Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 177: The intention of the day mark (on)

The 177th chapter of the plan of the sky mark (on)

The red light flashed in the eyes of the sky, which relieved the devil. Although the energy was consumed a lot, at this time he did not show a trace of fatigue, and quickly absorbed the energy molecules in the air with the realm of harmony between man and nature.

The blue and purple illusion is not much better than the sky mark. After the two men retracted the goddess of ice and snow and the gods of Alam, they followed the mark and led the squadron to slowly press. Feng Yuan repeatedly asked the sky mark to rush to go up with the other side, but was stopped by the sky mark, the purpose has been reached, and now there is no need to rush to kill. In the heart of the day, in fact, more than anyone is eager to know why the glaciers have problems. Especially when it comes to meditation, he doesn't want to kill, but he is not the day mark three years ago. Now he is more calm, understands when to do something, never because of impulsiveness or smashing. What caused the error. He knows that if the glaciers are really behind the meditation, then they will show up sooner or later.

Although the Saint League Army deliberately slowed down, it was gradually approaching the Glacier Fleet in order to give the other party pressure. Finally, after chasing not far away, the ship of the Glacier fleet reached the speed of light and jumped into the alien space very quickly. Some transporters who had no time to escape even chose to blew themselves at the end of the fleet to delay the pursuit of the Allied Army. .

The sky mark slowly stopped in the air, and issued an order through the public communication channel, "stop chasing, returning, returning to the light star."

The squadron returned to the air without an attack. Although a few militants did not feel addicted, most of the sensible abilities had more awe of the sky marks, and more Fortunately. Who has no family? Who really wants to go to the battlefield? The laser on the battlefield has no eyes, and it is possible to die at any time. It is more important to survive than anything else.

The sky marks the wind and goes to the wind: "You will pass back our battle video, the team will be reorganized, and the radar will not be scattered. The radar will open all the way back." There is a hint of chill in the eyes. The glaciers are hit hard by this time. When they attack again, I am afraid they Think more about it. After all, their entire fleet of God-class ships can be said to have been defeated by three people. In the history of the Galaxy Alliance, it is absolutely unprecedented.

The Shengmeng Legion returned smoothly and quickly returned to the base of the distant star. The victory of the battle gave them a heroic treatment. Several judges had already passed the news of the victory to the distant star in the first time. Every corner of the country, to appease the people, is always an important part of the war. However, the battle video was not released, and the secret was kept for the time being.

Countless people cheered loudly around the base of the transformation of the transport station, and the waves were higher than the waves. The sacred warships and mechs have landed one after another. The squad's abilities have stepped down the battleships and saw so many people around the base that they are so surprised. They are also the first to face such a situation. In the cheers, the feeling of boiling blood spread throughout the body. Yes, it is the battle of one's own side that has prevented the enemy from continuing to invade and has protected the civilians on the distant star. However, the three people who should be most pleased to cheer are not seen at this time.

Skymarks have already discovered the situation around the base. They have no armor and no warships. Three people simply flew back to the temporary office building. They know that several judges are waiting for their report. The benefits of cosmic gas reaching a high level have now emerged. Although they used to consume a lot of energy before, they continued to absorb and transform during the return journey, and the cosmic gas of the three people recovered a lot. Especially in the sky mark, with the realm of harmony between man and nature, the energy in his body has recovered to a state of 50%. Even he himself did not expect to be able to recover so fast. Strength always represents everything, the stronger he can, the better he can survive. Now, Skymark has become more determined to continue to search for Devil's items. He knows that he needs more powerful strength to compete with the demons. A demon king can seriously hurt Melis and Ziqing Litton. It is a force that he can't compete with. If more demons or more advanced demon kings. What should I do? Who else can resist this? Judging from the current technology, I am afraid that in addition to solar reflex guns, it is difficult to have other means of attack that can pose a threat to the powerful presence of Demon King.

While thinking about it, the three returned to the place where they had seen several judges. When they got out of the elevator, they were again greeted by five judges, but this time it was different from the last time, no one was blind to them. A few similar expressions appeared on the faces of several judges. Surprise, appreciation, and incredible are constantly shining in their eyes.

Skymark took the two women a few steps forward and said to Rosefil: "Grandfather Phil, how many people have I brought, and how many people have come back, fortunately, I have already repelled the Glacier Fleet."

Several judges looked at each other and wished a sigh, saying: "The waves in the Yangtze River are pushing forward. It seems that we are really old. The bright boss looks good. You are indeed a genius in the young generation of the sacred league. If we are a few old The guy's eyes are still fine, and your current cultivation should have reached the realm of the watchman. Otherwise, you can't reflect such a powerful ion super cannon."

The sky mark nodded lightly, saying: "In the case of using the demon, my ability has indeed reached the realm of the watcher."

Moore didn't have a good voice: "You stupid boy is too messy. Are you crazy? You use your own body to resist such a powerful attack. Fighting the stars is only used in personal battles."

The wind judge, Woma, smiled and said: "Old Moore, don't be embarrassed. I didn't know who was watching the video just now, ah, this is the real battle!" He is thinner than Moore. A lot, learning Moore's look and painting, it looks very funny, suddenly the people in the room can not help but laugh and repel the glacial fleet, they can indeed be easier.

Moore became angry and said: "Woma old, you don't say a few words, no one will treat you as dumb. Heaven marks, don't listen to him nonsense."

At this time, it is indeed the best choice to keep silent, and the sky marks a smile with a smile. He knows that he has done enough. With this battle, no one will have any doubts about him. He has solved the crisis of the Bill family and the glacial family. Two battles have already made his spirit very tired.

