Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1080: Black Feather

Li Yixiao's plan to go to Lv Zhou to make money is bound to be unsuccessful, and he can only borrow wine to ease his worries.

To be honest, Li Yixiao and Na Lanque also experienced the process of great sorrow to great joy and then to the process of great sorrow. Both of them forcibly improved their strength in the battle between the Longmen Fortress and the Black Feather Army, resulting in damage to their foundations.

Before they had eaten the fruit of washing the pulp, the strength of the two fell, and even fell back to the B level!

At this time, Na Lanque comforted Li Yixiao and said that the two people should stay together for a lifetime even if they couldn't continue their practice, and she promised that Li Yixiao was very depressed, and her daily pocket money would increase to 30 yuan.

At this time, the husband and wife are really like a pair of hard-fucked mandarin ducks. If it is not inconsistent, you can go to the idol drama.

As a result, Li Yixiao didn't have time to be happy, and the foundation was good again.

So Li smiled and asked the Nana tit, what was said before was not counted, and the Nana **** expressed mercilessly, not counted.

This is unlucky!

This night Lu Shu drank a lot, and he didn't even know when he was drunk.

But he doesn't have to worry, because as long as Lu Xiaoyu is not drunk, he can go home safely, and Lu Xiaoyu never drinks alcohol.

Lv Xiaoyu used Anthony to directly lead the drunken Lu Shu back to the small bungalow at No. 4 Xingduo Road. After a long absence, all the furniture on display was dusted. It was only cleaning that Anthony was the best at. The blinking time is completely new.

Anthony placed Lu Shu on the bed in the bedroom. Lu Xiaoyu moved a chair and sat quietly at the bed, watching Lu Shu. At this time, Lu Shu had already slept.

This is the first time Lu Xiaoyu has seen Lu Shu drunk in his life. In the past, Lu Shu has also drunk, but he has never been drunk before. The tree doesn't like the feeling of losing consciousness.

This time, whether it was the death of a bronze torrent comrade-in-arms or some inexplicable pressure, Lu Shu decided to relax completely.

Lv Xiaoyu didn't stop her, because she knew it was too difficult for Lv Shu to completely relax once. In the past, there were always various responsibilities on him, which led him to move forward.

Lv Xiaoyu knows what Lv Shu seems to be escaping from, which is a bit like Lv Shu.

But is it important for Lu Xiaoyu, not important.

No matter whether Lu Shu escaped or faced, it would be nice to have her in the plan.


Early the next morning, Li Heitan and Zhang Weiyu suddenly heard a shout outside while they were still asleep, but they did not panic. This shout was too familiar.

One two one, one two one, one two three four.

This is not the slogan that the king took them to run during the morning exercise, but Zhang Weiyu walked out of the room to look at the vast playground, listening to the uniform pace, and inexplicably shocked.

Zhang Weiyu could feel the iron-blooded discipline and coordinated will behind this tidy pace. However, everyone is a mature person, and will not be infected at once to run with Tian Luo Di Wang, a little awkward to think about.

"They wake up so early, we can't continue to sleep, what are we doing?" Li Heitan asked, he always felt that other people had already begun to work so hard, and it was a bit unreasonable to sleep again.

At this time, Lu Shu's voice came from behind Li Heitan: "Then do your homework."

At that time, Li Heitan wanted to slap himself. Why didn't he sleep well? Is it uncomfortable to sleep?

"Negative emotion value from Li Heitan, +666!"

"From ..."

Lv Shu is now distressed about the negative emotional value of changing the pulp washing fruit. The desire for negative emotional value is like his obsession with money.

And he also needs Wu Weijun to quickly integrate into this world, and has a clear understanding of this world, so he also invited students in the practice school to be an intern teacher. These are the things he negotiated with Nie Ting. Many of them knew people Lu Shu, such as Bai Nuo, who had met in the practice of college comparison, Lu Shu remembered that there were quite a lot of fans at that time.

It's just that those who are tuned to be teachers in Tianluodi Net are a little puzzled, why Lu Tianluo must emphasize not teaching ancient poetry ... and must also assign homework ...

In the process of the Wuwei Army's integration into this world, the two ideologies will inevitably collide.

While learning about the human environment during the class, Zhang Weiyu was curious: "Is there really no slave in this world?"

Bai Nuo thought for a while and said: "It is not accurate to say that there are still some small slave countries in remote areas, but that is only a very small part. We are promoting equality for all."

Most people in the Wuwei Army have been slaves and have been regarded as wandering children, so when Binuo painted a picture of equality for everyone, everyone had a longing.

However, Bai Nuo also explained: "There is still a certain distance to achieve true equality for everyone, but in a high probability, at least there will not be the oppressive relationship between slave owners and slaves."

As for why promoting equality for everyone has not yet been achieved, this is a social issue and no society can avoid it.

The Wu Weijun feels so fresh during class during the day ~ ~ Everything is new, so tempting.

This new world seems very interesting.

But at night, everyone started to collapse, and there was such a thing as self-study at night!

And it ’s nice to have classes during the day, but there are seven classes a day and seven homework at night!

This has a great impact on the Wu Weijun. The most intuitive thing is that the original No. 1 canteen prepared 3,000 people for the Wuwei Jun to serve 30,000 meals in order not to starve them.

As a result, the chef discovered at night that the armed guards were listless as if they were languishing. Five thousand talents ate 10,000 servings. This is not like the normal level of the armed guards!

When Lu Shu went to the Wuweijun station the next morning, he heard Li Heitan rushing towards himself as soon as he walked in. Lu Shu froze for a moment: "What are you doing?"

Li Heitan said anxiously: "King, Hei Yujun came to our base to steal something, but no one caught it!"

"Black Feather Army?" Lu Shu apparently did not expect such a come out. He knew that there must be sporadic black feather army in the mountains. Now is also searching to prevent them from harming the people, but he did not expect this black feather army. The soldier was so brave that he dared to go back to the Longmen Fortress to steal something? How did you come in?

Lu Shu wondered: "What did they steal?"

Li Heitan mourned with tears: "They stole my homework!"

Lu Shu's face was black at the time: "Go!"


Suddenly I got a fever today and my mental state is not very good. Let me write slowly. Sorry, there will be a third one before dawn. Do n’t wait any longer

A new book "My Uncle was Reborn" entrusted by a friend: The old driver returned from being born again. He was carrying a little loli niece with him at eighteen.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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