Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 29: Lioness in anger (on)

Everyone is welcome to attend the refining conference of 12.05 this evening. This lot of recommended tickets, I guess there are more than 800 essences released.

At the end of the month, the brothers who have VIP tickets are also thrown at me, saving waste. ——

The sky mark shook his head and said: "No, not yet. I am now a nine-level space manipulator. Madame, I am here to tell you something."

Mrs. Ouya looked at Liao En and said, "Let's just say, there are no outsiders here."

Before coming here, Tianzheng had already thought about what to say, but when he really faced Mrs. Ouya, the heartbeat was somewhat uncontrolled acceleration. After all, Mrs. Ouya had brought him too much impact. Big, her majesty is always in the heart of the day. In the embarrassing mood, the sky marks: "Mrs, I think, I can't finish the three things that promised you."

Mrs. Ouya’s eyebrows were picked up, and the voice suddenly became cold. “Tell me why. Do you think your wings are hard? Although you are progressing very fast, but now your strength is still too far, don’t forget Who brought you into the sacred alliance, not to forget what you have done."

On the side of the column, Liao En was stunned to the sky mark, indicating that he would stop talking about it. Mrs. Ouya, who is in a bad mood, is like an active volcano. Once it breaks out, don't say that the sky mark can't bear it, that is, he does not dare to slap his front.

Feeling the pressure that Mrs. Ouya brought to her, the heart of the sky marks calmed down a lot, and said indifferently: "Mrs, you did help me, the sky marks you a favor, but the blue lady’s business I want I don't have any responsibility. Maybe, she will be back in a few days. She will explain it directly to you. I am coming back this time and want to make things clear to you."

Mrs. Ouya stepped forward and the temperature in the entire hall dropped sharply. "The sky mark, I can fulfill your entry into the sacred alliance, and it can also ruin you."

The sky mark stretched out his right hand and said: "Please take a look at this first." Spread the palm of your hand, and the crystal white beads appear in the palm of your hand.

When the blue light flashed, the beads had already reached the hands of Mrs. Ouya. Her face suddenly changed and she looked at the sky marks with surprise. "Have you seen Moore's master?"

In the eyes of the celestial marks, there is a reverence of light. "Yes, I have already worshipped his old man as a teacher and learned from him the space system."

Mrs. Ouya sneered, "No wonder, no wonder you dare to come here to tell me this. It turns out that Moore's controller will support you. Skymark, you have to think clearly."

Tianzi said coldly: "I have thought very clearly, I am not willing to be threatened by others. Madame, you are not thin to me, the kindness of the holy liquid is not forgotten, but I will not be driven by you in the future. That's three things, even why I can't say it now. But I can promise you that when I am strong enough, I can do one thing for you as a compensation for the holy liquid."

At this time, Ouya’s anger in her heart has reached its apex. Everything is not going to end her patience to the limit. She screams and slaps her hand to the sky mark. The blue light is mixed with countless frosts, which seals all directions in which the sky marks can escape. However, the current day marks are no longer the same, and the white light flashes in the eyes, and the shifting phantom suddenly sends him out ten meters away.

There was a thick layer of frost on the walls of the hall. Mrs. Ouya’s body moved, a string of blue phantoms appeared, and the temperature in the hall dropped sharply to minus 30 degrees. When the sky marks wanted to move, it was found. His body is already somewhat stiff, and the blood in the body seems to be condensed. The cyan cosmic gas is instantly over, and the cyan vortex in the body is transparent, forming a protective cover to protect your body.

Close to the feet, Mrs. Ouya’s palm was printed on the shield in front of the sky mark, and the huge water system exploded like a bomb. The entire castle trembled. There is a fundamental difference between the master and the manipulator. Although the cosmic gas of the sky mark is strong enough, the body is suddenly bounced out under the powerful explosive power of the water system. Hit heavily on the wall.