Rosefil said: "The glaciers have retreated. I have sent them to go down and explore their retreat. Now we can only wait. The president of Lily has heard the news that the god-class fleet she sent is coming to us quickly. Close, wait for them to come, we will slowly press on the glaciers to see what they can play."

The combat power of the Allied Forces is unquestionable. However, the number of them is too small. When confronted with such powerful enemies as the God-class ship formation, they can only contain the enemy in the situation of avoiding damage as much as possible. Annihilation. However, when the Al-Qaeda Army has a team of God-class ships to support them, they can become a sharp knife, a sharp knife, and a complete set of God-class ships, which can be described as invincible. At that time, although the glacial fleet had the remaining positive and negative ion warships, I am afraid that it would only be able to shun.

Ao Dao said: "They are also tired of the sky marks, let them go to rest first. Just after coming over from the Bill family, they experienced a big battle, and they consumed too much."

Moore nodded and said: "Heaven marks, you come with me." Then he turned and walked inside. Under the leadership of Moore, the three people were taken to a neat suite. The room was wide and there was a 30-square-meter hall outside. Inside was a bedroom of less than 20 square meters. The window of the room was open. The air is fresh, the whole room is clean and untidy, and it feels very comfortable. Moore smiled and said: "Two hoes go to the bedroom to rest, seeing how you look is really tired."

Blue and purple magic naturally understand the meaning of Moore, know that he has something to say to the sky mark, promise one person, walk into the bedroom to close the door, rest.

Moore refers to the soft sofa in the hall, indicating that the sky mark is sitting down. "Kid, this time you can show your face, but your edge is too obvious."

The day marks a glimpse, saying: "There are all people in the sacred alliance. What does it matter?"

Moore said: "Nothing is related, but you have thought about it. You have such strong strength. If the Holy League asks you to help, do some dangerous things, can you refuse? Silly boy, when will you give it? If you leave some room for yourself, you can hide it and hide it. In the previous battle, with at least the strength you showed at that time, there are at least one hundred ways to better deal with the God-class warships, but you have chosen to fight hard. I have a lot of energy. Do you really have absolute control at that time? What if your body can't support it?"

The sky marks the look of Moore's anger, and quickly compensates: "Grandpa, I am not right, I will pay attention to it later. This time I just came back, how can I have some performance, I will not be in the future."

Moore's face eased down and lowered his voice. "But, this time you are letting me raise my face. Hey, you didn't see the expression of Rosefil before he saw the video. It was so wonderful. He The whole person is in a sluggish state. How can't believe it, even his granddaughter's ability has surpassed him. So, just now I said that he took you to rest and he didn't stop it. Although this time you smashed some, but from now on The effect is still good."

Hearing the appreciation of Grandpa, Tianzhen said: "Grandpa, this glaciers are forced to retreat, and may not act in the near future. On the surface, both the demon or the glacial family of the rebel Galaxy are temporarily However, despite this, the situation may change at any time. The devils are gone, the higher demons are still rare. The previous attacks can be said to be tentative. I have discussed with Lily. It has now begun to transport the population of the outer planets inside to prevent the enemy’s slaughter after the fall."

Moore put away a smile on his face and nodded. "You said it is good. Now it's just a cure, but it's not a cure. The way the Devils fight has been studied through video. As you said, Now their attacks seem to be just temptations. The number of corps sent each time is similar, but the vast majority are the lowest demons. Even so, it has brought a lot of casualties to the José family and the Bill family. The demons are not aware of our human beings, but after these battles, I am afraid that they have already had a certain understanding. When they will come again, no one knows, but when they reappear, they will not be like this. ”

The day mark nodded and said: "The two fists are difficult to attack the four hands. The strength of a few people is not enough. Now I just hope that the solar warships can be researched faster and cope with future wars."

Moore said: "The solar warships need too much money. Although the Galaxy Alliance has abundant resources, it is impossible to create too much. Moreover, it is not known how much it needs to be manufactured. It has always been thought to be in the Milky Way. The strongest, now, the demons have emerged to be crisis-conscious, and hope not to be too late."

Looking at Moore's somewhat awkward expression, Tianzi said: "Grandpa, you don't seem to be too optimistic about the war between the Galaxy Alliance and the Devils!"

Moore’s eyes looked at the sky mark with deep meaning: “Do you think I should be optimistic about humans?”

The sky marks shook his head and said: "Now we can't grasp the true strength of the demon family. Since they have launched a war against human beings, they must have certain certainty. Now they can only listen to the fate of human beings. I hope that more human beings can emerge. The strong, blue and purple magic have inherited the ability of prehistoric higher intelligent creatures, they have a lot of room for improvement. Moreover, from the news of prehistoric higher wisdom creatures, humans want to deal with the demons, There must be more people to find the energy left by the higher wisdom creatures, and perhaps there is hope for a fight. Especially the ability of intelligent creatures and high-energy creatures with high spiritual ability to leave behind. It is said that higher intelligent creatures representing spiritual energy The leader is the demon, and the leader of the higher intelligent creatures of life is the god. They have the ability to compete with the devil's most powerful demon monarch during their lifetime. It was only because of the excessive ability that they consumed each other. It is taken by the demons. Now, there is no clue to the gods, but the clues of the devil are obvious. The three great saints of the darkness obtained by the grandfather are actually part of the demon items. The real names of the dark mask, the dark ring and the dark holy sword should be the devil's helmet, the demon shield and the demon sword. However, the devil's items are common. Eleven, of which the devil boots I have obtained in the place where the purple magic inherits the power of the ice god, and now there are seven items of the demon **** do not know where. If you can collect these demon items, maybe we can get the devil's power."

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