Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 168: Demon reproduction (on)

Chapter 168, Demon Reproduction (on)

When I heard the four words of the water, the lily’s body shook abruptly and nodded. “They are fine. But the last time you left without returning to the Holy League, the Moore Judge seems to be somewhat unhappy, and he is now responsible. The affairs are handed over to the mother, and he and the two mothers of the month and the star return to the yellow star. Occasionally they will return to the earth once."

There are some helpless words in the sky: "I am really not filial, but now I really can't go back. You also know that the flying bird is the outpost of the demon attack. I want to help the José family here."

There is a hint of joy in the eyes of Lily. "It is great if you are willing to help. I have a lot of worry when you are there. Do you want me to let the wind go?"

Tianzheng shook his head and said: "No, I don't want to see them now. If they come, they will persuade me to return to the Holy League. Lily, give you a suggestion. Now there are six god-class ships in the hands of the entire parliament, except for Bill. Beyond the family, six god-class ship formations were scattered in the most densely populated area of ​​the Galaxy Alliance. The formation of the god-class ships near the Ruoxi family was also withdrawn. If I guessed it well, the Devils were among the higher. The devil has the ability to directly cross the alien space. If the Galaxy Union is not prepared inside, I am afraid it will be easy to suffer."

Lily nodded and said: "You said that there is reason, but now the enemy is dark, I know that we have not mastered the movement of the demon family, so we can only passively prepare. The flying bird galaxy is the only demon family. The place, I am afraid that they will attack from there again, or let the god-class ship formation stay there."

Tianzheng shook his head and said: "No, there are me and the blues here. There will be nothing. If we can't resist it, it would be useless to send two god-class ships to the area."

Lily thought about it and said: "The sky mark, if you need any resources, although you say, I will try to match the past."

A soft smile on the day, said: "Lily, you are no longer the lily of the past. Every decision you make is related to the Galaxy Alliance. Don't be emotional, everything must be fair."

In the eyes of Lily, there is a complex light, and it’s half a sigh: "The sky marks, you are thin. Except for the sorry, I really don't know what to say to you."

The light of sorrow flashed away from the eyes of the sky. "I don't want to say sorry, you are not sorry for me. Maybe, we are really not suitable. It is too stupid, I want to be your sheltered harbor, I think, maybe I will never have a boat moored in this harbor. Since the harbor has been abandoned, there is no need to stay. After that, we are still friends. I will do my best to deal with the devil. Lily, do yours as the speaker, have You are, the Galaxy Alliance will definitely re-develop in the right direction."

Lily was stunned and looked at the sky marks in the holographic image. She certainly understood what the sky mark meant. She wanted to say something, but she could never speak. She knew that she had no right to leave the man’s heart. She suddenly felt My heart hurts so much. At this moment, she clearly feels that the figure of the sky mark has been firmly imprinted in her heart, and the place occupied is so big.

The celestial mark closed the holographic image. His fists had already been clenched unconsciously, and the whole body exudes an unstable atmosphere. How difficult it is for him to make this decision!

The blue worry was close to the sky mark, and he whispered, "Do you really decide? Lily is actually..."

Tiansui looked at the blue eyes and prevented her from continuing. "Long pain is better than short pain. Besides, I have enough for you. My character is really not suitable for lily, and lily is not suitable for me. At first, she The kindness is deeply imprinted on my heart. She is not beautiful, but it has an irresistible appeal. Only the kind of talent that can give Lily everything like the unrestrained brother Star Sword Lipton is suitable for her partner. I can't do it, I still have you, each of you is a baby in my heart. I decided to completely separate from Lily, for my own sake, in order to let me break free from deep feelings, at the same time, I also want to Lily, no longer comes from my care, she can do things more smoothly. Perhaps, now she will have some pain, but when the pain has passed, I think she will feel relaxed. An unsuitable Feelings, disappearing is the best way."

Unexpectedly biting his lower lip and asking: "The sky mark, are you really willing?"

Tianzhen looked at her and said: "Do you think I will be willing? After all, I have loved it for so many years. But, how can I not be willing? Lily can throw everything away to me? She can't. Similarly, I can't give up. Everything I have has to go to her. When Lily chooses to sit on the position of the speaker, I think she has already thought of the ending today. I don’t want to delay any more. When the attack of the demons has not yet appeared Isn't it good to break this thing first?" The mouth said it was easy, but the shadow of the lily in his heart became very clear.

Earth, the House of Lords of the Galaxy Alliance, the Office of the Speaker.

Lily looked at the various instruments in front of her, and she suddenly felt that everything she had done before seemed to be like a cloud. The sound of the sky marks constantly echoed in her heart.


"Don't say sorry, you are not sorry for me. Maybe, we are really not suitable. I am too stupid, trying to be your harbor, I think, maybe I will never have a boat moored in this harbor, since The harbor has been abandoned, there is no need to stay. After that, we are still friends. I will do my best to deal with the demon. Lily, do yours as the speaker, with you, the Galaxy Alliance will definitely return to the right direction. development of."


"Im is not suitable, is it really inappropriate? Or a friend. Sky marks, you don't want lily, you really don't want lily." Tears, along the lily's pretty face, like broken beads, constantly falling, her heart It hurts so much that it can hardly breathe. All the official duties were left behind at this moment, and she only had that deep name in her heart. Suddenly, Lily felt that something in her body seemed to suddenly break. A weird thought rose into the mind, and the faint golden light appeared in her absence of a reminder. The unusual sacred atmosphere was filled with She is in every cell. The feeling of heartache is more intense, and the bright energy in the body rushes to the heart of her heart. There seems to be a door there. In the case of extreme sadness, the door opens.