The sky marks the blood of the body, and slowly stood up from the ground, and the heart was secret. Fortunately, I put on the artificial skin before I came, otherwise I am afraid that I will be hurt by this.

There was a hint of surprise in Ouya’s eyes. The five fingers of the right hand were like a wave of water, and a layer of blue ripples rolled directly into the sky.

The day marks can not let the Ou Ya hit, the space system ability to reach the limit, the shifting phantom to exert the greatest power, constantly twirling in the room, dodging the attack of Mrs. Ouya. He also wants to get out of the room, but here is completely controlled by the water system. With the huge gap between him and Ouya, he can't feel the space outside, how can he escape?

"Madam, we don't seem to be against the Moore controller." Liao went to Mrs. Ouya and whispered.

Mrs. Ouya’s eyes flashed coldly. “How do I need to teach you to do things? Go away.” The right hand waved and suddenly flew to the side.

There is a hint of anger in the eyes of the plaque. Liao En can be said that he is an introductory master. Without the teachings of Liao En, he could not lay a solid foundation, and there would be no today. Seeing Mrs. Ouya’s anger in even Liao Endu Hit, suddenly hit the air, the cold flash in the eyes, the ability to control the object broke out instantly, the ten ice cones that Mrs. Ouya just sent out were slightly stagnant in the air. The next moment, the sky mark had been moved to her, punching I went directly to Mrs. Ouya’s chest. Under the full force, the space tearing out of the cosmic gas bursts out of powerful power.

Ouya never thought about the celestial marks and dared to do it to herself. This sudden change suddenly shocked her and subconsciously sealed her left hand.

Of course, the sky mark will not be naive to think that it can succeed in attacking. It looks fierce and slammed. It disappeared in the moment of contact with Mrs. Ouya. The next moment, his body has come to the back of Mrs. Ouya. At the same time, the boxing was carried to Mrs. Ouya.

Ou Ya’s heart is not clear enough because of the anger, but she is the master after all. The water system is instantly condensed behind her, and the special ability of the water wave directly erupts, like a flood of giant force to the sky mark. However, the action of the Sky Mark has changed. After more than a year of training with the Holy Beast, his combat experience is extremely rich. Although his strength is obviously weaker than his opponent, he is better than Ouya in his wisdom. When he felt that the other party's powerful attack was about to break out, he moved again. The phantom was moved to the limit, and in the shortest time, he returned to the front of Mrs. Ouya, and the right palm was shot. This time, the space tear is truly complete. break out. The white light suddenly became transparent. The defense of Ouya was weakened by the use of water waves. The sound of the cracking sounded, the right hand of the sky mark successfully broke into the protection, and the right palm directly pressed the left chest of Mrs. Ouya. . Two exclamations were sent from the sky mark and Ou Yakou respectively, and the body of the sky mark was bounced out like a cannonball. And Mrs. Ouya did not pursue, standing in the same place, a pretty white face on the pretty face, breathing, her plump chest ups and downs.

Just now, just in the blink of an eye, the sky mark has been completed three times. When Ouya responded, a big hand has already pressed the abundance of her chest. If the day marks full attack, it will at least bring some minor injuries to her. However, when the sky marks that he has pressed a group of soft and soft, he remembers the gender of Mrs. Ouya. When she is shocked, she forgets her strength. The anger and anger of Ouya naturally will not be polite to him, and he will be bombarded directly with a palm. This attack has erupted all the power of Ouya. The body of Tianzhen is deeply trapped in the alloy wall, if it is not artificial skin. Showing a strong defense, his body may have been torn apart by the power of the heartbreaking lungs.

"Master, are you okay?" Liao En was just behind the Ouya lady, and did not see the sky mark attacking the important part of Mrs. Ouya, just seeing the two bodies in one point.

Mrs. Ouya glanced at me. "You go out first, and you don't have to take care of it."

Liao En looked at the sky marks in the wall with a sad look, and sighed helplessly, turned and walked out. In his opinion, the day marks at this time have not been spared.

