Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 152: Dark Judge's Level (below)

Chapter 152—The Levels of the Dark Judges (Part 2)

However, only the explosive negative emotions produced by these 70-level dark abilities are already beyond his reach.

The icy and sinister purple air flow swayed with incomparable violent scent. Although the speed of the ascent is not fast, the sky marks clearly feel that when these icy purples pass, their consciousness suddenly loses the sense of the place. He knows very well that once he is attacked by the purple gas and destroys his consciousness, I am afraid that he will be finished. He thinks that he is desperately condensing the space abilities and the cosmic gas, blocking the imperative of the purple gas. On the way, he dare not expect his own block to turn these evil purples away, but hopes that after the filtering of the cosmic gas and space abilities, these upward evils can be weakened to the point that their minds can bear, Or you can do it.

It is true that Skymark has always been a combination of two abilities, and the degree of mutual transformation through the cosmic gas, so that the dark abilities have not rejected the spatial abilities, but that is the case where the two abilities are equal. under. Now, the situation is obviously different. How can the dark abilities of more than 70 levels be able to withstand the forty levels of space abilities and the fourth stage of cosmic gas?

The purple airflow doesn't look so strong, but when it spreads to the chest of the sky mark, in addition to the head, the sky mark has lost control of the rest of the body, and most of the body is covered by cold. What you can see is a purple mans.

Boom -, the purple gas finally collided with the obstacles of white and yellow. The two armies met the brave, and there was no suspense. Whether it was space abilities or cosmic gas, they were swallowed up by the purple airflow, and there was no such thing as a weakening. It suddenly accelerated to the sky mark brain.

It was cold and instantly rushed into the mind of the sky mark. The sky mark only felt the whole body shook. This time the impact was much stronger than when the last dark **** invaded his body. That time, after all, he gave up himself, and this time, it was a completely aggressive attack. The brain was hit by an unprecedented impact. Under the action of the cold air, various complicated negative emotions swarmed, making the body of the sky mark completely purple in the violent tremor, and the black airflow around the body was completely completely Inhaled in the body, to be precise, it should be the darkness of the enhanced darkness inhaled into the body, the light flashes, the magic lines on the sky marks have all disappeared, just like the use of the demon, the skin becomes like amethyst Crystal clear, the clothes on the body turned into a powder after the darkness of the cockroach.

The amethyst-like body is constantly shaking, and how the sky marks are willing to be occupied by negative emotions. The tenacious willpower is desperately resisting the erosion of the darkness. However, the erosion is too strong, and the negatives are constantly coming from all directions. Emotions are gradually consuming the position of the sky mark, as long as his consciousness is slightly relaxed, it will immediately lose control of the body.

The silver airflow first appeared in the mind of the sky mark. The star mark in the sky-skinned body in the sky mark feels the crisis of the sky mark through the contract of the heart, and suddenly drives the ability to rush into the sky mark brain without reservation. The star mark is very clever. When he discovers that the dark breath is not what he can resist, he immediately combines with the will of the sky mark to minimize the scope of defense and protect the clear mark in the brain of the sky mark. The addition of the star marks suddenly shocked the already fascinating day marks, and the spirit reunited and struggled against the invasion of the dark power.

Then, just in the moment when the sky mark situation was just a little better, the red, blue and black airflows sneaked in, and they rushed into the mind of the sky mark, turning the energy of the star mark around his consciousness. Formed a solid protective layer, combined with the will of the sky mark itself to resist the cold purple cold. This later three energies are the fire dragon, Roga and Melis. Due to the last accident, when the day marks left, Melis always hangs her own thoughts on the sky marks. The sky marks go away. She is in the state of cultivation in the balance ball, with the rising dark power. Through the role of the soul contract, she can clearly feel everything happening in the sky mark, and the darkness of the cockroach breaks out in the sky mark. She only drives the soul to come over with a slower line than the star mark. Needless to say, Luo Jia's unconscious energy, she has now become a protector in the body of the sky mark, as long as there is an abnormal situation, the heart of the day marks will affect her, and independently protect the sky mark. The energy of Xuemei is not too weak because it is too weak. Among the three colors of energy, the most contradictory is the fire dragon. As a high-intelligence creature that lives in the universe for tens of thousands of years, selfishness is its nature. When you choose to use the body of the sky mark to leave the unstable cloud of fire, the purpose is to be able to follow the sky mark to find another suitable for yourself. The reason why the planet chose the sky mark is because the earth fire dragon feels that the sky mark is not enough to threaten itself. However, it never imagined that the ability of the sky mark would increase so quickly, especially after the last occurrence of the **** of darkness, the earth fire dragon could not help but be somewhat desperate. At this point, the sky mark is facing a crisis, the earth fire dragon knows that if you do not go out to help, only two end. One is that the mind of the day mark is completely swallowed up by the darkness and becomes a complete darkness. At that time, I am afraid that my energy is not exploited by him or expelled and destroyed. Another possibility is that the sky mark resists the erosion of the dark atmosphere and becomes a true dark judge. Because he did not help when he was facing a crisis, he might not be able to go anywhere. After the correct judgment, the name of the fire dragon knows that it is very dangerous to resist the dark atmosphere, but it still urges all the energy to rush out. Only by first keeping the sky mark can you better protect it.

The energy of the Earth Fire Dragon is indeed large enough. When the hot red air flow appears, the purple gas is forced to the side, and with the help of the other three energy sources, the sky mark finally stabilizes its mind and observes the changing direction of the purple airflow. With the spatial power and the cosmic gas, he knows that this has not been done before. Is the eruption of dark powers so easy to block?

