Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 172: The crisis brought by the glacial family (below)

Chapter 172—The Crisis Brought by the Glacier Family (Part II)

For Fiji, he has always had a strong affection. Although he has only seen several times, he has always regarded Fiji as his elder brother. He suddenly heard that Fiji took the lead in rebelling against the sacred alliance, and the fact that the sky mark could not accept it.

Naluo: "Day marks, don't be stupid, the so-called knowing people don't know what to do! Now the facts are in front of them. They not only rebelled, but also created several judges, although in the counterattack of the judges, these rebellious The governors had nearly half death, but Fiji was the first to escape. The Evergrande elder heard that this incident was furious and had personally led the two elders of the Holy Alliance to the battlefield. Hurry up, as long as the glacial family is completely cleaned up, naturally it will know the beginning and the end of the matter. This matter is very important, now the demon family is outside, the glaciers must be resolved as soon as possible. Lily has sent a god-class ship formation to the glaciers The direction of the family is open, it is estimated that it will take a long time to arrive, and the concentration of superior forces will always make those guys know that the current glaciers are very different from the previous ones, like a locust, which planet is attacked. Burning and looting on the planet, the resources that can be taken away, guaranteeing that there is no leftover, and that the anger is blaming."

Tianzi suddenly felt that something was wrong. With the strength of the glaciers, it is impossible to compete with the entire Galaxy Alliance. This is clear as long as it is not a fool. Although the glaciers have not occupied the sudden attack so far. A small advantage, but once the Galaxy Alliance slowed down, the formation of the god-class ship arrived, with the ally of the squad, the glaciers will be difficult to please, they must do so now, but what is the purpose? ? The day marks are unclear. So far, no one can know the purpose of the glaciers.

"Nei, what is the position of the people of the sacred alliance? How about the energy savings of the solar reflex guns on your side?"

Nailuo said: "We have no problem for the time being. There will be another ten hours. The energy of the solar reflex gun will be enough to launch again. For the sake of the overall situation, you should hurry to help the Holy League. You have three such strengths to help. The position of the sacred ally is now in the Tiens galaxy, and the glacial family's battleships are also nearby. The Tiens galaxies have already fallen in half, and continue to develop. The loss of the Galaxy Alliance will be even greater. You know, the Tiens galaxy is a very resourceful. Ample galaxies, the entire galaxy has twenty-one administrative stars, and all the rare minerals it possesses are necessary for the construction of high-class warships."

The day mark nodded and said to the blue: "Immediately confirm the position, we will go immediately."

Nai Luo seems to suddenly think of something, said: "Right, there is one more thing to tell you."

The sky marks frowning: "What?" Since the emergence of the demons, there have been too many bad news. Although his ability to withstand is strong, his heart is inevitably somewhat low.

Nai’s expression seemed a little easier. “Reminder, this is not a bad thing. I went to a meeting with my grandfather and senior staff to discuss and build your first solar battleship. Now it’s time to start. We have already done this because of the solar reflex guns at the key parts of the warships. It is conservatively estimated that with the assistance of all the industrial planets of the Bill family, the solar warships can be formed for up to three months. At the same time, we also have information on the solar reflex guns. Sended to Lily, she also agrees with your point of view, preparing to deploy resources to start building solar warships on the inner planet of the alliance."

The face marks have eased a little, and said: "This is good news. Now I can only hope that the demon family will not appear too fast. Nai, we will go first, something you directly contact with Lily. Blue, purple Fantasy, let's go." The dark green cosmic gas enveloped the blue and purple illusion, and the three suddenly accelerated. They broke through the speed of light in a distance of just over a dozen meters in the room and jumped directly into the alien space.

Nai Luo was a little sluggish and looked at the place where the three disappeared. He smiled and said to himself: "It seems that the gap is getting bigger and bigger. I am afraid I will never catch up with their achievements. Heaven marks, I wish you all the best. success."

The three people of Tianzhen set off to the Tiens Galaxy, and at the same time, the battle between the Lipton family and the invaders of the Devils has already reached a feverish level.

The number of demon corps that attacked the Lipton family was even larger than that of the demon corps that attacked the Bill family. The blue demon who directly participated in the battle was more than six hundred, plus thirty gray demons, and led a total of 60,000 servants. The Burlington galaxy launched a crazy attack. However, fortunately, the preparation of the Lipton family is relatively more adequate, and since the Lipton family has always been a mineral business, the strength of the warships it owns is much stronger than that of the Bill family. In the case of preparation, the war is three. Since the day, the demon family has become a stalemate. Since there is no planetary slaughter, there have been no more blue demons, making the situation clear from time to time, and the demons have not taken up any cheap.

The Lipton family is on the battleship of God.

Gore Lipton, Hitachiton, Unconventional Lipton, Melis, and the Lipton family are watching the movements of the demons through the big screen on the bridge. After three days of fighting, the demonic gray and blue demons each lost one-third, and the sixty servants were also annihilated by nearly 20,000, while the Lipton family’s own fleet formations were relatively small due to the protective cover. Strong, the green mucus from the demons does not play a big role. Once there is too much mucus, as the patriarch of the Lipton family, Rilitton will immediately lead the elite of the raids in the family to participate directly in the battle. With the power of the thunderstorm, the mucus will be completely ignited, which will make the god-class ship formation. The loss is reduced to a minimum. In the hard-hitting impact of the other big devils, Gorley Lipton, Lieton Lipton and Melis joined forces to attack, the death of the gray demons, mainly from their handwriting.

