeling from the heart, it’s enough. Maybe it’s a hasty, but I hope you can promise to stay with me, okay?”

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