Slightly smile, the sky marks a strong light in the eyes, the right hand before the shot, the imposing silver light floats forward.

Luo Jia smiled slightly, his hands folded over his chest, and the evil dark red light flashed away, blocking the attack of the sky mark. The silver light came into contact with the dark red light, and disappeared without a trace. Splashes. "Big brother, I am not so vulnerable. How can you cultivate a real attack without such a painful attack?"

The sky mark waved his hand and said: "Forget it, don't practice with you, I can't go down. It's better to go alone and practice for a while. I found that after the universe reached the seventh stage, the dark ability And the speed of spatial abilities has progressed at least twice as fast as before. Although it is difficult to upgrade one level now, I believe that it will not take long before I can reach the realm of the watcher."

Luo Jia smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? I want to see the power of your sharp-eyed abilities. Quickly, change the flowers to us." Although she is not the 16-year-old. The little girl is gone, but the heart has not changed. After listening to the last words of Luo Jia, the blue, purple, fascinating and Melis could not help but cover their faces.

The sky marks are not good: "I don't even know what the power of the emperor has, how can I show it to you? You guys, I really have nothing to do."

The blue sky is on the side of the road: "The sky mark, just change it to us. Let's say it, you have already become the strongest golden emperor flower. You become out, we attack you together, maybe you can find the emperor. The role of flowers. According to the level, your current imperial flower ability should not be worse than that of Rocca’s sister Medusa."

Looking at the blue face, the smile of the face, the sky mark suddenly moved in the heart, yeah, after the seventh phase of the cosmic gas, the sharp abilities were greatly improved, and by their current ability, It should be the emperor's flower to come up later. With the help of the cosmic universe, it should have brought itself into the realm of the watchman. Is there such a strong ability, if you don't know how to use it? When I thought of it, the sky mark nodded and said: "Since you want to see it, let you look at it. When I change, you will attack me with 50% force."

Shaking, the white light wrapped around the body of the sky mark, the light is soft, not glaring, it seems that the sky mark at this time is like being wrapped in a big cockroach. A faint scent of fragrance is scattered, and the aroma is a kind of elegant feeling. Although it is not rich, it is clearly distinguishable. The blue and Luojia five women's faces converge on their faces, and they all stared at the white light.

Under the wrapping of the cosmic gas, the sky mark once again entered the realm of harmony between man and nature. The cosmic gas energy crystal at the chest has turned into a golden color. Under the urging of ideas, the strange soul and the mind are united. The arrogance of the tyrant suddenly rises. In an instant, the feeling of overlooking the world appears in the heart of the sky mark. The golden halo radiates out in a circle, and the consciousness returns to the body after being combined with the strange soul.

In the eyes of five women, in the white light, a piece of flower gradually grows, and when the white petals appear, the fragrance becomes more intense. I don't know why, they have a sense of confusion in their hearts. It seems that this emperor flower has become infinite in general, and it conveys a feeling of pride. When nine petals appeared one after another, the white emperor flower slowly rotated, and a silvery ray of light appeared first in the flower core, and the faint glow made the mind calm. After the three-turn of the silver halo, the faint Jinmang finally appeared. Jinguang did not directly cover the whole king flower, but began from the edge and outlined every corner of the emperor flower. Women are all love flowers, such a dazzling golden flower, suddenly made the five women curiosity.

Luo Jia was the highest among the five women. The first one came over. "Sisters, let's start attacking." Shaking, the dark red atmosphere will gather into a solid blade of light, and the shadow will flash directly. The emperor spent the day in the center. When she thinks, the plants are all fragile, and the weapon is the most harmful to the plants.

The blue and purple illusion is not afraid of hurting the sky mark, and they have not come up with their true strength. The two of them each took out a palm, the blue is a layer of water curtain, and the purple illusion is a frozen air, water curtain The first one came, enveloped around the emperor's flowers, and the frozen air instantly used the water mist to seal the entire emperor's flowers. Under the deliberate control of Luojia, the dark red light edge came to the frozen emperor's flower. go with. The three women are seamless, and the frozen things are harder but more susceptible to damage. Although they have not done their best, they have fully utilized the characteristics of their abilities.

The light blade floated, and the dark red afterimage flashed through. From the emperor's flower body, Roga clearly felt that his attack was not hindered at all. The ice was gone, the golden emperor flower was still in the same place, and the method did not move at all. Luo Jia blinked his eyes. Just now his attack was clearly smashed with the emperor's flower. Even if it is powerful, it should have the feeling of resistance. But now it has not changed, and there is no previous feeling of defending against it. What exactly is going on?

The sound of the sky mark sounded, "I am not so fragile, how can you see the power of my emperor flower?" In the same way, he changed a little, and the original seal was returned.

Luo Jia snorted and said: "Sister Melis, sister, we are working together. Together with the power of five of us, we will be able to force the strength of his emperor."

The five female figures flashed at the same time, and they came to the emperor's flowers in five different directions. The dark red is Roga, the white is blue, the blue is purple, the red is unrequited, and the black is Melis. The five female hearts have the same spirit and use their own abilities at the same time. The five-color ray shines from five different directions. Under the leadership of Luojia, it turns into five light-blade blades, with the same light and shadow as the chain, respectively. The orientation is toward the body of the sky mark. This time, Luo Jia’s attention was completely concentrated on the emperor’s flower. She went to see how the day mark would cope with this attack.

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