The footsteps sounded and rushed back to the family's star sword. Lieton strode to Gore Litton. "Too grandfather, grandfather, elders, and new news. The rebellious glaciers rely on the traitors inside the sacred alliance. The Tiens Galaxy defeated the Allied Forces Legion. Although it did not cause too much damage to the abilities, the five judges were injured, and two of them were already dying. The situation is very urgent. Lily on the Speaker The Guangming elders and a god-class ship formation have been dispatched to the rescue. According to current information, as long as they can arrive in time, the situation there should be stable."

"Mom." Hitachi screamed. "Is the old **** crazy in the snowy night? When is it, even if it is still engaged in civil strife, is he not afraid that the demon family will appear from his back?" Now is the crucial moment for all mankind to resist foreign enemies. He has no national heart. I really misread him."

Gore Litton frowned and said: "Your, you are a little more calm, are you like a family? Snowy frosts are rebellious, and no one can think of it. If I guess it is good, this should not be His original intention, I still know something about this boy in the snow night. With his heart, it is impossible to make such a thing. There must be hidden things behind it. When the affairs of the glaciers are settled, everything will come to the fore. The first thing we do now is to kill the demons in front of us."

Riritton was very afraid of his father and nodded no longer.

Star Sword Lipton said: "The Bill family has almost completely smashed the enemy with the help of powerful solar energy reflex guns and the powerful abilities that they have arrived in time. Now they are in the middle of rest, according to their side. The information sent out shows that there have been extremely powerful white demons, and the power of the three-day, blue and purple magical tribes has only hit the white demons. We may have such powerful demons here too. Grandpa, I suggest that you should not spend it anymore. It is the best way to solve the enemy in front of you as soon as possible."

Gole Riton nodded and said: "It is time to end this battle. The Bill family has developed a powerful weapon like a solar reflex gun. Our Lipton family can't show weakness. It is time to take out our secret weapon. It’s time. By the time you personally go to command, the Thunderbird fleet starts. The demon action is now starting, and all members of the God-class ship formation are pressed in front of the arc and waiting for the attack command."

Although Ririton was nearly eighty years old, but listening to his father's orders, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy, and promised to leave quickly. Under the calm commander of Goralton, the Lipton family's god-class fleet was slowly opened like a giant beast, and forced away in the direction of the Demon Legion.

Melis said to Goralton: "Old patriarch, what do I need to do now?"

Gore Litton turned his eyes to the dark abilities who were more than a hundred years older than themselves, and said: "Miss Melis, I don't need it for the time being. I think, unless the other party has a higher demon, Otherwise, my family's Thunderbird fleet should be enough to destroy these enemies. Trouble with you and prepare for it. If there is a high-level demon, let's join forces to attack. This time, let the demon family come and go." In the day before yesterday, the fierce battle Among them, Melis was recognized by all Lipton family members for her tyrannical strength. She alone killed three gray demons, which is a record of success. In the face of the common enemy, no one has ever thought about her darker origins, and she has already treated her as her own.

The Demon Legion soon discovered the movement of the Lipton family and responded quickly. Under the leadership of the gray and blue demons, they did not have the slightest fear, just like the Grey Devil when dealing with the Biel family. For the arrow, full acceleration, the triangle appears to the battle of the Lipton family.

Gole Riton has already seen the battle video from the Bill family. He snorted with disdain and said: "Is the same trick going to come back again? All the battleships are ready, the ion high energy, super gun can gather energy preparation. The laser cannon prohibits attacks."

The arctic battle of the Lipton family is moving forward slowly like a big mouth. The ion super-energy and high-energy guns on the main-class warships have begun to accumulate energy. According to the time, when the other party enters the range of their own, it is positive. It is the time when the energy collection is completed.

Unfortunately, Lipton looked at his grandfather, whispering: "Too grandfather, I am afraid it is not right. Those gray demons are very embarrassed. If we find that we are ready to launch an ion super cannon, they will escape in advance."

Gore Lipton smiled slightly and said: "Shantou, look at it. Grandpa will not give them off the air. Our family's Thunderbird fleet has been built for ten years, although not as powerful as solar reflex guns, but But it is more mature than the Bill family. Let's take a look at the real power of the Thunderbird fleet."

When the voice of Goralton fell, the triangle of the demon tribe that was rushing to them suddenly changed. Each of the two blue demons led a group of about 100 green servants to form a small team. The legion suddenly expanded its formation like a smattering of flowers. Like a big net, the formation of the god-class ship of the Lipton family rushed. The advantage of the demon family lies in close combat, their purpose is very simple, is to rush into the camp of the god-class ship formation.

The communicator heard the voice of Hitachiton, "Father, the Thunderbird fleet is in place."

Gore Lipton’s eyes were sharp and the right hand slammed, and Shen said: “Action.”

The Lipton family's god-class ship formation suddenly stopped the forward shock. It seems that it is afraid that the demon family is now in such a network-like formation. The ion high-energy and super-capacity guns that have already condensed energy are not immediately launched. Just when the demons had entered the range of the warships, from the Litton family of God-class ships, all the c-class and above warships suddenly flew a large number of small warships. These warships are only about 100 meters long and have a fusiform appearance. Unusually sleek, not even a single turret. Due to their small size, they were previously completely hidden among other warships. The hull is dark blue and does not look obvious in the night sky.

The number of these blue warships is about 10,000. It is the first one. It is three times the size of other shuttle-shaped warships. It is separated from the mother ship of the Lipton family of God-class ships. Under the leadership of the dark blue warship, the 10,000-strong warships flew at the same time, and the blue twisted brilliance showed a circle of halo.

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