Xiao Naihe put a lot of effort into this game. How could he betray it when his son saw it?

However, as the Skywalker guild made troubles in the game and made complaints, and even affected the stock market, he was thrown out as an explanation to the majority of players and investors.

The old man of Jiutian always loves talents, so he privately gave Xiao Naihe a sum of money to persuade him not to go against Tyrant.

In nine days, a company has been under the command of Batian. He is single-handed, so why bother to run into a bloodshed?

Xiao Naihe understands the boss's kindness. According to Batian's urinary nature, it is not that he can't do the dirty work of hiring a murderer. He can only collect money and leave, admitting that he is unlucky.

But the world has its own justice, even if everyone has to give in temporarily for this or other reason, but the dissatisfaction with the evil forces is always hidden in the dark, ready to move.

The things stored in the computers of these colleagues are evidence.

Cheng Yuanzheng nodded knowingly to several colleagues, and his subordinates typed out a bunch of garbled characters, explaining the matter to his wife, and asking Xiaoyu to take action and get things done.

Cheng Yuanzheng was confident in Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu lived up to his expectations and smoothly copied the files over and stored them in a safe area on the network.

"You are Xiao Naihe?"

The office door was opened, and a group of men in black and sunglasses broke in, set up Xiao Nai and left.

"Come with us."

"Who are you?" Cheng Yuanzheng frowned, quickly inputting a garbled code with both hands, without resisting.

"I'll know when I go."

The attitude of the people in black is not bad, not like the lawless people of the black society.

Cheng Yuanzheng is a master of art, not to mention that he is really not afraid of death now, so he will follow them.

Is it kidnapped by such a famous company in broad daylight? It's impossible to think about it.

Maybe it's really some secret security department?

Cheng Yuanzheng cooperated with the vehicle on the ground and went quietly to a well-guarded building.

After many verifications along the way, he was taken to an office, or called a laboratory more appropriately.

"Mr. Xiao, introduce myself, I am the chairman of the Batian Group, Yuan Tianba."

The man in the elegant suit stretched out his hand and introduced himself politely.

"Fortunately meeting."

Cheng Yuanzheng shook his hand and looked at the particularly conspicuous transparent game compartment in the room.

There was a girl with a beautiful face lying in it, her body soaked in nutrient solution and connected to various lines. It seemed that she was not a normal game player at all, but a severely ill patient.

Yuan Tianba immediately solved his doubts.

"With Mr. Xiao's eyesight, you should be able to see Kerr's situation? Yes, she has been sleeping for ten years, which is commonly known as a vegetable."

Yuan Tianba crossed his hands and placed it on his overlapping legs casually, with a domineering and reserved posture.

"Over the past ten years, I have tried countless ways to wake her up, but I have found nothing. But I will not give up."

"Huangtian pays off, I finally waited for nine days."

Yuan Tianba looked at the girl tenderly, making Cheng Yuanzheng shiver.

He began to reflect on his usual performance, was it too crooked to the extent that it affected the perception of the people around him?

"Mr. Xiao's outstanding performance in the holographic game is truly breathtaking. You probably won't understand what this means."

Yuan Tianba nodded his temples, his voice was smiling.

"The human brain is where the magic lies. It has been explored for hundreds of millions of years, but only one or two of them are known."

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