Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 18: He turned out to be the master? (on)

This week, we began to resume lifting the ban. We welcome everyone to collect and vote.

The wind is bright and the eyes are bright. "It is best to have a high-grade nutrient solution, so I can continue to practice hard."

Tianzi said: "It seems that you are being masochistic, or we will fight well and ensure that the effect is better than running."

The wind is far and wide, shaking hands: "Still forever, when you are addicted, I will explain this little life. Where are the people you said, let us go."

The sky mark refers to the wood on the left side, saying: "In that direction, this time you can buy high-grade nutrient solution and you have to pay for it."

The wind is far and clear: "No problem, how much to buy, and filial brother."

Tianzhen was surprised: "I didn't get it wrong, when did your kid become so generous?"

The wind is far and wide: "I used to be so embarrassed? However, I have fully realized the importance of strength. I am afraid that there will be no money in the future." The two said to the forest. Going, the sky mark completely releases the mental power and feels the breath that was previously perceived.

Passing through the forest hundreds of meters, the two took some tall thorns and finally saw the person they were looking for. At the same time, the color of disappointment appeared in the eyes, because they all felt that it was an idiotic dream to buy the replenishment with the person in front of him.

It’s just a person, and it’s an old man who is much more embarrassed than them. The old man sat on the ground, his eyes showing a helpless look. When he saw the sky marks and the wind, he couldn’t help but excite: "Too good, I finally met people. I don’t need to starve to death, fast, fast. Is there anything delicious on the body? Give me some more to say."

The old man is very special, his body is not high, only to the chest of the mark, wearing a gray robes, bare feet, all over the body. The thin body is like a gust of wind that can blow him down, his face is covered with folds, a pair of dark blue eyes revealing greedy light, his eyes are deep, and two hands that are as thin as a bird's claw are constantly pointing to the sky mark. Compared with the wind, if it is not because this dream forest is a tourist destination, Tianzhen really thinks that he has encountered a wild man.

The day marks and the wind are far from each other. Looking at each other's helplessness, the two can't help but laugh. Tianzheng took a tube of low-grade nutrient solution from the backpack and handed it over. "Old gentleman, we will have nothing to eat, only nutrient solution, first add some physical strength."

The old man took the nutrient solution and poured it into his mouth. The dissatisfied said: "Is this what people eat? It’s hard to drink, it’s really **** like urine. Kid, is there anything better?"

Tianzheng shook his head helplessly, he and Fengyuan, even if it is a low-level nutrient solution, only a few, the intermediate nutrient solution bought by Fengyuan has already been consumed. If it weren’t for the sake of drinking, they would have to look for fruits in the forest to fill their hunger like tourists.

The old man looked at the sky mark and turned his gaze to the wind. "Boy, are you from Saturn? It's rustic, with stench, smelling the smell of your body, my old man can save food."

The wind was a glimpse, and turned to anger: "Old man, what do you say? We kindly give you nutrient solution, but you humiliate me? I am like Saturn? Then you are like climbing out of the pig's nest. ”

The old man snorted and said: "I really didn't teach, did your mother teach you to treat the elders?"

"Hey, I don't have any mother at all, I don't know who my mother is, what kind of elders you are." Feng Yuan's most taboo is that others mentioned his parents, never tasted the warmth of his parents, and his eyes are already red. If it is not a day mark, it has already rushed up.

The sky mark grabbed the shoulders of the wind and shook his head. He said: "Forget it, it is better to have less than one thing, not to mention that he is so old. Let's go."

The wind snorted, and the old man glanced at the old man and turned and left.

Tianzheng just had to leave with the wind far away, but he saw the old man plopping and fell to the ground and burst into tears. "Well, you two rabbits, you can’t help, my old man is waiting to die here, people are not Ancient, people are not old! Murder, this is absolutely murder, I want to sue you for first-degree murder."

There was a bit of disgust in the heart of the day, but the parents’ old faces had flashed from their minds, and they felt a little unbearable in their hearts. They called the wind far and said to the old man: "Old gentleman, we don’t want to help you, we There are not many supplies, how can you die? Didn't the administrator of the Fantasy Forest give you a pager?" In order to avoid the danger of tourists, every visitor will get a pager before entering the fantasy forest. You can call the patrol car at any time to get a rescue.

The old man still burst into tears, and a nose screamed with tears: "Where I have that thing, I sneaked in. Don't you know that my old man is poor? And, what kind of patrol car is called, I don't know. How much does it cost? I came out of the slum, and there is so much money, you might as well let me die."

The wind went back to the sky mark, and the doubt said: "Boss, you are not going to help him. This old guy is so stinky, it is really annoying."

The sky mark sighed and remembered his origin. He said: "Who is not a difficult one? Not to mention that he is so old. We will help him." Turned to the old man: "Old gentleman, this is good, We can't take you with you, because we have to stay in the forest for a while, I call the patrol car, how much money I need to pay, I will pay for you, let Xiangxiang directly send you back to the slums. You are so It’s a good old age, and it’s better not to run outside in the future. Otherwise, danger can happen at any time.”

The wind snorted and said: "Big brother, you think you are the savior!"

The sky marks a bitter smile: "Don't you forget, I also always came out of the slum."

Looking at the sky marks and looking at the old man, he shook his head helplessly. He said: "Boss, I am more and more admired by you now. Since you have to help, then help. If your money is not enough, use it. My. Who makes us brothers?" One month, they help each other and practice together. The friendship between brothers is not slower than the universe.

The old man looked at the old man who was no longer snoring, saying: "Old gentleman, that's it. You should take a break, I will contact the patrol car immediately." As he spoke, he pulled out the contact from the backpack.

