The two of them rarely meet each other, and Xiaoyu is even more so sensational by Su Haitang that she almost shed tears on the moon at a 45-degree angle.

Su Haitang was amused secretly, and coldly glanced at the jealous A Li, concealing the faintly rising killing intent in his heart.

It's not that I've never heard of the master's tool spirit, but the dregs that even the master's Taoist children kill are beyond her bottom line!

This Ali can't stay!

Xiaoyu cares about the feelings of the same kind, and can't bear to do it, so leave it to her.

Want to solve a severely injured weapon spirit with insufficient ability, almost never waste the power of blowing dust!

Su Haitang briefly turned his mind, and then forcibly suppressed this disgust.

She and Xiaoyu are connected and don't want him to know what she really thinks.

Xiaoyu is a good boy who values ​​love and righteousness. He is good at being deceived. If he is allowed to sympathize with a poor and paranoid Ali, he will only be hurt!

Su Haitang knew that Xiaoyu's love was not open, and he was particularly good-looking, so he deliberately mentioned the child's daughter-in-law. In fact, he wanted to make Xiaoyu feel shy subconsciously, and instinctively wanted to hide from Ali.

The affection comes from getting along, if Xiaoyu hides from A Li, how much affection can be left between the two of them?

The coldness in Su Haitang's eyes faded, and he smiled and shouted for Cheng Yuanzheng while holding the new wristband.

"How long have they been playing?"

She took her chin and hit it in a lively ball, and asked indifferently.

"I haven't stopped."

Cheng Yuanzheng wanted to reach out and hug her, but stopped angrily.

This thunder and lightning, which is full of hands, is his best protection and the strongest means of attack, and it is also the culprit that hinders him from making love with his wife!

Su Haitang was amused by his tangled expression.

Since the two of them crossed the thunder pond on a plane, the man had no intention of wronging himself.

It is a pity that this game world should have been the most free and unrestrained, but after so many changes, he has not been able to kiss Fangze until now.

Uh, innocent kisses don't count.

"I must advance early and refine this stuff!"

Cheng Yuanzheng gritted his teeth and looked at her smiling like a flower, and his determination became even stronger!

Don't underestimate a man's insistence on something, that kind of motivation can ruin the world!

Su Haitang sipped at him with a blush, and threw his new wristband over.

"Try it, my new one."

"Daughter-in-law's craftsmanship is just good!"

Cheng Yuanzheng's mouth is very sweet, as if the majesty of the emperor of the great Zhou Dynasty has been refined into his bones by the thunder and lightning, and it will not be too cold to be untimely.

"This brace is forged with the best cold iron, added with dragon scales, phoenix feathers, sky, silk, cold spring water, etc., all good things, swords and guns will not penetrate water or fire, and also depict the protective formation. I preliminary estimate that it can withstand small fires. Half of the attack is already my best work at this stage."

Su Haitang gave a detailed introduction, wholeheartedly offering treasures to the sweetheart.

Cheng Yuanzheng adjusted his wristbands, with a continuous smile on his face.

"Daughter-in-law, even if you give me a thread, it's good, it's hard work!"

Su Haitang felt warm when he saw that he really liked it.

"I also think that even if you give me a stone and a leaf, it is good."

What Su Haitang said was that Cheng Yuanzheng was unable to contact her during the mission, so he collected some interesting gadgets along the way, cleaned them, made specimens, wrote down notes, and gave them to her when they returned.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Cheng Yuanzheng raised his hand to trace her face imaginarily, his tone sighing.

"It's been a long time since I gave you anything."

"Nonsense. The emperor gave me the entire treasury."

Su Haitang smiled distressedly.

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