Langyu Pavilion was visited by Su Haitang and collected a lot of flowers and plants. The space was colorful and extremely beautiful.

"Well, it's a worthwhile trip. These flowers and plants contain some energy, and a variety of them are good for stabilizing the space. You can simply browse the entire game map. There are really fragments, and I will just accept them."

Xiaoyu nibbled various fruits enthusiastically, with a constant flow of juice at the corners of his mouth. He casually rubbed the kerchief and grinned openly.

"Is it the one for windbreaking and sand fixing and desert control?"

Su Haitang was too lazy to talk to the NPC with limited intelligence, and he was grilling a fish.

This fish was raised in Langhuan Pavilion, and no one had eaten them. It was raised fat and strong, with bright colors. It was very attractive to look at. The little fox went down with his paws, forkped several of them, and played with her.

"Similarly, anyway, the space has been upgraded. It is a waste to have so much empty space. Whatever you want."

Xiaoyu sucked her saliva, smelled the scent of grilled fish and threw half of the gnawed fruit into the field. Soon the piece sprouted and sprouted, giving birth to a pleasant plant.

"This fish tastes good, do you want to try to raise it?"

Su Haitang had a whim, so he sucked up a large piece of lake water and moved it along with the fish and shrimp to the new big river in the space.

"Hey, I can really feed things."

Su Haitang came with interest, and waved to the elk herd that the little fox was scratching happily, and took a few more and went in.

"These living creatures don't consume space energy, do they?"

Su Haitang didn't get dazzled by the joy, and asked seriously.

"I've checked, the aura has slightly increased, and it is more stable, it is good, you can take it."

Xiaoyu's answer calmed Su Haitang's heart.

"Alright, let's build a zoo first. This is getting more and more lively. It's a pity that I can't do game missions. Otherwise, with so many items, which NPC can't stun? It's definitely the best reward for me."

"You can sell it." Xiaoyu took a fish, chewing his mouth full of oil, and wheezing out of heat, but refused to let it go, as if someone was robbing him for food.

"This fish is delicious! I think I came here to be a foodie, so happy!"

The little fox also ate happily, and sent an elk that had just been processed to eat venison.

Su Haitang looked at the slippery deerskin and had a whim.

"This leather is good. It's made into coats and gloves. It must be popular."

By the way, she hasn't been in charge of the garment factory at home for a long time, so she is a little frustrated.

"You can learn clothing skills."

Xiaoyu didn't care about sucking her fingers, waiting for the roasted venison to come out of the oven, her belly was like a bottomless pit, it didn't matter how she held it.

"Being bored, it's time to talk to colleagues."

Su Haitang's dream of online game life completely changed, and he was a little worried, so he thought about adding something to himself.

"There is a barrier here, you can't get out."

Xiaoyu reminded her. The fixed BOSS must stay in a specific position, waiting for the player to push.

"Enchantment, Xiaoyu, aren't you right?"

Su Haitang sniffed the fragrant deer legs and made an exaggerated salivation gesture, which made Xiaoyu unable to swallow.

"No problem, leave it to me! Give me some energy first."

Su Haitang didn't confuse his appetite. He gave him the roasted venison, and then teased: "I think you need to taste the entire Langhuan Pavilion food to fill up the energy, right?"

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