"Hello, I am a passenger. I have an old man who needs rescue. Please send a patrol car as soon as possible. Thank you." There are positioning systems on the liaison. The patrol car can be easily found, "..., what? Need to Is it a supply station? Ok, you can tell me where I am, good, good, I know, thank you."

Close the contact, the sky mark helplessly said: "In the forest, the car can not stop, we must go to the nearest supply station. According to them, there are more than ten kilometers from the nearest supply station, and it can go north. turn up."

The wind is wide and the eyes are wide: "Boss, no. We have to walk this old man for more than ten kilometers? I can't stand it."

The sky marks the wind and the dissatisfaction, turning to the old man: "Old gentleman, can you still walk?"

The old man snorted and said: "My legs are weak and I can't walk in one step."

The day marks helplessly said: "Then I will take you away, I have learned the flying skills of the body, and it will take us long before we can reach the supply station."

The old man stood up, wiped his tears and nose on his sleeve, and waved to the sky mark, saying: "The old man is awkward."

Tianzheng now also has some doubts about whether he is helping the old man to be the right choice, but he has already said that he has to go to the old man to kneel down and the old man is unceremonious on his back, although he looks very Thin, but the weight of the old man is not light, it feels heavier than the wind. Mix your own cosmic gas to the wind: "Small wind, you follow me tightly below, I will fly as slowly as possible. Ten minutes later will arrive." Saying, he also gave the wind a look, indicating him Forbearance.

The wind snorted and screamed, "Look at the power of my wind." The sky mark wants to stop it too late, and the light blue light shines out, the wind is far lower, and it flies in the universe. Under the influence of gas and wind abilities, they quickly headed north. He can't worry that the sky marks will not catch up.

The old man behind the sky marks a hint of astonishment, muttering in a voice he can only hear: "It’s just a junior of the wind system. Now these kids are getting weaker." At this moment, he The surprise in the eyes is more prosperous, because he clearly feels the fluctuation of mental power emitted by the sky marks.

In the eyes of the old man's astonished eyes, the body of the sky mark draws a beautiful arc, and the fluctuation of the space system protects himself and the old man. In the blink of an eye, he has already caught up with the wind.

The old man nodded secretly in his heart. Although this boy is not good at power, his application is ingenious.

As the day marks said, the distance of more than ten kilometers is nothing at all. In a few minutes, they have successfully found a supply station. The wind couldn't wait to buy a lot of food at the supply station. They were all non-nutrient-based ordinary foods, and they were eaten together with the sky marks, and the old man joined the camp unceremoniously. Feng Yuan was not willing to give delicious food to the elderly, but he only had to recognize it under the persuasion of the sky mark.

The food in the Dream Forest Supply Station is all produced from the forest itself. It is entirely derived from the natural beauty. The weather marks and the wind have forgotten everything. They now have some understanding of why the elderly say that low-grade nutrient solution is garbage.

The wind is staring at the old man. Like watching the enemy, Tianzheng always thinks that he is eating fast, but compared with the old one and the two big stomach kings in front of him, the difference is too much, and the old man is playing absolutely high. At the same time, when they took out the wind and hike for three thousand cosmic coins, they also had a long exit and satisfied the rest on the back of the chair.

The old man looked at the wind with some admiration. He said: "I didn't expect your kid to have something else. There are really two things to eat."

The wind snorted and looked at the old man who did not have a prominent belly. He said: "I don't like you anyway, it is also eaten in white." As he said, he showed his arm is not huge, but it is not huge. Solid muscles, "See you? I have turned into a powerful force."

The old man nodded seriously and said: "Like, really, your arm is absolutely like the old and civilized China."

The day marks are interested: "What is the old gentleman? My ancestors are Chinese. That is my motherland!"

The old man glanced at the mark of the sky and said, "Me too. He has this arm like..." When he said this, he deliberately paused and only spit out two words, "Chopsticks."

The sky marks and the wind fell far from the chair. They still know the chopsticks. It is the fine tableware that can be used in the most advanced restaurants. Feng Yuan took the case and yelled: "Old guy, don't think that you should let me be old, drink white and drink, say cool, I, I..."

The old man looked at him without fear, saying: "You? What can you do? Remove my old bones?"

The wind is far away, yeah! How can I do it? Can such an old man go to his own hands? Suddenly sat down on the chair, "I served, did I take it? You will leave some morality. Patrol Xiangxiang! Why don't you come?"

The old man smiled and said: "Oh, of course, I just can't understand the stupidity of your kid."

It seems that I heard the wind shouting in general, the sound of the patrol car crashing into the air, the green Xiangxiang car fell from the middle, and landed smoothly on the parking lot of the supply station. The wind is far away from the bad, and his identity card has been smashed out. He has always been tempted to pay the money and let the old man leave.

When I ran to the Xiangxiang car and looked at the next person, I quickly shouted: "We are asking for help."

The person who came down from the Xiang Che was a young man. He was tall and dressed in white and red uniforms. He had a short brown hair combed very neatly. He looked at the wind and couldn't help but frown.

Feng Yuan used to only care about eating. Until now, he has not sorted out his own appearance. Compared with the old man, he is more like a wild man.

"Hello, I am the patrol officer of the Dream Forest. What can I help you?"

Tianzheng has already come up at this time and said: "Hello, we met an old gentleman on the road of travel. He needs your help. He came to the fantasy forest from the slums. However, you don't need Punish him, we are willing to help him pay all the expenses, just want to trouble you to patrol the Che Che to send him back."

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