The judgment of the sky mark is correct. When the four energy sources headed by the earth fire dragon are defensive, the purple air flow changes again, and the purple light of the cockroach emits a strange light. The purple crystal in the dantian suddenly shrinks the energy. In the heart of the day, the police are greatly vigilant, and they are rushing to unite all the energy in the body to prepare for defense. His vigilance is correct. When all the purple light is completely closed, it suddenly erupts. This time, it is straight up, and the brain is rushed straight. Come. The most powerful earth fire dragon is the first to bear the brunt, the red energy intersects with the purple, the sky mark only feels the whole body violently shocked, the purple light is hard and the broken fire of the fire dragon's defense is skyrocketing, the sky mark even heard the scream of the earth fire dragon Sound, it is too late to see the situation of the fire dragon, the purple light has already entered the sea of ​​consciousness, whether it is the dark soul of Melis, or the energy of the star mark and Luojia, even by this powerful purple The light is completely dispelled, and the ice is cold and stabs the deepest part of the soul.

The screams, the sky marks a blood, the willpower is forced to contract, desperately fighting against the erosion of the soul by the dark power, but the power is indeed too strong, strong enough to be almost irresistible, this outbreak is more than the original When the time is more than three times stronger, the sky mark is full of despair, is it really to be controlled by the dark power? The purple light is constantly encroaching on the territory of the sky mark as the fear behemoth, the consciousness is gradually confused, the soul is gradually cold, but the unyielding in his heart still sticks to the last line of defense, in the case of the sky mark. Suddenly, a little golden awn is illuminated in the consciousness. Jin Mang instantly covers the soul and consciousness of the sky mark and gathers it into a point. The purple light seems to be jealous of this golden light, although it is constantly impacting, but the power It has been weakened by a few points. The voice of Lily sounded in the consciousness of the sky mark. "Guarding the mind, the mind and the soul are one, and this energy burst must be sustained."

When the darkness of the darkness in the day broke out for the first time, the lily outside was already found. She was extremely sensitive to the law of the day mark, and the energy of the sky mark appeared a problem. She immediately rushed into the room. Seeing the body of the sky mark and eating it, I can’t take it seriously and I am ready to rescue. Although she is a bright abilities, she is familiar with the dark abilities. When she followed Sheila, she often listened to her mother about the various characteristics of the dark abilities. At this time, Lily did not know that Tianzheng was facing the problem of the improvement of the Dark Judge, but he also understood that he was facing a difficult level. When she wanted to help the Skymark, she found that there were more energy, and assistance The sky mark blocked the erosion of the dark atmosphere, so she did not shoot, she was waiting, only when the sky mark is most critical, her light power can produce the greatest effect. After all, light and darkness are completely exclusive. Once the shot is too early, even if it helps the weather mark to overcome the difficulties, it will have a great impact on his body. The second round of the dark abilities appeared. Lily always felt the situation in the sky mark. When the dark abilities were about to break through the last line of defense of the sky mark, she shot, and the right index finger was lightning-like at the heart mark. The bright soul ignited the bright mark that was left in the mind of the sky mark. In an instant, the sky mark was pulled back from the edge of the crisis, and the heart of the sky mark was restored to calm in the golden light.

At the beginning, when Lily rescued the sky mark for the first time, in order to prevent the sky mark from becoming a true dark person, she left a bright mark on the body of the sky mark. Once the sky mark makes something harmful to human beings, she can Use this mark to match your ability to destroy the sky mark. Although the idea of ​​staying in the sky marks in the end of the world is discovered in time and most of the mark is erased with the dark power, the end of the world is only the residual soul. The mark still exists, and the fire of the stars can be restored. This mark is enough to make The soul of Lily enters the deepest part of the sea of ​​heavenly consciousness.

The dark abilities recede like the tide. In the glory of the golden light, although the soul of the sky mark is extremely uncomfortable, it is better than being swallowed up by the darkness. The sigh of relief, the golden figure of the lily appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of the sky mark, and some angry words: "The mark, you are too big, how can this happen, lose control of the dark ability? Once it is dark Devouring, how serious is the effect? ​​Do you know that? At that time, you will completely lose your consciousness! Don’t say it, it’s not over yet, be careful of the last round of shock.”

The sky mark stunned and stared at the inner view. The purple crystal appeared calm after all the dark abilities were assigned. The purple light flashed rhythmically and there was no sign of rushing out again. "Lily, I don't know why. In this way, it seems that pure cultivation of dark abilities is indeed very dangerous. Thank you for saving me in time."

Lily sighed and said: "Everything is waiting for you to pass the robbery. Then what do you say with me? Be careful, come." Jinguang has become more honest, and the lily floats in consciousness. The body of the sea shines brightly, six golden light wings appear behind her, the sacred breath suddenly bursts, the hands clasped in front of themselves, a circle of golden halo continues to fly outward.

Sure enough, the quiet purple energy crystal seems to rejuvenate the youth, the whole crystal actually rises on its own, and the strong purple light becomes more intense as it gradually approaches the sky mark, and a purple electro-optic light is contained in the crystal. The sky mark converges on his own mind. The energy that was previously scattered by the purple light re-emphasizes into the sea of ​​his consciousness. With the leadership of Lily, except for the soul of Melis gathering around the sky mark, other energy is in the lily. With the help, the dazzling light has been restored, but the red light representing the fire dragon is much weaker.

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