Mrs. Ouya walked toward the sky mark step by step. At this time, she was completely awake and looked at the sky marks caught in the wall. She couldn’t help but regret it. Moore was not the one she could offend, even her father. Also let Moore a few points, the strange old man is famous in the entire sacred arrogance, no one wants to provoke him. Since the day mark can take his token, it is obvious that the relationship with Moore is not shallow. Feeling the strangeness from the chest, Ouya can't help but feel a little stunned. She doesn't know how to deal with it. The blue father has been dead for more than ten years. For the first time in more than a decade, someone has encountered his own body. In addition to anger, Ouya is more shy.

At this moment, the original "dead man" actually moved, and the sky mark slowly climbed out of the wall. Wow spewed out a blood, and looked at Ouya with a smile. "Have you been addicted?"

Ouya stared at the sky mark. "You, you are not dead?"

Tianzheng resisted the pain of the whole body and said: "I can't die for a while. However, if you want to come again, I am afraid I will return to the place." Just now, all the energy in the artificial skin has been exhausted. As if it were scattered, there was constant pain, and now it has become difficult to stand up. However, he was not angry at all because of Ouya's angry blow. After all, his own attack was too much a place. He looked at his right hand subconsciously, and his heart also rose a little.

Ouya roared: "What do you look at?"

The day marks want to cover the way: "No, nothing? I just didn't mean it. You know, you are too strong, so..."

"Don't say it, you give me a roll." Mrs. Ouya pointed at the door in anger.

A trace of the day, said: "Are you willing to let me go?"

Ouya threw the white beads in his hand to the sky mark, and said: "You roll, don't let me see you again later."

Reluctantly supported to climb up from the ground, the sky mark shook his head helplessly, said: "Goodbye, madam. If the days mark said, count, I owe you a favor, will always pay you back."

Ouya turned back, coldly stunned the sky marks, fingers on the door, the sound oozing out of the teeth, "rolling."

Step by step and move out of the hall step by step. At this time, the body that Tianxie once took the holy liquid showed its toughness, and it was still easy to act when the systemic meridians were injured and suffered some frostbite.

Mrs. Ouya is hesitating, hesitating that he should not leave the mark, so he let him go, he is not reconciled. In such a short period of time, he has become so powerful. If he is given more time to cultivate, perhaps soon, the sect of the sacred squad will have a rising star who can compete with his daughter. With Moore’s support, the future of the sky mark Not limited. She now has some regrets. She regrets that she should not be too harsh on the sky. She sees that the sky marks are very emotional. If I was gentle to him at the beginning, perhaps it will be a situation now.

When the door opened, Ouya was slightly shocked, her hand was lifted up, and she put it down again, and she sighed in her heart. Fortunately, my father still doesn't know the existence of the sky mark, let him go. Although he can't use it for himself, from the sentence he just said, at least he will not be his enemy.

When the heart moved, Ouya suddenly thought that the words of Tianzi were very embarrassing. He seemed to be very sorry for the blue thing, but this time he came back, but he seemed to be justified. What happened between him and the blue?

Closing the door, the sky marks a little breathing, the body's cosmic gas is constantly clearing the blocked meridians, but the intense pain that continues to come is still causing his body to unconsciously come, but his mood at this time It is fun, after all, this matter has been solved. Although still a member of the sacred alliance, the present self is at least free.

When Liao En saw the step of stepping out of the sky mark of the castle, he could not help but widen his eyes. "Kid, you are not dead?"

Tianzheng said with a smile: "Why, does Liao En hope that I will die inside?"

Liao went up to hold the sky mark, and there was a smile in his eyes. "Your boy is really awkward. When I was in charge of the person who was angry, I am afraid I can’t afford it, but you can still stand up and walk. It’s really I have to admire!"

Tian Kedao: "Mr. Liao En, please take me out of here first. Mrs. Ouya hates me very much. Who knows if she will suddenly change her mind. I need to find a quiet place to rest."

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