Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1091: Bait and fish

The worrying case of the slave owner in Kuncheng was finally resolved. It seems that the other party is also more afraid of the existence of the celestial net, so there are more slave owners overseas and fewer in the mainland.

Think about it, it should be. If the other party is really doing things while Duan Muhuang Qi is attacking the Longmen Fortress, then he should know the strength of Come.

The speed of the settlement of the slave case in Kuncheng City made everyone very happy. itself is responsible for the guardianship. It is really unbearable for someone to make trouble with moths on their own site.

It's just that everyone feels weird when reporting the incident. How did they show each other in the bathhouse ... Who did it appear when they went to take a bath?

It ’s also a coincidence. After the slave owner came to the earth, the fish and dragon mixed in the bathhouse is suitable for hiding, and he thinks that taking a bath here is really more convenient than Lu Zhou ...

This is the same as Lu Shu's selling soaps in Lu Zhou, which is not used to feeling dirty, but can't stand the days of being dirty for a while.

Then the little murderer Xu Fang's mouse happened to be a slave reporting to him about his recent birth. Although there was no mark on the slave owner, it was very problematic for the slave to whisper to someone.

However, what is surprising is that after Luodiwang surrounded the bathhouse that day, the slave owner instantly chose to commit suicide by poisoning, and did not even do any resistance.

Now I don't even know what the strength of this slave owner is. I can judge if the opponent should be below the a level, otherwise it is still very easy to have flight ability and want to escape.

Of course, this is just the ease in theory. In fact, Ning Ting has always been in Kuncheng, but no one thought that the other party was so decisive and had poison in his mouth.

Everyone was thinking before, maybe these people from Lu Zhou were just unorganized, and they wanted to take in some slaves temporarily?

But now it has become clear that these people are dead men, and they will commit suicide as soon as things are revealed, and there must be extremely terrifying people behind them.

Anyway, at least Tian Luo Di Wang has now found a way to target them ... Xiao Xiu Xu!

At this time, Lu Shu and they had received new news. Someone tried to control Shenji by forcibly collecting Sakurai Yayoko as a slave, but failed.

This thing can be big or small, so it ’s because it does n’t seem to have anything to do with Tian Luo Di Wang. The so-called thing has nothing to do with it. Shenji was originally hostile to Tian Luo Di Wang. Like the practitioners on the island.

But when I think about it so far, Tian Luo Di has not received any news that the slave owner has worked on the leader of which organization, and the other party has so clearly found the **** set. In the eyes of Nie Ting and Zhong Yu Tang, this is clearly to further The forces spread to the side of Tian Luo Di Wang.

Looking at each other's main active areas now in Southeast Asia, North America, and island countries, this is a big problem. In North America, it is okay to say that they came from North America after all.

But what about Southeast Asia and the island countries? Isn't this the closest place to Tian Luo Di?

Zhong Yutang wondered: "Now the north is also a time when its strength is empty, why didn't they do anything against the north?"

You know that after the World War I, the Russian Cardinals were almost destroyed. If there are outsiders who want to join the Lord, now is the time.

Lu Shu thought about it and said, "Maybe it's too cold ..."

Originally, Lu Shu was just perfunctory, but as a result, Zhong Yutang still quite agrees.

"The opponent's shot was an a-level. This is very certain, but it is quite unexpected that Sakurai Yaiko also quietly promoted to a-level. Maybe the other party did not expect this, so it is miscalculated, but I think if it is really a rush If you come from, you will not be willing to give up, "Zhong Yutang analyzed.

"Will it increase the manpower to deal with Shenji?" Lu Shu asked.

Originally he took a trip to smooth out the future, but now he came out with some moths.

Speaking of which, his relationship with Yayoi Sakurai is not bad. I originally thought that everyone will not have any intersection in this life. Even if it did n’t happen recently, Lu Shu almost forgot the man wearing cherry blossoms in the island country. Girl in kimono.

The president of the Kendo Society, high school students, gods and goddesses, and leaders of the conservative group of gods, sometimes these identities are a bit vague in Lu Shu.

In his impression, the young girl seemed to be standing in the dark, wearing a cherry blossom kimono, sitting quietly in the martial arts hall of the Tongyuan family to watch him practice his sword.

At that time, the other party no longer has other identities, just a friend who met him, but also had a special kind of warmth.

Lu Shu didn't know that until now Yayoko Sakurai's exquisite wallet still contains the salary he gave to the other party.

In fact, Sakurai Yayoko's current status, long ago no longer need to bring his own wallet.

The people of Shenji no longer need to use money to solve problems wherever they go, and identity is everything.

Zhong Yutang contacted overseas and said to Lu Shu: "I let them pay attention to the situation in other areas ~ ~ and then we make other decisions."

Lu Shu wondered: "Who is responsible overseas now?"

"You Mingyu," Zhong Yutang said.

"Oh, then he is not afraid of the mark of the slave ..." Lv Shu thought for a while, and he still remembers the way when You Mingyu was hung in the wind at the door of the house, when Youmingyu was hung on it. Enjoy.

Zhong Yutang: "... first of all, the information has been fed back. Since yesterday, slaves in Southeast Asia seem to have slowed down their plans for a while, and they have disappeared."

Lu Shu thought about it and said, "Is it because it is necessary to concentrate the firepower on the Shenji side, so the slave owners on the other side of Southeast Asia also rushed to the Shenji, causing them to have to be low-key elsewhere?"

"I think so too," Zhong Yutang said: "So we must have a response. Now the **** set managed by Sakurai Yayoko is very friendly to us. It is not a conservative slowdown, but it really has no expansion. Desire, so if we want our neighbors to be quieter, we have to help God gather this hurdle. And now Yayoi Sakurai is like a bait, just right for us to catch big fish. "

Lu Shu looked at Zhong Yutang calmly: "You told me so much, don't you just want me to go?"

Zhong Yutang said: "I will arrange a group of twelve people to go with you. If possible, we will notify Shenji to cooperate with us. I believe they are willing to ..."

Lu Shu interrupted: "I am enough to deal with some sneaky people who dare to hide in the dark."

At this time, Zhong Yutang suddenly felt that the teenager in front of him had a very strong self-confidence. This is the ninth Tian Luo of Tian Luo Di Wang ...


There's one more thing later, I'm afraid it's going to be dawn ...

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