Space Spirit Spring: Farmer Girl Cleverly Headed Home

Chapter 838: Stand high enough for you and wait for them to find

"Begonia! Bitch!"

Calla generously let the fans finish the filming, then turned around and left, took out the phone to check the forum, and unexpectedly found a hot post about himself.

But what the **** is this!

#校花爆出金句: The brain is a good thing, you deserve to have it.

#校花 Sisters What is the wall? Take a look at the school flowers we chased back then.

#Ten minutes between classes, at nine o'clock, this is not a car to kindergarten!

#高傲毒舌VS White Lotus, there is always one you like.


Alocasia became more and more angry, and there were people who deliberately sent ugly photos of her!

Obviously it is a technical problem with the shooting angle, maliciously vilifying her, but slandering her looks and temperament, IQ is not online, it is natural to lose the school beauty?

TMD, these are the navy bought by Haitang!


Calla was so angry that he took heavy steps and returned to the classroom majesticly. He bitterly glanced at the classmate who was looking at the gossip with his mobile phone, and then glared at the empty seat in the back corner of the classroom!

She must look good at Haitang!

After going to the toilet, Su Haitang basically cleared his mind.

Now that the school's expulsion crisis has been resolved, the rest should be busy with her business.

One, look for Cheng Yuanzheng and the little fox to confirm whether they are also living on this plane;

Second, collect various energy sources to help Xiaoyu.

The goal is very clear, nothing more than human and financial support, so she wants to make money.

To make money, there are shortcuts, but combined with the purpose of looking for someone, Su Haitang quickly made a choice and became famous!

She tried to stand on the most dazzling height, and Cheng Yuanzheng and the little fox would take the initiative to look for her when they saw it.

After this analysis, if you want to become popular through acting, the chances are too low, so it is better to participate in the talent show.

The original owner is an ordinary high school student who has no talent, and has not signed a contract with an acting agency. She is a vegan. She has nowhere to go for such a hot variety show, but she can try the kind of singing and dancing talents with low threshold.

As long as she carefully sets up her character and operates it well, there is no possibility of counterattack.

Su Haitang made up his mind, stood still on the campus, looked around, and walked towards the student union.

It's time to go to the school's president who had suffered unintentionally but caused the original owner to suffer for a while.

"Please come in."

The student union is indeed easier to enter, but there are also roles such as secretaries blocking the way.

"Student Haitang, do you have any help?"

The young newcomer in the secretarial department asked her to sit down a little shyly and offered her a cup of freshly ground coffee.

Sitting on the soft leather sofa, Su Haitang looked at the low-key and luxurious office at will, feeling again the financial resources of Yude and the prominent status of the student union.

"You know," Su Haitang glanced at the slightly cramped little girl, and opened her mouth to get closer. "I encountered a lot of things before, but things are not very good now."

She sighed and smiled, not in a complaining tone, but with some self-ridicule.

"All my personal belongings have been destroyed. It has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Even the student IDs and so on have been destroyed, so I want to make up for it."

The little girl's eyes were full of sympathy, and she hurriedly got up and went back to her seat, digging out a pile of biscuits, cakes and fruits, waiting for her to eat.

"I don't mean anything else, just ask you to eat. It's okay to reapply for the certificate. This is what we should do. Do you need other help? Just ask, I will try my best to help you apply."

Su Haitang thanked him generously, and said with a smile: "Can I borrow a computer or a mobile phone?"

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